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Vision/Mission statement:
The aim of the Nordic Earth System Modeling Hub to build a Nordic ESM community within the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Norway) for sharing knowledge, codes (climate models, Galaxy climate data analysis and visualization tools), training tutorials so that our contributions to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project can be easily exploited/reused within the Nordic countries and beyond, and by other communities.
- Students, PhDs, postdocs, researchers often have to re-invent the wheel and waste lots of time to find out where to find NorESM climate data, which model configurations are supported to run, how to visualize data over the Nordics i.e. which projection to use, etc.
- The number of inhabitants in each Nordic country is little (12 millions in Sweden, about 6 millions in Finland and Norway but 300 000 inhabitants in Iceland) so it is often difficult to find specialists working on similar problems within your own University and country.
- provide the Nordic ESM community with up to date information (i.e. documentation that can be easily updated by contributors)
- connect students, PhDs, postdocs and researchers by providing a knowledge map, listing skills and competences.
- make the Nordic contributions more visible and favor new collaborations.
The founder of the NordicESMHub is [Anne][link_AnneFouilloux].
We have high ethical standards, including:
- Education: Help educate the public about science and biotechnology, their benefits and implications
- Transparency: Emphasize transparency and the sharing of ideas, knowledge, data, protocols and results.
- Open science: Promote open science and decentralized access to science.
- Modesty Know you don't know everything.
- Community: Carefully listen to any concerns and questions and respond honestly
- Respect: Respect humans and all living systems.
- Responsibility: Recognize the complexity and dynamics of living systems and our responsibility towards them.
You! In whatever way you can help.
We need expertise in fundraising, science, education, communication, interaction with the public.
If you think you can help or are willing to contribute then please check out our contributors' guidelines and our roadmap.
Please note that it's very important to us that we maintain a positive and supportive environment for everyone who wants to participate. When you join us we ask that you follow our [code of conduct]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/blob/master/ in all interactions both on and offline.
You are very welcomed and invited to join the community and participate in the upcoming events. You can simply contact us at [{{|replace:'@','[at]' }}](mailto:{{ }}) or chat with us on [Zulip]({{ site.zulip }})