- Command Syntax Examples:
gpg –list-keys
- this gives you a list of all the keys on your computer. ...
gpg –edit-key [keyname]
gpg> list
- lists the available subkeys.
'''gpg> key [subkey]```
- choose the number of the subkey you want to edit; e.g. key 1.
gpg> expire
- expire lets you set a new experation date for the subkey.
gpg> save
Ensure that the uid for the signging key is valid for the source
gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint <KEYS file>
Retrieve the public key
gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key <public key
- Example:
gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key DE885DD3
- Example:
Import the key
gpg --import <KEYS file>
gpg --verify <installation file.asc> <installation file>
The crucial step to validation is to confirm the key fingerprint of the public key:
gpg --fingerprint <public key>
- Example:
gpg --fingerprint DE885DD3
- Example: