diff --git a/adapters/klab.adapter.copernicus/src/main/java/org/integratedmodelling/adapter/copernicus/datacubes/CopernicusCDSDatacube.java b/adapters/klab.adapter.copernicus/src/main/java/org/integratedmodelling/adapter/copernicus/datacubes/CopernicusCDSDatacube.java
index daa041885..897ebf791 100644
--- a/adapters/klab.adapter.copernicus/src/main/java/org/integratedmodelling/adapter/copernicus/datacubes/CopernicusCDSDatacube.java
+++ b/adapters/klab.adapter.copernicus/src/main/java/org/integratedmodelling/adapter/copernicus/datacubes/CopernicusCDSDatacube.java
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
import kong.unirest.HttpResponse;
import kong.unirest.JsonNode;
import kong.unirest.Unirest;
+import kong.unirest.json.JSONException;
+import kong.unirest.json.JSONObject;
import ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset;
@@ -35,266 +37,297 @@
public abstract class CopernicusCDSDatacube extends ChunkedDatacubeRepository {
- private String dataset;
- private String apiKey;
- private String user;
- public static final String CDS_USER_NUMBER_PROPERTY = "klab.copernicus.cds.user";
- public static final String CDS_API_KEY_PROPERTY = "klab.copernicus.cds.apikey";
- public static final String CDS_API_VERSION = "1_1";
- public static final String CDS_API_FORMAT = "zip";
- private int TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30;
- private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*(_[0-9]{8}_).*");
- /*
- * tabulate and shut up
- */
- String[][] monts = { { "01", "02", "03" }, { "04", "05", "06" }, { "07", "08", "09" }, { "10", "11", "12" } };
- /**
- * These don't have to be right for the months
- */
- String[] days = { "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16",
- "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31" };
- public CopernicusCDSDatacube(String dataset, ITimeInstant dataStart, double noDataValue) {
- super(Time.resolution(1, Type.DAY), Time.resolution(3, Type.MONTH), dataStart,
- Configuration.INSTANCE.getDataPath("copernicus/" + dataset), noDataValue);
- this.dataset = dataset;
- this.user = Configuration.INSTANCE.getProperties().getProperty(CDS_USER_NUMBER_PROPERTY);
- this.apiKey = Configuration.INSTANCE.getProperties().getProperty(CDS_API_KEY_PROPERTY);
- if (this.apiKey == null || this.user == null) {
- setOnline(false, "Copernicus CDS datacube: no CDS credentials provided in configuration");
- } else {
- setOnline(true, null);
- }
- }
- protected Geoserver initializeGeoserver() {
- return Geoserver.create();
- }
- /**
- * Put the necessary informations in the map that will be sent as json in the
- * CDS API request based on the variable string in the URN. At a minimum it
- * should contain the "variable" field so that the CDS API for this dataset will
- * recognize it, but it could also encode statistical variants, time points and
- * other selectors.
- *
- * This is called after setting year, months and day fields for the passed
- * chunk. For now these are fixed for 3-month chunks of daily data, changing
- * them will need more configuration.
- *
- * @param variable
- * @param payload
- */
- protected abstract void configureRequest(String variable, Map payload);
- @Override
- protected boolean downloadChunk(int chunk, String variable, File destinationDirectory) {
- Map body = new HashMap<>();
- boolean ret = false;
- ITimeInstant date = getChunkStart(chunk);
- /*
- * check if it was downloaded and not processed, or added by hand. If we have
- * the expected number of files, all with the expected tick number, we have them
- * and we can return true.
- */
- boolean partial = false;
- boolean present = true;
- for (int tick : getChunkTicks(chunk)) {
- File tickFile = new File(destinationDirectory + File.separator
- + getOriginalDataFilename(variable, tick, destinationDirectory));
- if (tickFile.exists()) {
- partial = true;
- } else {
- present = false;
- }
- }
- if (present) {
- return true;
- }
- if (partial) {
- FileUtils.deleteQuietly(destinationDirectory);
- destinationDirectory.mkdirs();
- }
- body.put("year", "" + date.getYear());
- body.put("month", this.monts[(date.getMonth() - 1) / 3]);
- body.put("day", this.days);
- body.put("version", CDS_API_VERSION);
- body.put("format", CDS_API_FORMAT);
- configureRequest(variable, body);
- String jsonBody = JsonUtils.printAsJson(body);
- Logging.INSTANCE.info("requesting chunk " + chunk + " of " + variable + " to CDS API: " + jsonBody);
- HttpResponse response = Unirest.post(getEndpointUrl("resources/datasets/" + this.dataset))
- .basicAuth(user, apiKey).header("Accept", "application/json").body(jsonBody).asJson();
- if (response.isSuccess()) {
- System.out.println(response.getBody().getObject());
- if (response.getBody().getObject().has("state")) {
- int time = 0;
- int tryafter = 5;
- String url = null;
- while (time < TIMEOUT_SECONDS && !"completed".equals(response.getBody().getObject().get("state"))) {
- String requestId = response.getBody().getObject().has("request_id")
- ? response.getBody().getObject().getString("request_id")
- : null;
- if (requestId == null || response.getBody().getObject().has("error")) {
- break;
- }
- try {
- Thread.sleep(tryafter * 1000);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- break;
- }
- time += tryafter;
- /*
- * inquire about task
- */
- response = Unirest.get(getEndpointUrl("tasks/" + requestId)).basicAuth(user, apiKey).asJson();
- System.out.println(response.getBody().getObject());
- if (response.getBody().getObject().has("error")) {
- break;
- }
- // heed their fucking advice
- if (response.getHeaders().containsKey("Retry-After")) {
- tryafter = (int) Math.ceil(Double.parseDouble(response.getHeaders().get("Retry-After").get(0)));
- }
- }
- if (response.getBody().getObject().has("location")) {
- url = response.getBody().getObject().getString("location");
- if (url.endsWith(".zip")) {
- Logging.INSTANCE.info("chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " ready: downloading....");
- /*
- * Download the zip and unzip in chunk directory
- */
- try {
- URL uurl = new URL(url);
- File zipFile = File.createTempFile("agera", ".zip");
- URLUtils.copyChanneled(uurl, zipFile);
- ZipUtils.unzip(zipFile, destinationDirectory);
- FileUtils.deleteQuietly(zipFile);
- ret = true;
- Logging.INSTANCE.info("download of chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " successful");
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Download of CDS chunk " + variable + "/" + chunk
- + " threw exception: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Retrieval of CDS chunk " + variable + "/" + chunk + " threw exception: "
- + response.getBody().getObject().get("message"));
- }
- } else {
- Logging.INSTANCE.error("API request to CDS service returned error " + response.getStatusText());
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public String getEndpointUrl(String request) {
- return "https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2/" + request;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean processChunk(int chunk, String variable, File destinationDirectory) {
- String[] fields = variable.split("\\.");
- String cdsname = fields[0];
- String nativeName = null;
+ private String dataset;
+ private String apiKey;
+ public static final String CDS_API_KEY_PROPERTY = "klab.copernicus.cds.apikey";
+ public static final String CDS_API_URL = "klab.copernicus.cds.url";
+ public static final String CDS_API_VERSION = "1_1";
+ public static final String CDS_API_FORMAT = "zip";
+ public static final String CDS_API_KEY_HEADER = "PRIVATE-TOKEN";
+ private int TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30;
+ private static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*(_[0-9]{8}_).*");
+ /*
+ * tabulate and shut up
+ */
+ String[][] monts = {{"01", "02", "03"}, {"04", "05", "06"}, {"07", "08", "09"}, {"10", "11", "12"}};
+ /**
+ * These don't have to be right for the months
+ */
+ String[] days = {"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18",
+ "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31"};
+ public CopernicusCDSDatacube(String dataset, ITimeInstant dataStart, double noDataValue) {
+ super(Time.resolution(1, Type.DAY), Time.resolution(3, Type.MONTH), dataStart,
+ Configuration.INSTANCE.getDataPath("copernicus/" + dataset), noDataValue);
+ this.dataset = dataset;
+ this.apiKey = Configuration.INSTANCE.getProperties().getProperty(CDS_API_KEY_PROPERTY);
+ if (this.apiKey == null) {
+ setOnline(false, "Copernicus CDS datacube: no CDS credentials provided in configuration");
+ } else {
+ setOnline(true, null);
+ }
+ }
+ protected Geoserver initializeGeoserver() {
+ return Geoserver.create();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Put the necessary informations in the map that will be sent as json in the
+ * CDS API request based on the variable string in the URN. At a minimum it
+ * should contain the "variable" field so that the CDS API for this dataset will
+ * recognize it, but it could also encode statistical variants, time points and
+ * other selectors.
+ *
+ * This is called after setting year, months and day fields for the passed
+ * chunk. For now these are fixed for 3-month chunks of daily data, changing
+ * them will need more configuration.
+ *
+ * @param variable
+ * @param payload
+ */
+ protected abstract void configureRequest(String variable, Map payload);
+ @Override
+ protected boolean downloadChunk(int chunk, String variable, File destinationDirectory) {
+ Map bodyWrapper = new HashMap<>();
+ Map body = new HashMap<>();
+ boolean ret = false;
+ ITimeInstant date = getChunkStart(chunk);
+ /*
+ * check if it was downloaded and not processed, or added by hand. If we have
+ * the expected number of files, all with the expected tick number, we have them
+ * and we can return true.
+ */
+ boolean partial = false;
+ boolean present = true;
+ for(int tick : getChunkTicks(chunk)) {
+ File tickFile = new File(
+ destinationDirectory + File.separator + getOriginalDataFilename(variable, tick, destinationDirectory));
+ if (tickFile.exists()) {
+ partial = true;
+ } else {
+ present = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (present) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (partial) {
+ FileUtils.deleteQuietly(destinationDirectory);
+ destinationDirectory.mkdirs();
+ }
+ body.put("year", "" + date.getYear());
+ body.put("month", this.monts[(date.getMonth() - 1) / 3]);
+ body.put("day", this.days);
+ body.put("version", CDS_API_VERSION);
+ configureRequest(variable, body);
+ bodyWrapper.put("inputs", body);
+ String jsonBody = JsonUtils.printAsJson(bodyWrapper);
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("requesting chunk " + chunk + " of " + variable + " to CDS API");
+ // retrieve the job id
+ String endpoint = getEndpointUrl("/processes/" + this.dataset + "/execute");
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("Ask for job id: " + endpoint + "\n" + jsonBody);
+ HttpResponse response = Unirest.post(endpoint).header(CDS_API_KEY_HEADER, apiKey)
+ .header("Content-Type", "application/json").header("Accept", "application/json").body(jsonBody).asJson();
+ if (response.isSuccess()) {
+ if (response.getBody().getObject().has("status") && "accepted".equals(response.getBody().getObject().get("status"))) {
+ // check the status of job
+ int time = 0;
+ int tryafter = 5;
+ String requestId = response.getBody().getObject().has("jobID")
+ ? response.getBody().getObject().getString("jobID")
+ : null;
+ if (requestId == null) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Retrieval of CDS chunk " + variable + "/" + chunk + " didn't return a job ID");
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn(response.getBody().toPrettyString());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ String status = null;
+ do {
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(tryafter * 1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += tryafter;
+ /*
+ * inquire about task
+ */
+ endpoint = getEndpointUrl("/jobs/" + requestId);
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("Ask for job status: " + endpoint);
+ response = Unirest.get(endpoint).header("PRIVATE-TOKEN", apiKey).header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ .header("Accept", "application/json").asJson();
+ if (response.isSuccess()) {
+ status = response.getBody().getObject().getString("status");
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("Status of retrieval of CDS chunk " + variable + "/" + chunk + ": " + status);
+ if ("failed".equals(status)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn(
+ "Ask for job status return an error " + response.getStatus() + ": " + response.getStatusText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (time < TIMEOUT_SECONDS && !"successful".equals(status) && !"failed".equals(status));
+ // retrieve the job results
+ endpoint = getEndpointUrl("/jobs/" + requestId + "/results");
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("Ask for job results: " + endpoint + " with key " + apiKey + "\n" + jsonBody);
+ response = Unirest.get(endpoint).header("PRIVATE-TOKEN", apiKey).header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ .header("Accept", "application/json").asJson();
+ if (response.isSuccess()) {
+ // retrieve the url
+ String href = null;
+ JSONObject rBody = response.getBody().getObject();
+ try {
+ href = rBody.getJSONObject("asset").getJSONObject("value").getString("href");
+ } catch (JSONException e) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("The result is not API compliant: " + response.getBody().toPrettyString());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (href.endsWith(".zip")) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " ready: downloading....");
+ /*
+ * Download the zip and unzip in chunk directory
+ */
+ try {
+ URL uurl = new URL(href);
+ File zipFile = File.createTempFile("agera", ".zip");
+ URLUtils.copyChanneled(uurl, zipFile);
+ ZipUtils.unzip(zipFile, destinationDirectory);
+ FileUtils.deleteQuietly(zipFile);
+ ret = true;
+ Logging.INSTANCE.info("download of chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " successful");
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn(
+ "Download of CDS chunk " + variable + "/" + chunk + " threw exception: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("The returned file is not .zip" + href);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logging.INSTANCE
+ .warn("The job results return an error " + response.getStatus() + ": " + response.getStatusText());
+ if (response.getBody().getObject().has("status")) {
+ StringBuffer details = new StringBuffer().append("Details:\n")
+ .append(response.getBody().getObject().getString("status"));
+ if (response.getBody().getObject().has("traceback")) {
+ details.append("\nTraceback: ").append(response.getBody().getObject().getString("traceback"));
+ }
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn(details.toString());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logging.INSTANCE
+ .error("API request made to CDS Service didn't get accepted: " + response.getBody().toPrettyString());
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Logging.INSTANCE
+ .error("API request to CDS service returned error " + response.getStatus() + ": " + response.getStatusText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public String getEndpointUrl(String request) {
+ return CDS_API_URL + request;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected boolean processChunk(int chunk, String variable, File destinationDirectory) {
+ String[] fields = variable.split("\\.");
+ String cdsname = fields[0];
+ String nativeName = null;
Logging.INSTANCE.info("chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " being ingested in local Geoserver");
- for (File f : destinationDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
- @Override
- public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
- return name.endsWith(".nc");
- }
- })) {
- /*
- * parse the file name and get year, month and day
- */
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(MiscUtilities.getFileBaseName(f));
- if (!matcher.matches()) {
- Logging.INSTANCE.warn("CDS file does not match naming pattern: ignoring " + f);
- continue;
- }
- // layer naming logic is repeated in #getDataLayer()
- String daySignature = matcher.group(1).substring(1, 9);
- String layerId = cdsname + "_" + daySignature;
- if (nativeName == null) {
- try (GridDataset dataset = GridDataset.open(f.toString())) {
- nativeName = dataset.getGrids().get(0).getName();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Can't open CDS file : " + f);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (!geoserver.createCoverageLayer(dataset, layerId, f, nativeName)) {
- Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Geoserver ingestion of " + f + " returned a failure code");
- return false;
- }
- }
+ for(File f : destinationDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter(){
+ @Override
+ public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
+ return name.endsWith(".nc");
+ }
+ })) {
+ /*
+ * parse the file name and get year, month and day
+ */
+ Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(MiscUtilities.getFileBaseName(f));
+ if (!matcher.matches()) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("CDS file does not match naming pattern: ignoring " + f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // layer naming logic is repeated in #getDataLayer()
+ String daySignature = matcher.group(1).substring(1, 9);
+ String layerId = cdsname + "_" + daySignature;
+ if (nativeName == null) {
+ try (GridDataset dataset = GridDataset.open(f.toString())) {
+ nativeName = dataset.getGrids().get(0).getName();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Can't open CDS file : " + f);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!geoserver.createCoverageLayer(dataset, layerId, f, nativeName)) {
+ Logging.INSTANCE.warn("Geoserver ingestion of " + f + " returned a failure code");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
Logging.INSTANCE.info("Geoserver ingestion of chunk " + chunk + " data for " + variable + " terminated successfully");
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDataLayer(String variable, int tick) {
- String[] fields = variable.split("\\.");
- String cdsname = fields[0];
- String file = getOriginalFile(variable, tick);
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(MiscUtilities.getFileBaseName(file));
- if (matcher.matches()) {
- String daySignature = matcher.group(1).substring(1, 9);
- return cdsname + "_" + daySignature;
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected Geoserver getGeoserver() {
- return geoserver;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return dataset;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDataLayer(String variable, int tick) {
+ String[] fields = variable.split("\\.");
+ String cdsname = fields[0];
+ String file = getOriginalFile(variable, tick);
+ Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(MiscUtilities.getFileBaseName(file));
+ if (matcher.matches()) {
+ String daySignature = matcher.group(1).substring(1, 9);
+ return cdsname + "_" + daySignature;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected Geoserver getGeoserver() {
+ return geoserver;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ return dataset;
+ }