- fix NLopt compatibility
- add method
- update gradient-based interface,
options - support of
as explicit functions - update NLopt
- support of scales in
- use
as a synonym of:direct
- julia 1.7 compatibility
- progress info
argument inget_right_endpoint
method forEndpoint
- add support of :FAILURE return code
- supporting gradient methods of fitting: :LD_MMA :LD_SLSQP :LD_CCSAQ
- add
methods forscan_func::Function
to calculate Confidence Bands (CB) - Multiple auto-test updates
- Migration from Travis to GH Actions
- NLOpt update to v0.6
- minor compatibility and CI/CD updates
- box constraints in CICO
- move Jupiter notebook to another repos insysbio/likelihoodprofiler-cases
- update docs and readme
- add case: PK model with saturation
- handling errors in loss function
- fix bug in constraint for :CICO
- repository structure: add manifest file
- add new tests
- documentation updates
- added tests for plot and adapted grid
- precompilation added
- multiple bug fixes
- code refactoring
- plot parameter profiles
- :ONE_PATH method for estimation of confidence intervals. Based on CICO approach, see documentation
- :D2D_PLE method for estimation of confidence intervals. Uses rewritten derivation free method from d2d
- optional transformation to :log space for particular parameters for :ONE_PATH method unit tests for test cases series
- params_plot function for preparation smooth curve based on modified adapted_grid from https://github.com/JuliaPlots/PlotUtils.jl