All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.27.0 (2024-02-02)
- core: tokenTransferInspector now takes an extra parameter AssetProvider
- txSummaryInspector now takes an extra parameter AssetProvider
- tokenTransferInspector now return AssetInfo rather than AssettId
- txSummaryInspector now return AssetInfo rather than AssettId
- core: tokenTransferInspector and txSummaryInspector now return AssetInfo rather than AssettId (219623f)
0.26.0 (2024-02-02)
was renamed tolastStakeKeyCertOfType
and returns the certificate or undefined.
- store stake reg deposit in reward acct info (d48e349)
- use new deposit field when building dereg cert (659f4f0)
0.25.0 (2024-01-31)
- typo stakeKeyCertficates renamed to stakeKeyCertificates
- core: add drep in implicit coin calculation (903fa1c)
- use new conway certs in stake and delegation scenarios (3a59317)
0.24.0 (2024-01-25)
- txInxpectors are now asynchronous
- TotalAddressInputsValueInspector now takes an InputResolver instead of historical Txs
- core: added fromCredential and toNetworkId util functions to the RewardAccount type (a515431)
- core: added new inspectors to compute transaction summary and asset transfer (2007534)
- txInxpectors are now asynchronous (dc6e2ea)
- core: fromMetadatum now uses asset_name as utf8 when name field is missing (0bc80cb)
- core: subtractTokenMaps now properly subtract when there is an asset missing in one map (03e84bb)
- core: withdrawals canonical sorting by address bytes (5bf0f9c)
0.23.1 (2023-12-20)
- core: take care of skipped eras in era summaries (6fefbb1)
0.23.0 (2023-12-14)
- core: remove duplicate RegisterCcHotKey and RetireCc certificates
- include minted assets in cip67 mapper to ensure minted assets can be collected in withHandles mapper (8e1b834)
- update Handle entity and HandleStore to save parent handles (3fa3920)
- core: remove duplicate committee certificates (20cfc0d)
0.22.2 (2023-12-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/core
0.22.1 (2023-12-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/core
0.22.0 (2023-11-29)
- stake registration and deregistration certificates now take a Credential instead of key hash
- core: remove unused type EpochSlots
- core: deprecate QueryStakePoolsArgs.apyEpochsBackLimit
- deprecate StakePoolMetrics.apy
- deprecate and make optional StakePoolMetrics.epoch
- deprecate and make optional StakePoolMetrics.memberROI
- core: add era summary to epoch slots calc return value (44f2216)
- core: update serialization for resign committee cold certificate (1ecd4a3)
- stake registration and deregistration certificates now take a Credential instead of key hash (49612f0)
- core: fix invalid serialization of stakeVoteDelegation certificate (cebf485)
- core: script hash credentials are now encoded correctly when converted to addresses (af8743b)
- core: update length argument errors for certificate serialization (866d81c)
- core: prepare the types for typeorm stake pool provider with ros interface (ff2d9ca)
0.21.0 (2023-10-09)
- remove NetworkMagics.Testnet and ChainIds.LegacyTestnet
- core package no longer exports the CML types
- remove NetworkMagics.Testnet and ChainIds.LegacyTestnet (190dba5)
0.20.1 (2023-09-29)
- core: upgraded serialization classes to support conway era fields (50eed71)
0.20.0 (2023-09-20)
- delegation distribution portfolio is now persisted on chain and taken into account during change distribution
- core: rename HandleResolution default props to credential
- remove the CML serialization code from core package
- remove AssetInfo.history and AssetInfo.mintOrBurnCount
- renamed field handle to handleResolutions
- hoist metadatumToCip25 to NftMetadata.fromMetadatum
- incompatible with previous revisions of cardano-services
- rename utxo and transactions PouchDB stores
- update type of Tx.witness.redeemers
- update type of Tx.witness.datums
- update type of TxOut.datum
- remove Cardano.Datum type
fix(cardano-services): correct chain history openApi endpoints path url to match version
- add support for signing data with a DRepID in CIP-95 API (3057cce)
- added witness set serialization classes (132599d)
- core: add AssetName.toUTF8 util (5f13b4f)
- core: add hexToBytes, utf8ToBytes, utf8ToHex utils (d3da1a6)
- core: add NftMetadata.fromPlutusData mapping from cip68 datum (64b263b)
- core: added custom PlutusData serialization classes (72e600c)
- core: added native functions to convert between json and metadatum (b0ba261)
- core: added serialization classes for tx auxiliary data (4b49e57)
- core: added transaction body serialization classes (9451a05)
- core: added update field to the transaction body core type (2e9c439)
- core: export tryConvertPlutusMapToUtf8Record from Cardano.util (645db52)
- core: plutus data map now uses deep equality when being indexed by key (c34076c)
- core: replaced CML TransactionBody serialization class with out own typescript native version (0dfaeb7)
- delegation distribution portfolio is now persisted on chain and taken into account during change distribution (7573938)
- remove the CML serialization code from core package (62f4252)
- update core types with deserialized PlutusData (d8cc93b)
- core: bytes field on core plutus script type now contains the compiled bytes instead of cbor (15a6ba6)
- core: do not log a warning when nft metadata files are missing (b79419b)
- core: fix circular dependency on cip67 module (67f6892)
- core: return consistent bytes type in Serialization (9331d01)
- core: rename HandleResolution default props to credential (877279f)
- hoist metadatumToCip25 to NftMetadata.fromMetadatum (c36d7ef)
- remove AssetInfo.history and AssetInfo.mintOrBurnCount (4c0a7ee)
- renamed field handle to handleResolutions (8b3296e)
0.19.1 (2023-09-12)
- core: add separate withdrawals to implicit coin (d5dae5f)
0.19.0 (2023-08-29)
- added protocol parameters and updated cost model core type to match CDDL specification
- added protocol parameters and updated cost model core type to match CDDL specification (6576eb9)
- core: added protocol parameters update serialization classes (6440ac3)
- core: cbor reader now properly deseriializes arrays of unsigned 64bit ints (d666f4e)
0.18.0 (2023-08-21)
- update Transaction.fromTxCbor arg type to TxCBOR
- update Transaction.fromTxCbor arg type to TxCBOR (89dcfde)
0.17.0 (2023-08-15)
- add HandleProvider.getPolicyIds and utilize it in PersonalWallet also, handles$ resolvedAt is now only set via hydration (provider)
- updated MIR certificate interface to match the CDDL specification
- add a buffer after reading blocks from ogmios (0095c80)
- add HandleProvider.getPolicyIds and utilize it in PersonalWallet also, handles$ resolvedAt is now only set via hydration (provider) (af6a8d0)
- core: add buffer chain sync event operator (a35555f)
- core: added certificate serialization classes (c368845)
- updated MIR certificate interface to match the CDDL specification (03d5079)
0.16.0 (2023-08-11)
- EpochRewards renamed to Reward
- The pool the stake address was delegated to when the reward is earned is now included in the EpochRewards (Will be null for payments from the treasury or the reserves)
- Reward no longer coalesce rewards from the same epoch
- rename AddressEntity.stakingCredentialHash -> stakeCredentialHash
- rename BaseAddress.getStakingCredential -> getStakeCredential
- the serialization classes in Core package are now exported under the alias Serialization
- core: added plutus and native scripts serialization classes (4ee0329)
- epoch rewards now includes the pool id of the pool that generated the reward (96fd72b)
- util-dev: add cip19TestVectors (0d3dc02)
- rename/replace occurences of 'staking' with 'stake' where appropriate (05fc4c4)
- the serialization classes in Core package are now exported under the alias Serialization (06f78bb)
0.15.4 (2023-07-31)
- core: add addressesShareAnyKey util (8bcfcb0)
- core: use correct address type when building EnterpriseScript from credential (9b647b7)
0.15.3 (2023-07-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/core
0.15.2 (2023-06-29)
- core: add util to get asset name content as text from cip 67 encoded and plain asset names (8f0facd)
- fix handle api response property names (2ecc994)
0.15.1 (2023-06-28)
- adds cardanoAddress type in HandleResolution interface (2ee31c9)
- implement verification and presubmission checks on handles in OgmiosTxProvider (0f18042)
0.15.0 (2023-06-23)
- TxBuilderProviders.rewardAccounts expects RewardAccountWithPoolId type, instead of Omit<RewardAccount, 'delegatee'>
- txBuilder delegatePortfolio (ec0860e)
- core: updated providerUtil (106c1f9)
0.14.1 (2023-06-20)
- cip 67 utils (f0dd945)
- new pool delegation and stake registration factory methods added to core package (82d95af)
0.14.0 (2023-06-12)
- SignedTx.ctx now renamed to context
- add context to txSubmit (57589ec)
0.13.0 (2023-06-05)
- hoist Cardano.Percent to util package
- make stake pool metrics an optional property to handle activating pools
- rename
stake pool search arg toapyEpochsBackLimit
- rename
- remove
and typeStakePoolEpochRewards
- remove
- remove
and typeStakePoolTransactions
- hoist Cardano.Percent to util package (e4da0e3)
- make stake pool metrics an optional property to handle activating pools (d33bd07)
- remove unusable fields from StakePool core type (a7aa17f)
- rename rewardsHistoryLimit (05ccdc6)
0.12.2 (2023-06-01)
- add HandleProvider interface and handle support implementation to TxBuilder (f209095)
0.12.1 (2023-05-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/core
0.12.0 (2023-05-22)
- hoist createTransactionInternals to tx-construction
- hoist outputValidator to tx-construction
- hoist txBuilder types to tx-construction
- rename ObservableWalletTxOutputBuilder to TxOutputBuilder
- move Delegatee, StakeKeyStatus and RewardAccount types from wallet to tx-construction
- removed PrepareTx, createTxPreparer and PrepareTxDependencies
- OutputValidatorContext was renamed to WalletOutputValidatorContext
- added two new utility functions to extract policy id and asset name from asset id (b4af015)
- core: added the function PoolId.toKeyHash to extract the hash from a bech32 encoded pool id (004e5a6)
- util-dev: add stubProviders (6d5d99c)
- move tx build utils from wallet to tx-construction (48072ce)
0.11.0 (2023-05-02)
- auxiliaryDataHash is now included in the TxBody core type.
- networkId is now included in the TxBody core type.
- auxiliaryData no longer contains the optional hash field.
- auxiliaryData no longer contains the optional body field.
- core: - NFT metadata image is type 'Uri'
- NFT metadata description is type 'string'
- NFT metadata file src is type 'Uri'
- NFT metadata file name is optional
- rename AssetInfo 'quantity' to 'supply'
has new mandatory propertyassetId
constructor requires newDbSyncAssetProviderProp
object as first positional argumentcreateAssetsService
accepts an array of assetIds instead of a single assetId
- stack property of returned errors was removed
- core: - parseAssetId was moved from util.assetId.ts to coreToCml.ts
- createAssetId was moved from util.assetId.ts to cmlToCore.ts
- add CORS headers config in provider server (25010cf)
- add healthCheck$ to ObservableCardanoNode (df35035)
- added new Transaction class that can convert between CBOR and the Core Tx type (cc9a80c)
- cardano-services: metadata fetching logic (3647598)
- core: add createEpochSlotsCalc that computes 1st and last slot # of the epoch (266b951)
- core: add optional 'reason' property to HealthCheckResponse (985448c)
- core: replaced borc library with a native typescript implementation of the CBOR format (39b6ceb)
- support assets fetching by ids (8ed208a)
- transaction body core type now includes the auxiliaryDataHash and networkId fields (8b92b01)
- circular deps check in CI (070f5e9)
- core: correct cmlToCore.utxo return type (tuple) (495a22e)
- core: invalid NFT model and CIP-25 validation (0d9b77a)
- core: nft metadata files src in base64 (b7811c7)
- core: nft metadata images in base64 encoding format (27876ed)
- tx metadata memory leak (a5dc8ec)
- core: move parseAssetId and createAssetId from util.assetId to coreToCml and cmlToCore (d649e02)
- rename AssetInfo 'quantity' to 'supply' (6e28df4)
- the TxSubmit endpoint no longer adds the stack trace when returning domain errors (f018f30)
0.10.0 (2023-03-13)
- upgrade resolveInputAddress to resolveInput
- added optional isValid field to Transaction object
- add new Address types that implement CIP-19 natively
- core type for address string reprensetation 'Address' renamed to PaymentAddress
- add inputSource in transactions (7ed99d5)
- add new Address types that implement CIP-19 natively (a892176)
- added optional isValid field to Transaction object (f722ae8)
- rewards history limit default (8c32be8)
- send phase2 validation failed transactions as failed$ (ef25825)
- upgrade resolveInputAddress to resolveInput (fcfa035)
- core type for address string reprensetation 'Address' renamed to PaymentAddress (4287463)
0.9.0 (2023-03-01)
- add ChainSyncRollBackward.point
- core: add ObservableCardanoNode interface (56ec469)
- core: update @emurgo/cip14-js import style (33013c5)
- add ChainSyncRollBackward.point (4f61a6d)
0.8.0 (2023-02-17)
- reworks stake pool epoch rewards fields to be ledger compliant
- Bip32PublicKey removed from core and replaced by the Bip32PublicKeyHex type from the crypto package.
- Bip32PrivateKey removed from core and replaced by the Bip32PrivateKeyHex type from the crypto package.
- Ed25519PublicKey removed from core and replaced by the Ed25519PublicKeyHex type from the crypto package.
- Ed25519PrivateKey removed from core and replaced by the Ed25519PrivateKeyHex type from the crypto package.
- Ed25519KeyHash removed from core and replaced by the Ed25519KeyHashHex type from the the crypto package.
- Ed25519Signature removed from core and replaced by the Ed25519SignatureHex type from the crypto package.
- Hash32ByteBase16 removed from core and replaced by the Hash32ByteBase16 type from the crypto package.
- Hash28ByteBase16 removed from core and replaced by the Hash28ByteBase16 type from the crypto package.
- The KeyAgent interface now has a new field bip32Ed25519.
- The KeyAgentBase class and all its derived classes (InMemoryKeyAgent, LedgerKeyAgent and TrezorKeyAgent) must now be provided with a Bip32Ed25519 implementation on their constructors.
- Bip32Path type was removed from the key-management package and replaced by the Bip32Path from the crypto package.
- hoist Opaque types, hexBlob, Base64Blob and related utils
- CompactGenesis.slotLength type changed
- EraSummary.parameters.slotLength type changed from number to Milliseconds
- Types coming from time.ts should be imported directly
from core package instead of using the
namespace. - core: add ChainSyncEvent.requestNext
- all provider constructors are updated to use standardized form of deps
- core: add ChainSyncEvent.requestNext (484fced)
- core: add OpaqueString types for TxCBOR and TxBodyCBOR with some utility functions (f408baa)
- core: add support for '{policyId}.{assetName}' format when parsing AssetId (eb49a0a)
- core: adds support for cip-0025 version 2 (be21a75)
- update CompactGenesis slotLength type to be Seconds (82e63d6)
- update EraSummary slotLength type to be Milliseconds (fb1f1a2)
- core: omit NFT meta files with invalid format (ef783fb)
- fixes the computation of apy (6ea2474)
- unmemoize slot epoch calc in core package (2dc6af4)
- hoist Opaque types, hexBlob, Base64Blob and related utils (391a8f2)
- hoist time.ts out of Cardano namespace (666701c)
- refactor the SDK to use the new crypto package (3b41320)
- reworks stake pool epoch rewards fields to be ledger compliant (a9ff583)
- standardize provider dependencies (05b37e6)
0.7.0 (2022-12-22)
- Alonzo transaction outputs will now contain a datumHash field, carrying the datum hash digest. However, they will also contain a datum field with the exact same value for backward compatibility reason. In Babbage however, transaction outputs will carry either datum or datumHash depending on the case; and datum will only contain inline datums.
- replace KeyAgent.networkId with KeyAgent.chainId
- remove CardanoNetworkId type
- rename CardanoNetworkMagic->NetworkMagics
- add 'logger' to KeyAgentDependencies
- setupWallet now requires a Logger
- use titlecase for mainnet/testnet in NetworkId
- moved testnetEraSummaries to util-dev package
- rename
in core
- rename
- change the type from
- make
an optional field aligned with Ogmios schema
- make
- core: - rename
- BlockSize is now an OpaqueNumber rather than a type alias for number
- BlockNo is now an OpaqueNumber rather than a type alias for number
- EpochNo is now an OpaqueNumber rather than a type alias for number
- Slot is now an OpaqueNumber rather than a type alias for number
- Percentage is now an OpaqueNumber rather than a type alias for number
- rename era-specific types in core
- rename block types
- CompactBlock -> BlockInfo
- Block -> ExtendedBlockInfo
- hoist ogmiosToCore to ogmios package
- classify TxSubmission errors as variant of CardanoNode error
- add opaque numeric types to core package (9ead8bd)
- added new babbage era types in Transactions and Outputs (0b1f2ff)
- core: add missing tx props conversions (6e9a962)
- core: add preview and preprod network magics (676c576)
- core: added utility function to create pool ids from verification key hashes (318c784)
- core: adds optional projected tip to the health cheak response interface (ea59ed7)
- core: memoizes computation slot nr to epoch nr (40fe907)
- dbSyncUtxoProvider now returns the new Babbage fields in the UTXO when present (82b271b)
- implement ogmiosToCore certificates mapping (aef2e8d)
- initial projection implementation (8a93d8d)
- ogmios: complete Ogmios tx to core mapping (bcac56b)
- rename era-specific types in core (c4955b1)
- replace KeyAgent.networkId with KeyAgent.chainId (e44dee0)
- add sideEffects=false to package.json (a1cb8f8)
- cip30 wallet has to accept hex encoded address (d5a748a)
- core: correct hash types in genesis key delegation certificate (10d1f2b)
- core: correctly serialize/deserialize transactions with no validity interval (5e6e3eb)
- core: fixed a small memory leak when pasring byron era addresses (16727e4)
- core: native script type name (bc62f8b)
- fixed an issue that was preveting TxOuts with byron addresses to be deserialized correctly (65356d5)
- input-selection: fixed recursive use of CSL object (ac39e77)
- change redeemer script hash to data (a24bbb8)
- classify TxSubmission errors as variant of CardanoNode error (234305e)
- make tx validityInterval an optional (fa1c487)
- moved testnetEraSummaries to util-dev package (5ad0514)
- use titlecase for mainnet/testnet in NetworkId (252c589)
0.6.0 (2022-11-04)
- support the complete set of protocol parameters
- free CSL resources using freeable util
- make stake pools pagination a required arg
- add pagination in 'transactionsByAddresses'
- core: metadatumToCip25 returns
instead ofundefined
when metadata does not exist or couldn't be extracted - hoist Cardano.util.{deserializeTx,metadatum}
- hoist core Address namespace to Cardano.util
- hoist some core.Cardano.util._ to core._
- wallet: compute stability window slots count
- rename
- hoist InputResolver types to core package, in preparation for lifting key management
- hoist TxInternals to core package, in preparation for lifting key management
- rework TxSubmitProvider to submit transactions as hex string instead of Buffer
- rework all provider signatures args from positional to a single object
- add pagination in 'transactionsByAddresses' (fc88afa)
- added signing options with extra signers to the transaction finalize method (514b718)
- core: added a new inspector for extracting minting and burning information from transactions (a9289f3)
- core: added a new inspector for extracting pool registration/retirements information from transactions (e186ba3)
- core: added a new inspector for extracting transaction metadata (d7e1402)
- core: added several utility functions to derive some of the information requiered for the use of native scripts native scripts: (3b757ba)
- core: define extended metadata types (dad253d)
- core: improved custom errors to correctly handle errors from fs package or of type string (5ea3eac)
- core: ogmios to core translation of block type (b077cb7)
- core: return null for no metadata from metadatumToCip25 (b9343e4)
- improve db health check query (1595350)
- make stake pools pagination a required arg (6cf8206)
- support the complete set of protocol parameters (46d7aa9)
- wallet: compute stability window slots count (34b77d3)
- added missing contraints (7b351ca)
- core: cleaned up several CSL objects that were leaking (a99610b)
- core: coreToCsl converts datum in txOut function (cc62055)
- core: custom errors no longer hide inner error details (9d0f51f)
- core: handle skipped testnet eras when configured for auto-upgrade (47fe7c1)
- core: narrow down BootstrapWitness types & fix CSL conversion (0e8694b)
- core: subtractTokenMaps shouldn't change first element (3851166)
- core: update hardcoded testnetEraSummaries with correct start of shelley era (8489da9)
- free CSL resources using freeable util (5ce0056)
- remove nullability of Protocol Parameters (f75859d)
- rollback ProtocolParametersRequiredByWallet type (0cd8877)
- hoist Cardano.util.{deserializeTx,metadatum} (a1d0754)
- hoist core Address namespace to Cardano.util (c0af6c3)
- hoist InputResolver types to core package, in preparation for lifting key management (aaf430e)
- hoist some core.Cardano.util._ to core._ (5c18c7b)
- hoist TxInternals to core package, in preparation for lifting key management (f5510f3)
- rename
(77567aa) - rework all provider signatures args from positional to a single object (dee30b5)
- rework TxSubmitProvider to submit transactions as hex string instead of Buffer (032a1b7)
0.5.0 (2022-08-30)
- rm TxAlonzo.implicitCoin
- removed Ogmios schema package dependency
- core: added native script type and serialization functions.
- replace
- logger is now required
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible
- core: added native script type and serialization functions. (51b46c8)
- core: export cslUtil MIN_I64 and MAX_I64 consts (618eef0)
- extend HealthCheckResponse (2e6d0a3)
- replace
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible (51ca1d5)
- logger is now required (cc82bc2)
- removed Ogmios schema package dependency (4ed2408)
- rm TxAlonzo.implicitCoin (167d205)
0.4.0 (2022-07-25)
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible
- add new
sort field to stake pools (161ccd8) - core: accept common ipfs hash without protocol for nft metadata uri (f1878e3)
- core: added Ed25519PrivateKey to keys (db1f42c)
- core: adds util to get a tx from its body (f680720)
- sort stake pools by fixed cost (6e1d6e4)
- support any network by fetching time settings from the node (08d9ed2)
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible (51ca1d5)
- remove transactions and blocks methods from blockfrost wallet provider
- move stakePoolStats from wallet provider to stake pool provider
- rename
- add serializable object key transformation support
- move jsonToMetadatum from blockfrost package to core.ProviderUtil
- delete nftMetadataProvider and remove it from AssetTracker
- core: changes value sent and received inspectors
- remove TimeSettingsProvider and NetworkInfo.currentEpoch
- split up WalletProvider.utxoDelegationAndRewards
- rename some WalletProvider functions
- makeTxIn.address required, add NewTxIn that has no address
- core: rm epoch? from core certificate types
- core: set tx body scriptIntegrityHash to correct length (32 byte)
- validate the correct Ed25519KeyHash length (28 bytes)
- core: remove PoolRegistrationCertificate.poolId
- core: make StakeDelegationCertificate.epoch optional
- change TimeSettings interface from fn to obj
- core: nest errors under TxSubmissionErrors object
- core: change WalletProvider.rewardsHistory return type to Map
- Given transaction submission is really an independent behaviour, as evidenced by microservices such as the HTTP submission API, it's more flexible modelled as an independent provider.
- change MetadatumMap type to allow any metadatum as key
- rename AssetInfo metadata->tokenMetadata
- core: support T | T[] where appropriate in metadatumToCip25
- move asset info type from Cardano to Asset
- rename AssetMetadata->TokenMetadata, update fields
- update ogmios to 5.1.0
- core: add support to genesis delegate as slot leader
- core: add support for base58-encoded addresses
- core: move StakePool.metadata under PoolParameters
- core: align Tip and PartialBlockHeader types
- core: change type of to AssetName
- core: remove AssetMintOrBurn.action in favor of using negative qty for burn
- add ChainHistory http provider (64aa7ae)
- add optional 'sinceBlock' argument to queryTransactionsByAddresses (94fdd65)
- add Provider interface, use as base for TxSubmitProvider (e155ed4)
- add sort stake pools by saturation (#270) (2a9abff)
- add StakePool.status and a few other minor improvements to StakePool types (1405d05)
- add totalResultCount to StakePoolSearch response (4265f6a)
- add utxo http provider (a55fcdb)
- add WalletProvider.genesisParameters (1d824fc)
- add WalletProvider.queryBlocksByHashes (f0431b7)
- add WalletProvider.rewardsHistory (d84c980)
- blockfrost: fetch tx metadata, update blockfrost sdk to 2.0.2 (f5c16a6)
- cardano-services: stake pool search http server (c3dd013)
- core: add 'activating' stakepool status, change certificate enum values to match type names (59129b5)
- core: add 'bytesToHex', 'HexBlob' and 'castHexBlob' utils (dc33f15)
- core: add BigIntMath.max, export Cardano.RewardAccount type (bc14ec8)
- core: add Bip32PublicKey and Bip32PrivateKey types, export Witness.Signatures type (999c33f)
- core: add coreToCsl.tokenMap (e864228)
- core: add coreToCsl.txAuxiliaryData (8686610)
- core: add coreToCsl.txMint (16261c6)
- core: add cslToCore.txInputs, make ProtocolParamsRequiredByWallet fields required (d67097e)
- core: add cslToCore.utxo (d497928)
- core: add Date support for serializableObject (d6dc693)
- core: add metadatum parsing utils (51a57ab)
- core: add optional 'options' argument to StakePoolSearchProvider.queryStakePools (6ae18a6)
- core: add ProviderFailure.Unhealthy (98fb4a7)
- core: add ProviderUtil.withProviderErrors (d5bad75)
- core: add serializable obj support for custom transformed field discriminator key (63cf354)
- core: add SerializationFailures: InvalidType, Overflow (cd262a7)
- core: add slot time computation util (17fc677)
- core: add slotEpochCalc util (d190853)
- core: add SlotEpochInfoCalc (c0d3145)
- core: add StakePool.epochRewards and estimateStakePoolAPY util (ff69031)
- core: add TimeSettingsProvider type (602fa88)
- core: add util to create AssetId from PolicyId and AssetName (aef3345)
- core: add utils for custom string types, safer pool id types (bd430f6)
- core: added optional close method to Provider (69b49cc)
- core: cslToCore stake delegation certificate (1703828)
- core: export NativeScriptType (92707b6)
- core: export TxSubmissionError type and its variants (d562a61)
- core: extend StakePoolQueryOptions with sort (9a5d3ba)
- core: hoist computeImplicitCoin from wallet package (d991f73)
- core: initial cslToCore.newTx implementation (52835f2)
- core: introduces transaction inspection utility (a887733)
- core: isAddressWithin + isOutgoing address utils (65003b5)
- core: partial support for legacy base58 addresses (0f4cb28)
- core: partial support for ShelleyGenesis PoolId (51bcfb6)
- core: txSubmissionError util (1f8dc0f)
- create InMemoryCache (a2bfcc6)
- extend NetworkInfo interface (7b40bca)
- rewards data (5ce2ff0)
- wallet: add signed certificate inspector (e58ce48)
- blockfrost: interpret 404s in Blockfrost provider and optimise batching (a795e4c)
- change stakepool metadata extVkey field type to bech32 string (ec523a7)
- core: add support for base58-encoded addresses (b3dc768)
- core: add support to genesis delegate as slot leader (d1c098c)
- core: consider empty string a hex value (3d55224)
- core: correct metadata length check (5394bed)
- core: export Address module from root (2a1d775)
- core: finalize cslToCore tx metadata conversion (eb5740f)
- core: finalize cslToCore.newTx (2cc40aa)
- core: remove duplicated insert when assets from the same policy are present in the token map (7466bac)
- core: set tx body scriptIntegrityHash to correct length (32 byte) (37822ce)
- core: support T | T[] where appropriate in metadatumToCip25 (1a873ec)
- core: throw serialization error for invalid metadata fields (d67debb)
- core: tx error mapping fix (#210) (a03edcd)
- resolve issues preventing to make a delegation tx (7429f46)
- rm imports from @cardano-sdk//src/ (3fdead3)
- validate the correct Ed25519KeyHash length (28 bytes) (0e0b592)
- update ogmios to 5.1.0 (973bf9e)
- add serializable object key transformation support (32e422e)
- change MetadatumMap type to allow any metadatum as key (48c33e5)
- change TimeSettings interface from fn to obj (bc3b22d)
- core: align Tip and PartialBlockHeader types (a5d5e49)
- core: change type of to AssetName (ced96ed)
- core: change WalletProvider.rewardsHistory return type to Map (07ace58)
- core: changes value sent and received inspectors (bdecf31)
- core: make StakeDelegationCertificate.epoch optional (3c6155b)
- core: move StakePool.metadata under PoolParameters (9a9ac26)
- core: nest errors under TxSubmissionErrors object (6e61857)
- core: remove AssetMintOrBurn.action in favor of using negative qty for burn (993f53a)
- core: remove PoolRegistrationCertificate.poolId (c73ac29)
- core: rm epoch? from core certificate types (cc904a1)
- delete nftMetadataProvider and remove it from AssetTracker (2904cc3)
- extract tx submit into own provider (1d7ac73)
- makeTxIn.address required, add NewTxIn that has no address (83cd354)
- move asset info type from Cardano to Asset (212b670)
- move jsonToMetadatum from blockfrost package to core.ProviderUtil (adeb02c)
- move stakePoolStats from wallet provider to stake pool provider (52d71a7)
- remove TimeSettingsProvider and NetworkInfo.currentEpoch (4a8f72f)
- remove transactions and blocks methods from blockfrost wallet provider (e4de136)
- rename
(b432103) - rename AssetInfo metadata->tokenMetadata (f064f37)
- rename AssetMetadata->TokenMetadata, update fields (a83b897)
- rename some WalletProvider functions (72ad875)
- split up WalletProvider.utxoDelegationAndRewards (18f5a57)
- add WalletProvider.transactionDetails, add address to TxIn (889a39b)
- cardano-graphql: generate graphql client from shema+operations (9632eb4)
- cardano-graphql: generate graphql schema from ts code (a3e90ad)
- cardano-graphql: implement CardanoGraphQLStakePoolSearchProvider (wip) (80deda6)
- cardano-graphql: initial implementation of StakePoolSearchClient (8f4f72a)
- core: add cslToOgmios.txIn (5bb937e)
- core: add cslUtil.bytewiseEquals (1851eb4)
- core: add NotImplementedError (5344969)
- core: isAddress util (3f53e79)
- add CardanoProvider.networkInfo (1596ac2)
- add CardanoProvider.stakePoolStats (c25e570)
- add core package with Genesis type defs (d480373)
- add maxTxSize to
(a9a5d16) - add Provider.ledgerTip (0e7d224)
- blockfrost: create new provider called blockfrost (b8bd72f)
- cardano-graphql-provider: create cardano-graphql-provider package (096225f)
- cardano-serialization-lib: add Ogmios to CardanoWasm translator (0bb2077)
- cip-30: create cip-30 package (266e719)
- core|blockfrost: modify utxo method on provider to return delegations & rewards (e0a1bf0)
- core: add
method toCardanoProvider
(af741c0) - core: add utils originally used in cip2 package (2314c4f)
- create in-memory-key-manager package (a819e5e)
- wallet: createTransactionInternals (1aa7032)