Consider the following type to represent student grades:
type grade = Val of int | CumLaude;;
Write functions with the following types:
is_valid : grade -> bool
which evaluates to true iff the grade is included between 18 and 30, or it is CumLaude
int_of_grade : grade -> int
which transforms a valid grade into an integer (where CumLaude
counts for 32), and fails if the grade is not valid.
avg : grade list -> float
which computes the average of a list of valid grades (it fails if some grade in the list is not valid).
Finally, write a function with type:
avg_norec : grade list -> float
that takes as input a list of grades (not necessarily valid) and outputs the average of all the valid grades in the list. This function must use list combinators and function pipelining, and must not use recursion.