Actions represent communication between presenter and UI in cases where execution of an action does not change the view tree in a declarative way. This includes navigation, showing dialogs, snack bars, etc.
An action represents an operation that should be executed on the UI side.
Since a presenter can emit multiple types of actions, they are bundled together with the help of freezed
class HomeScreenAction with _$HomeScreenAction {
const factory HomeScreenAction.showInfoDialog() = _HomeScreenActionShowInfoDialog;
const factory HomeScreenAction.showErrorSnackBar(Exception e) = _HomeScreenActionShowErrorSnackBar;
Add ActionNotifier
and ActionProvider
to your project to make managing actions and creating action-providers easier.
class ActionNotifier<T> extends AutoDisposeNotifier<T?> {
T? build() {
return null;
void emit(T action) {
state = action;
bool updateShouldNotify(T? previous, T? next) {
return true;
abstract class ActionProvider {
static AutoDisposeNotifierProvider<ActionNotifier<T>, T?> autoDispose<T>() =>
NotifierProvider.autoDispose<ActionNotifier<T>, T?>(() => ActionNotifier<T>());
class HomeScreenPresenter extends AutoDisposeNotifier<void> {
void build() {}
Future<void> submit() async {
try {
// ...
} on Exception catch (e) {;
final homeScreenActionProvider = ActionProvider.autoDispose<HomeScreenAction>();
class HomeScreenAction with _$HomeScreenAction {
const factory HomeScreenAction.showInfoDialog() = _HomeScreenActionShowInfoDialog;
const factory HomeScreenAction.showErrorSnackBar(Exception e) = _HomeScreenActionShowErrorSnackBar;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HomeScreen extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
ref.listen(homeScreenActionProvider, (_, action) {
showInfoDialog: () => showDialog(...),
showErrorSnackBar: (e) => ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(...),
// ...
Use Completer
to pass the result of an action, from UI back to the presenter.
class HomeScreenPresenter extends AutoDisposeNotifier<void> {
void build() {}
Future<void> delete() async {
final completer = Completer<bool>();;
final confirmed = await completer.future;
if (!confirmed){
// ...
final homeScreenActionProvider = ActionProvider.autoDispose<HomeScreenAction>();
class HomeScreenAction with _$HomeScreenAction {
const factory HomeScreenAction.confirmDelete(Completer<bool> completer) = _HomeScreenActionConfirmDelete;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class HomeScreen extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
ref.listen(homeScreenActionProvider, (_, action) {
confirmDelete: (completer) async {
final result = await showDialog(...);
// ...