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indraniel edited this page May 16, 2011 · 11 revisions


fqgrep is a grep (and agrep) like tool optimized for matching sequence patterns in FASTA and FASTQ files. With it, one could:

  • perform rudimentary exploratory data analysis on the read data
  • identify & collect subset of reads within a larger grouping having common sequence characteristics
  • design & construct custom adaptive trimmers, and/or demultiplexers
  • enable other custom pre-processing of the read data before its presentation to a more intensive analysis pipeline


The basic features of fqgrep are:

  • search for a sequence pattern using a POSIX regular expression
  • allow for specified mismatches in sequence search pattern
  • fine tune both the mismatch weights and the total number of allowable respective insertions, deletions, and substitutions in the sequence search pattern
  • highlight/color the matching substring within the overall read
  • streaming ability (can pipe the output of one fqgrep command into another fqgrep instance, or other command), for identifying particular combinations of sequence patterns within a FASTQ/FASTA input file(s)
  • generation of parsable detail match statistics reports on each read for custom post-processing

Software Details & Usage

Pattern Matching Algorithms Used

When simply searching for exact sequence patterns, or in other words, when zero mismatches on a pattern are specified (the default case), the Boyer-Moore approach (as used similarly by grep) is taken.

fqgrep does not use an alignment strategy for approximate sequence searching. For approximate pattern matching, the TRE regular expression library is being used.

The TRE library uses a variant of Bitap algorithm for approximate string matches. Below is an excerpt from the README from the TRE software distribution describing the notions behind the bitap algorithm:

Approximate pattern matching allows matches to be approximate, that is, allows the matches to be close to the searched pattern under some measure of closeness. TRE uses the edit-distance measure (also known as the Levenshtein distance ) where characters can be inserted, deleted, or substituted in the searched text in order to get an exact match. Each insertion, deletion, or substitution adds the distance, or cost, of the match. TRE can report the matches which have a cost lower than some given threshold value. TRE can also be used to search for matches with the lowest cost.

These above mentioned insertion, deletion, and substitution cost parameters can be adjusted by the -m, -s, -i, -d, -S, -I, -D options to fqgrep. The exact costs for each match can be observed via the detailed stats report (the -r option to fqgrep).

The TRE regular expression library is the default regular expression engine used in R; due to this, the results of fqgrep maybe similar to the results produced by software from the Bioconductor Project.

Detailed Match Statistics Report (-r option) Notes

The -r option to fqgrep produces a detailed match report of each record analyzed in the input FASTQ/FASTA file. Each field of the output format is delimited with tabs by default. The delimiter string can be altered by the -b option.

Below are the columns displayed in the statistics report:

0	read name
1	total mismatches
2	# insertions
3	# deletions
4	# substitutions
5	start position
6	end position
7	match string
8	sequence
9	quality

Controlling Match Outputs

By default, the output of fqgrep only displays FASTQ/FASTA records that have matched a pattern. Using the -v option, will invert the output, in other words, show records that DO NOT match a given pattern.

The -a option will show all the records in a FASTQ/FASTA file (both that MATCH and DO NOT MATCH a given input pattern). This is useful in conjunction with the -r option to perform custom post-processing on read data. See the 'A simple adaptive trimmer' section below for an example.

When a sequence match is not present for a given record (via the -v or -a options). The "match string" column just contains the string '*'.

Other Pattern Matching Notes

  • Only POSIX styled regular expression can be used with fqgrep.
  • When searching for an exact pattern (0 mismatches) via a regular expression, please use the '-e' option. This forces the use of the TRE regular expression engine.

Reading from Standard Input (STDIN)

If a dash ('-') is used as the input file, it will read the FASTQ/FASTA input from standard input (stdin). This is useful when piping the output of one fqgrep command (or any other program that produces FASTQ/FASTA formatted output) into another fqgrep command. Supplying anything other than a FASTQ/FASTA formatted input in this manner may give unexpected behavior to fqgrep. See the examples below for demonstrative usage.


Basic Usage

Search for the sequence pattern 'GATTACA' anywhere in the input reads file, input.fq, a FASTQ file.

Note that an input can be a FASTA file as well. GZipped input FASTA (input.fa.gz) and FASTQ (input.fq.gz) files are acceptable as well.

fqgrep -p 'GATTACA' input.fq

Outputting in FASTA format (-f option)

fqgrep -f -p 'GATTACA' input.fq

Highlighting matches with color (-c option)

fqgrep -c -f -p 'GATTACA' input.fq

Allowing pattern mismatches (-m option)

Allow up one mismatch (insertion, deletion, or substitutions) in the pattern.

fqgrep -c -f -p 'GATTACA' -m 1 input.fq

Usage of regular expressions

At the beginning of each read, allow for a variable 0 to 3 bases (A, C, G, T, or N) followed by the pattern 'GATTACA'. Plus, within the 'GATTACA' string, allow for at most a couple mismatches.

fqgrep -c -f -p '^[AGCTN]{0,3}GATTACA' -m 2 input.fq

View a Stats Report of the Matches (-r option)

View a detailed statistics report of just the matches in the above command:

fqgrep -c -r -p '^[AGCTN]{0,3}GATTACA' -m 2 input.fq

Reading from a pipe or STDIN

Usage of a single dash, '-', as a file name allows for reading a FASTQ or FASTA file from STDIN.

cat input.fq | fqgrep -p 'GATTACA' -

Please note that when reading from standard input, fqgrep is expecting an input of a FASTQ or FASTQ format. Not a detailed statistics report format. See the 'A simple adaptive trimmer' section below for an example observation.

Rudimentary Set Operations

Set Inversion (-v option)

Show all the reads (in FASTQ format) that DO NOT exactly start with 'GATTACA':

fqgrep -v -e -p '^GATTACA' input.fq

Set Intersection

Show all the reads (in FASTQ format) that DO NOT start with 'GATTACA' AND end with a polyA sequence (8 or more A's) with a couple of mismatches:

fqgrep -v -e -p '^GATTACA' input.fq | fqgrep -m 2 -p 'A{8,}$' -

Example post-processing with fqgrep

A simple adaptive trimmer

The following command produces a cheap 5' and 3' end trimmer (assuming all the reads in the FASTQ file are oriented in a 5' to 3' direction).

fqgrep -m 1 -r -p '^[AGCTN]{0,3}GATTACA'  input.fq | trimmer --5-prime | fqgrep -e -r -p 'AAAAAA$' - | trimmer --3-prime    

The above bash command is re-written as follows to help assist in clearing things up for explanation

    fqgrep -a -m 1 -r -p '^[AGCTN]{0,3}GATTACA'  input.fq \
        | trimmer --5-prime                            \
        | fqgrep -a -e -r -p 'AAAAAA$' -               \ 
        | trimmer --3-prime                            \

The first command

fqgrep -a -m 1 -r -p '^[AGCTN]{0,3}GATTACA'  input.fq

says to identify all the reads in the input file that may have 0-3 random bases (A, G, C, T or N) followed by the sequence GATTACA allowing for a single mismatch (-m option) and output all the fastq records (irregardless if there there is a match or not, -a option) in the tab-delimited statistics report format (-r option) . This output is taken as input into the next piped command:

trimmer --5-prime

trimmer is an example perl script that produces FASTQ formatted output from its supplied fqgrep statistics report input. For each input record, trimmer will trim out the identified match string from the 5' end, if there was a match. If there was no match, it does nothing and simply re-prints out the original fastq record. trimmer's FASTQ output serves as the input to the next piped fqgrep command:

 fqgrep -a -e -r -p 'AAAAAA$' - 

The above statement says to find all the reads supplied from standard input that have the exact (0 mismatches) polyA sequence AAAAAA on its 3' end. As a regular expression is being supplied for the -p search pattern, the -e option of fqgrep is used to ensure the usage of the regular expression engine in the pattern search. The output of the above is inputted into the following subsequent trimming command:

trimmer --3-prime

The above statement performs a similar function as the prior trimmer command, but trims from the 3' end instead.

The above trimmer script and another example script are supplied in the fqgrep package. They are both simplistic trimmers. The script performs similiarly to the trimmer script, but provides a differing output format and user interface. See the documentation inside the script for more details.

One could imagine creating more complex trimmers based upon the quality score of the read, the experimental design generating the reads, the sequencing technology being used and other notions. This is left for the user to further customize for the particular scientific problem at hand.

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