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Vicon Bridge

This repository contains the code needed to interface with the Vicon Nexus software from DLS2 and to get robot pose and robot markers positions, using the Vicon SDK without ROS.
This version is implemented in the master and develop branches, while you can use the ROS version from the ros branch.

The main files that you can find in the repository are:

  • vicon_bridge (include/src)
    It implements the code to interface with Vicon, get its data, publish them using Fast DDS-Gen and print them on the terminal for debug.

  • ViconDataStreamSDK_CPPTest (third_party)
    It contains examples on how to get information from Vicon Nexus and it comes with the official Vicon DataStream SDK (version 1.11.0 for Linux64), that contains also the DataStreamClient.h file needed to use the Vicon library and all the other dependencies of the third_party folder.
    An executable for this file has been created ("vicon_test") and the file has been changed (some parts have been commented) to be able to run it.

How to execute the code

Launch vicon_bridge

To launch vicon_bridge, you can just compile the "vicon_bridge" DLS2 submodule with ccmake .., then build and run the estimation layer and the vicon_bridge estimator with:

dls -lconsole -lestimation
> loadEstimator vicon_bridge

Be sure to be already connected to the Vicon (IP: and that you can ping it from inside the DLS2 docker image.

If you are connected to the Vicon (see the Vicon Wiki) and see the object with markers correctly constructed in Vicon Nexus (you don't see just the subject grey markers, but these are connected and coloured in yellow) you can get the values from Vicon and see them with Plotjuggler at the vicon_bridge topic under "Domain 3".
Important: Remember to enable the publishing of the robot pose from the Vicon (check the Vicon Wiki linked above).

If you enable the print_on_screen_ variable in "vicon_bridge.hpp", you can also print data for debug, like:

  • Vicon DataStream SDK version
  • robot pose
  • markers positions
  • connection information (frame number, frame rate, latency)

The values published on the vicon_bridge topic instead, are just:

  • timestamp
  • robot pose
  • markers positions

Launch vicon_test

You can also launch the vicon_test executable for the ViconDataStreamSDK_CPPTest.cpp, to just see what you are getting from the Vicon for debug, with:

cd dls2_deploy/build/state_estimator/vicon_bridge/third_party/

You can publish more information in vicon_bridge if you want, using the code of the the ViconDataStreamSDK_CPPTest.cpp file. For example, in vicon_bridge we consider to get information from a single subject, with a single segment (e.g. "base"). But if you want to iterate over multiple subjects for example (e.g. you have more robots at the same time working with Vicon), you can do it by following the code written in this file.

Compare data with ROS topics

If you want to compare the data you get here with the ones published via ROS topics, you can open a second docker image (so, having DLS2 and DLS1 docker images running in parallel) with -container_name (to be sure to not close the DLS2 image already open) like: --api run2 -container_name dls1 -f -nv -e DLS=1 -j dls -i dls-dev

First, check if you ping the Vicon IP from inside DLS1. Then, clone the vicon_bridge repository with:

cd dls_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:dls-lab/vicon_bridge.git -b ros

Change the "datastream_hostport" field of the vicon.launch file with the vicon IP instead of using the alias "vicon", build and launch the code with:\

cd dls_ws/src
catkin_make -j$(nproc) install
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch vicon_bridge vicon.launch

Attach a terminal to the DLS1 image with: attach dls1

and run:

source devel/setup.bash
rostopic echo /vicon/markers
rostopic echo vicon/<subject_name>/<segment_name>

You can then check the markers positions by looking at the first topic and the robot pose by looking at the second one.