Releases: ifmeorg/ifme
Releases · ifmeorg/ifme
Gem update, replace infinite scroll with load more button, and update education resource link
- Gem updates: rubocop
- Replace infinite scroll with load more button by @julianguyen
- Update education resource link by @andy5995
Hindi translations, gem updates, and a new contributor blurb
- Gem updates: inline_svg, nokogiri, capybara, bullet, selenium-webdriver, annotate, rubocop, and google-api-client
- Hindi translations by @toshitapandey
- New contributor blurb by @sananta
- Make methods in RegistrationsController protected by @julianguyen
- Auto-linting spec files by @julianguyen
- Auto-linting config files by @julianguyen
- Gem updates: resque and capybara
- Add Senior Living and Depressed While Black to Resources by @julianguyen
Gem updates and fixed invitations bug
- Gem updates: resque-scheduler and selenium-webdriver
- Fix bug involving missing allyship when someone accepts a user invitation by @julianguyen
Gem updates, fix bug in Categories edit, and updates to Contribute page
- Gem updates: capybara and factory_bot_rails
- Fix bug in CategoriesController#edit by @julianguyen
- Add blurb to Contribute page by @hnarasaki
Deploy the design system to
Deploy the design system to by @julianguyen
Gem updates, StrategiesFormHelper tests, Add Meetings to Google Calendar, and deploy Storybook to production
- Gem updates: dotenv-rails, google-api-client, capybara, rails, rubocop, and devise_invitable
- Add tests for StrategiesFormHelper by @js-sapphire
- Add Meetings to Google Calendar by @yasirazgar
- Deploy Storybook site to production by @paschalidi
Gem updates and additions to the Contribute page
- Gem updates to selenium-webdriver, byebug, rubocop, font-awesome-sass, capybara, puma, chromedriver-helper, devise
- Added new contributors from Techtonica 🎉
Add Bullet gem, update to Rails, refactor various form helpers, and add to Resources
- Add Bullet gem to improve query performance by @gabrielpedepera and @marcellalcantara
- Refactor MomentsHelper and create MomentsFormHelper by @julianguyen
- Refactor MedicationsHelper and create MedicationsFormHelper by @julianguyen
- Add MomentsFormHelper tests by @julianguyen
- Update TargetRubyVersion to 2.4 (2.6 does not exist) by @julianguyen
- Bump ruby version in Dockerfile by @gabrielpedepera
- [Security] Bump rails from 5.2.2 to by @dependabot-bot
- Add Therapy for Latinx to Resources and improve tags by @julianguyen
Update pt-BR translations, add lazying loading for stories, and gem updates
- Bump omniauth-google-oauth2 from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
- Update to Ruby v2.6.0 by @julianguyen
- Update pr-BR translations by @gabrielpedepera
- Added autoLoad and necessary refactoring by @Jacek-202