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Exploiting Human Color Discrimination for Memoryand Energy-Efficient Image Encoding in Virtual Reality: An FPGA Demo

Weikai Lin

1. Overview

This is an FPGA demonstration of the color discrimination-guided framebuffer compression for VR, which is described in our ASPLOS 2024 paper. Our algorithm leverages the (eccentricity-dependent) color discrimination of human visual system to bring pixel colors closer to each other and, thus, enhance the compression effectiveness of the existing Base Delta (BD) algorithm used in today's framebuffer compression.

1.1 Overall Pipeline

The figure illustrates the end-to-end system pipeline, which takes a panoramic (equirectangular) video, projects it to both eyes, and compresses the projected videos using our (numerically lossy but perceptually lossless) compression algorithm, which works on top of the BD algorithm. For the description of a variant of the BD algorithm, see this paper (among other sources you can find online). The compressed video is displayed on a Waveshare OLED compatible with Google Cardboard.

1.2 A Sample Output

  • Left: Original (BD compression rate = 34.62%), Right: Color-Optimized (BD compression rate = 42.08%)

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2. Directory Organization

3. The Software-Only Pipeline (CPU and/or GPU/CUDA)

It is useful to run the pipeline in the software-only mode for quick visual debugging. The pipeline is relatetively simple.

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3.1 Preparing equirectangular images

First you need to prepare a panoramic video encoded in the equirectangular format. If you don't have one, you can download our videos here, which has all 6 videos used in the paper.

Then run:

cd <top_folder>
# Decode Video to a Folder of Images
python3 host/video_encode_decode/ --video_path <downloaded_video.mp4> --out_images_folder ./decoded_images

Now you will find the decoded images in decoded_images/ in the main folder.

3.2 Run the compression pipeline

We provide scripts to run the full pipeline in SW, including a CPU only and a CPU-GPU implementation. All modules currently run sequentially. It can be extend to use a ROS-like interface to enable pipelining.

For simplicity, the left- and right-eye images are exactly the same, since the input is a single equirectangular image, which supports only 3 DoF. If the input video is captured in, for instance, an Omni-Directional Stereo (ODS) format, we could render actual stereo disparity. See this slide deck for details. Because of this limitation, observers don't get depth perception from stereo disparity.

  1. The script to run the whole pipeline for one frame is implemented in scripts/pipeline_on_<device>/ Read that file to see how to use and concatenate all modules together.

  2. You can also trigger each individual module; each module's folder has a readme that describes briefly the function of each module and how to run it. For example, to trigger the persepective projection module, run:

cd <top_folder>/host/projection
python3 # if you want to use cuda acceleration, run: python3
  1. Here is how to run the whole pipeline in the two modes. See <top_folder>/scripts/ for all supported args.
  • For CPU:
cd <top_folder>
python3 scripts/pipeline_on_cpu/ --in_images_folder ./decoded_images --out_images_folder ./corrected_opt_images --display --foveated --save_imgs
  • For GPU:
cd <top_folder>
python3 scripts/pipeline_on_gpu/ --in_images_folder ./decoded_images --out_images_folder ./corrected_opt_images --display --display_port 0 --foveated

For the GPU implementation, we also provide a GUI for tuning certain parameters in real-time.

Input Image

  1. After running the code above, you will see the compressed output in the corrected_opt_images/ folder in main directory (if you've added the --save_imgs argument)

3.3 Video playback

Once you get the compressed output, you can encode the compressed images into a video and playback the video on your VR display in realtime:

cd <top_folder> 
python3 host/video_encode_decode/ --video_path ./videos/corrected_opt_images.mp4 --images_folder ./corrected_opt_images --fps 30

The output video will be ./videos/corrected_opt_images.mp4

4. The GPU-FPGA Pipeline

The overall pipeline is divided into two groups: one operating on the host machine and the other on an FPGA board (which in this demo is Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU104). The host machine and the FPGA board are interconnected via an HDMI cable, as is the connection between the FPGA board and the display. This pipeline here is functionally very similar to the software pipeline, but looks much more complicated but it has a bunch of modules to deal with host-FPGA communication and inter-IP data conversion.

Two notes:

  • The color optimizer is now split into two components: elliptical prediction, which runs on the host, and color adjustment, which runs on the FPGA.
  • The IP blocks related to the baseline BD encoder/decoder are currently not integrated into the pipeline yet, but will be added soon enough.

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4.1 Setup vivado block design and get bitstream for FPGA

We provide the entire vivado project here (1.6GB) which is used to generate the bitstream for ZCU104. It's also useful if you want to check the detailed settings or use it to bootstrap your project. If we get time, we will also share a script that's used to generate the vivado project (so that you don't need to download a giant file). If you just want to run the code without having to generate the bistream youserlf, you can find the pre-generated .bit and .hwh files here.

4.2 Setup PYNQ

(1) Put the generated end2end.bit and end2end.hwh to a folder in ZCU104.

(2) Put our PYNQ scripts to the same folder.

(3) If this is the first time you run this demo, you need to first configure your system:

  • First, connect your host machine with ZCU104's HDMI-IN port through an HDMI cable, and connect ZCU104's HDMI-OUT port with an external display, then run host_setting.ipynb. This will help the GPU driver on your host machine recognize the ZCU104's HDMI. Your FPGA will be recognized as an external display on your host machine.
  • Turn off ANY video augmentation setting on the display representing ZCU104. If you use Nvidia Control Panel on a Windows machine, for instance, the setting might look something like the screenshot below. The reason is that we are using HDMI to transmit data between the host machine and the FPGA board, and you don't want the GPU driver on your host machine to muck about the data, which they usually do to "optimize visual experience".
  • Set the display representing the FPGA to use 4K@60Hz since what the HDMI driver on the FPGA will use.

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(4) Now run the hdmi_close block in the PYNQ notebook and then close the notebook (which is important or PYNQ will likely crash).

4.3 Run the GPU+FPGA pipeline

(1) On the host, run the following (assuming you have prepared ./decoded_images as discussed in 3.2). See <top_folder>/scripts/ for all supported args. (--save_imgs is not supported here)

cd <top_folder>
# since we add video switch function in gpu+fpga demo, need to cp the video to 
# folder with name <in_images_folderi> i=0 to video_num-1, the reason is our 
# script will automatically search the folder with name <in_images_folderi> i=0 to video_num-1
cp -r ./decoded_images ./decoded_images0
python3 scripts/pipeline_on_gpu_fpga/ --in_images_folder ./decoded_images --out_images_folder ./corrected_opt_images --display --display_port 0 --foveated --video_num 1  # change the display port the display representing ZCU104

After running the code above, you should see a Pygame window and a GUI similar to that in the GPU demo but with a button to switch videos.

(2) In PYNQ, run board_demo.ipynb. You should see the video output on the display.

(3) You should see output on the display now. Don't forget to run the hdmi_close block in the PYNQ notebook before ending the demo.

5. Performance Measurement


  • CPU : a combination of Numpy and Pytorch-CPU implementations.
  • GPU : a combination of Cupy, Pytorch-GPU, or Numba implementations, whichever is faster.
  • GPU + FPGA

End-to-End FPS

The results do not include the image loading time since that's a one-time cost; we preload the images before running. FPS is measured under a 1080x960 image. The "display" in "pipeline+display" refers to the operation that sends the generated pixels to the display (which in software pipelines would be things like cv2.imshow() and in the hardware pipeline is simply taken care of by VDMA).

Config Squential SW (pipeline only | pipeline + display)
CPU (EPYC-Zen3) 0.66 | 0.65
GPU1 (RTX-4090) 51.0 | 40.5
GPU2 (RTX-4060 Mobile on WSL*) 18.9 | 17.1
GPU2 + FPGA (ZCU104) 29.76

*: WSL is acronym for Windows Subsystem for Linux.

FPS of individal modules

HW Projection Lens correction Ellipsoid prediction (part of Color optimizer) The rest of Color optimizer BD ENC BD DEC
CPU (EPYC-Zen3) 6 6.5 4.3 1.3 7.2 23.4
GPU (RTX-4090) 1060 1246 275 65.7 614.4 511.8
GPU (RTX-4060 Mobile on WSL) 409.6 448.7 115.4 26.7 606.11 700.18†
FPGA (ZCU104) -- 144 -- 288 * 288 280

*: GPU and CPU optimize both the red and blue channel, but the FPGA performs only the blue-channel optimization for now (basically a compression rate-vs-FPGA resource trade-off).

†: BD DEC on 4060 is faster than 4090. The reason might be because of the CPU difference: our 4060 platform uses an i9-13900HX which has significantly higher single thread performance than the EPYC-Zen3 on our 4090 platform.