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File metadata and controls

336 lines (255 loc) · 8.71 KB


Netspoc-API is a web service to automatically change text files of a Netspoc configuration.

Asynchronous processing

Netspoc-API processes jobs asyncronously. After posting a job to http:SERVER/add-job the server returns a job-id as JSON: { "id" : <job-id> }.

The status of a job is requested by posting { "id" : <job-id> } to http:SERVER/job-status. This results in JSON data with attribute status and optional message.

Status is one of:

  • WAITING, job is waiting in queue.
  • INPROGRESS, processing of job has started.
  • FINISHED, processing of job has finished without errors.
  • ERROR, job has finished with errors; no changes have been made. The error message can be found in attribute message.
  • UNKNOWN, job is not or no longer known.
  • DENIED, access denied, job was queued by some other user.

After getting status FINISHED or ERROR, the job is removed from the system. A status request for the same job will result in status UNKNOWN afterwards.


Each posted request must add attributes user and pass for authentictation


Jobs are send as JSON data. Each job has at least these attributes:

  • method: Type of job.
  • params: JSON object with additional attributes. Different methods have different set of parameters.
  • crq: Description of change request, used for commit message.




These are generic methods to modify any part of the Netspoc configuration.

Method 'add' adds

  • a new toplevel node,
  • a new attribute inside a node or
  • a new value inside the list of values of an attribute.

It is an error

  • to add a toplevel node that already exists or
  • to add to an attribute, that has a structured value.

Method 'delete' deletes

  • an existing toplevel node,
  • an existing attribute inside a node or
  • an existing value inside a list of values of an attribute.

It is an error

  • to delete a toplevel node that doesn't exist or
  • to delete an attribute that doesn't exist inside a node or
  • to delete a non existing value from the list of values of an attribute.

Method 'set'

  • replaces or adds a toplevel node or
  • replaces or adds an attribute inside a node.


  • path: Location that is to be changed. This is a comma separated list of names, starting with the name of some toplevel object.
  • value: The value, given as JSON, that is to be inserted or removed.
  • ok_if_exists: Optional boolean value, that suppresses the error message if an added toplevel object already exists.
  • ipv6: Optional boolean value.
    1. This is used to select the wanted router object in a mixed IPv4/IPv6 topology.
    • In IPv4 mode, add "ipv6": true to choose the IPv6 instance.
    • In IPv6 mode, add "ipv6": false to choose the IPv4 instance.
    1. When creating a new toplevel node, this controls if it is placed into a subdirectory.
    • In IPv4 mode, add "ipv6": true to place into subdirectory "/ipv6".
    • In IPv6 mode, add "ipv6": false to place into subdirectory "/ipv4".

All names in "path" correspond directly to names in Netspoc syntax with these extensions:

  1. Elements of group or pathrestriction are referenced by name 'elements'.
  2. Rules of a services are referenced by name 'rules'.
  3. An individual rule is referenced by its rule number (first index is 1).
  4. A rule number may be given together with the total number of rules of a service as "2/3", meaning rule number 2 of 3. This is used as an additional check, that the rule number has not changed unexpectedly. A job aborts if expected and real number of rules differ.
  5. When deleting or modifying an existing host, the network name may be omitted, since names of hosts are unambiguous. The path then starts directly with name of some host.
  6. The network name may not be omitted for ID hosts like host:id:[email protected], because ID host with same ID can be defined in more than one network.

When a new rule is added, no rule index is given, because written order of rules doesn't matter.

If an attribute has a list of values e.g. "src=host:h1,host:h2,host:h3;" the order also doesn't matter. An existing value is accessed by value, not by index. Example:

{ "method": "delete",
  "params": { "path": "service:s1,rules,1,src", "value": "host:h2" }

More examples:

Add new network
{ "method": "add",
  "params": {
    "path": "network:n2",
    "value": { "ip": "" }
Add VIP interface to existing router.
{ "method": "add",
  "params": {
    "path": "router:r1,interface:VIP",
    "value": {
        "ip": "",
        "vip": null,
        "owner": "o1"
Delete host
{ "method": "delete",
  "params": {
    "path": "host:h2"
Create service
    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "service:s1",
        "value": {
            "description": "This one",
            "disable_at": "2099-12-31",
            "user": ["host:[network:n1] &! host:h4", "interface:r1.n1"],
            "rules": [
                    "action": "permit",
                    "src": "user",
                    "dst": ["network:n2", "host:h3"],
                    "prt": "tcp 80"
Delete service
    "method": "delete",
    "params": {
        "path": "service:s1"
Add to user of service
    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "service:s1,user",
        "value": ["host:h4", "host:h6"]
Add to rule

Add host:h4 to destination of first rule of service:s1, but check, that s1 has 3 rules.

    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "service:s1,rules,1/3,dst",
        "value": "host:h4"
Add rule
    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "service:s1,rules",
        "value": {
            "action": "permit",
            "src": "user",
            "dst": ["host:h5", "interface:r1.n2"],
            "prt": ["udp 123", "icmp"]
Add element to group
    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "group:g1,elements",
        "value": "host:h_10_1_2_7"
Delete element from group
    "method": "delete",
    "params": {
        "path": "group:g1,elements",
        "value": "host:h_10_1_2_7"
Change elements of group
    "method": "set",
    "params": {
        "path": "group:g1,elements",
        "value": [ "host:h_10_1_2_7", "network:n1" ]
Delete group
    "method": "delete",
    "params": {
        "path": "group:g1"
Add new group
    "method": "add",
    "params": {
        "path": "group:g1",
        "value": {
            "description": "Objects located in Europe",
            "elements": [ "host:h_10_1_2_7", "network:n1" ]


Execute multiple jobs. Change is only applied, if all jobs succeed.


  • jobs: Array of jobs.

Deprecated methods

These methods are deprecated and should not be used by new projects.


Add host to existing network.


  • name: Name of host.
  • ip: IP of host.
  • owner: Optional owner of host.
  • network: Name of network where new host is inserted.
  • mask: Mask of network if name of network is [auto].

If name of network is [auto], the network will be searched by IP address and mask.


Modify existing host.


  • name: Name of host.
  • owner: Change or add owner of this host.


Add owner to file netspoc/owner.


  • name: Name of owner.
  • admins: Array of admins.
  • watchers: Array of watchers
  • ok_if_exists: If this attribute is set and this owner already exists, this job is silently ignored, but counts as succeeded in multi_job.


Add object to existing group.
