Psalm supports a wide range of docblock annotations.
Psalm uses the following PHPDoc tags to understand your code:
Used for specifying the types of properties and variables@return
Used for specifying the return types of functions, methods and closures@param
Used for specifying types of parameters passed to functions, methods and closures@property
Used to specify what properties can be accessed on an object that uses__get
Used to specify what properties can be read on object that uses__get
Used to specify what properties can be written on object that uses__set
Used to specify which magic methods are available on object that uses__call
Used to mark functions, methods, classes and interfaces as being deprecated@internal
Used to mark classes, functions and properties that are internal to an application or library.@mixin
Used to tell Psalm that the current class proxies the methods and properties of the referenced class.
The @var
tag is supposed to only be used for properties. Psalm, taking a lead from PHPStorm and other static analysis tools, allows its use inline in the form @var Type [VariableReference]
If VariableReference
is provided, it should be of the form $variable
or $variable->property
. If used above an assignment, Psalm checks whether the VariableReference
matches the variable being assigned. If they differ, Psalm will assign the Type
to VariableReference
and use it in the expression below.
If no VariableReference
is given, the annotation tells Psalm that the right-hand side of the expression, whether an assignment or a return, is of type Type
/** @var string */
$a = $_GET['foo'];
/** @var string $b */
$b = $_GET['bar'];
function bat(): string {
/** @var string */
return $_GET['bat'];
Adding @mixin
to a classes docblock tells Psalm that the class proxies will proxy the methods and properties of the referenced class.
class A
public string $a = 'A';
public function doA(): void
* @mixin A
class B
public string $b = 'B';
public function doB(): void
public function __call($name, $arguments)
(new A())->$name(...$arguments);
public function __get($name)
(new A())->$name;
$b = new B();
$b->doA(); // works
echo $b->b;
echo $b->a; // works
There are a number of custom tags that determine how Psalm treats your code.
See UnsafeGenericInstantiation
This is used to specify that a by-ref type is different from the one that entered. In the function below the first param can be null, but once the function has executed the by-ref value is not null.
* @param-out string $s
function addFoo(?string &$s) : void {
if ($s === null) {
$s = "hello";
$s .= "foo";
, @psalm-param
, @psalm-return
, @psalm-property
, @psalm-property-read
, @psalm-property-write
, @psalm-method
When specifying types in a format not supported by phpDocumentor (but supported by Psalm) you may wish to prepend @psalm-
to the PHPDoc tag, so as to avoid confusing your IDE. If a @psalm
-prefixed tag is given, Psalm will use it in place of its non-prefixed counterpart.
This annotation is used to ignore the @var
annotation written in the same docblock. Some IDEs don't fully understand complex types like generics. To take advantage of such IDE's auto-completion, you may sometimes want to use explicit @var
annotations even when psalm can infer the type just fine. This weakens the effectiveness of type checking in many cases since the explicit @var
annotation overrides the types inferred by psalm. As psalm ignores the @var
annotation which is co-located with @psalm-ignore-var
, IDEs can use the type specified by the @var
for auto-completion, while psalm can still use its own inferred type for type checking.
/** @return iterable<array-key,\DateTime> $f */
function getTimes(int $n): iterable {
while ($n--) {
yield new \DateTime();
* @var \Datetime[] $times
* @psalm-ignore-var
$times = getTimes(3);
// this trace shows "iterable<array-key, DateTime>" instead of "array<array-key, Datetime>"
/** @psalm-trace $times */
foreach ($times as $time) {
echo $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u') . PHP_EOL;
This annotation is used to suppress issues. It can be used in function docblocks, class docblocks and also inline, applying to the following statement.
Function docblock example:
* @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand
function addString(?string $s) {
echo "hello " . $s;
Inline example:
function addString(?string $s) {
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand */
echo "hello " . $s;
@psalm-suppress all
can be used to suppress all issues instead of listing them individually.
See Adding assertions.
This can be used to tell Psalm not to worry if a function/method returns null. It’s a bit of a hack, but occasionally useful for scenarios where you either have a very high confidence of a non-null value, or some other function guarantees a non-null value for that particular code path.
class Foo {}
function takesFoo(Foo $f): void {}
/** @psalm-ignore-nullable-return */
function getFoo(): ?Foo {
return rand(0, 10000) > 1 ? new Foo() : null;
This provides the same, but for false
. Psalm uses this internally for functions like preg_replace
, which can return false if the given input has encoding errors, but where 99.9% of the time the function operates as expected.
If you have a magic property getter/setter, you can use @psalm-seal-properties
to instruct Psalm to disallow getting and setting any properties not contained in a list of @property
(or @property-read
) annotations.
This is automatically enabled with the configuration option sealAllProperties
and can be disabled for a class with @psalm-no-seal-properties
* @property string $foo
* @psalm-seal-properties
class A {
public function __get(string $name): ?string {
if ($name === "foo") {
return "hello";
public function __set(string $name, $value): void {}
$a = new A();
$a->bar = 5; // this call fails
If you have a magic method caller, you can use @psalm-seal-methods
to instruct Psalm to disallow calling any methods not contained in a list of @method
This is automatically enabled with the configuration option sealAllMethods
and can be disabled for a class with @psalm-no-seal-methods
* @method foo(): string
* @psalm-seal-methods
class A {
public function __call(string $name, array $args) {
if ($name === "foo") {
return "hello";
$a = new A();
$b = $a->bar(); // this call fails
Used to mark a class, property or function as internal to a given namespace. Psalm treats this slightly differently to
the PHPDoc @internal
tag. For @internal
, an issue is raised if the calling code is in a namespace completely
unrelated to the namespace of the calling code, i.e. not sharing the first element of the namespace.
In contrast for @psalm-internal
, the docblock line must specify a namespace. An issue is raised if the calling code
is not within the given namespace.
namespace A\B {
* @internal
* @psalm-internal A\B
class Foo { }
namespace A\B\C {
class Bat {
public function batBat(): void {
$a = new \A\B\Foo(); // this is fine
namespace A\C {
class Bat {
public function batBat(): void {
$a = new \A\B\Foo(); // error
Used to annotate a property that can only be written to in its defining class's constructor.
class B {
/** @readonly */
public string $s;
public function __construct(string $s) {
$this->s = $s;
$b = new B("hello");
echo $b->s;
$b->s = "boo"; // disallowed
Used to annotate a class method that does not mutate state, either internally or externally of the class's scope.
This requires that the return value depend only on the instance's properties. For example, random_int
is considered
mutating here because it mutates the random number generator's internal state.
class D {
private string $s;
public function __construct(string $s) {
$this->s = $s;
* @psalm-mutation-free
public function getShort() : string {
return substr($this->s, 0, 5);
* @psalm-mutation-free
public function getShortMutating() : string {
$this->s .= "hello"; // this is a bug
return substr($this->s, 0, 5);
Used to annotate a class method that does not mutate state externally of the class's scope.
class E {
private string $s;
public function __construct(string $s) {
$this->s = $s;
* @psalm-external-mutation-free
public function getShortMutating() : string {
$this->s .= "hello"; // this is fine
return substr($this->s, 0, 5);
* @psalm-external-mutation-free
public function save() : void {
file_put_contents("foo.txt", $this->s); // this is a bug
Used to annotate a class where every property is treated by consumers as @psalm-readonly
and every instance method is treated as @psalm-mutation-free
* @psalm-immutable
abstract class Foo
public string $baz;
abstract public function bar(): int;
* @psalm-immutable
final class ChildClass extends Foo
public function __construct(string $baz)
$this->baz = $baz;
public function bar(): int
return 0;
$anonymous = new /** @psalm-immutable */ class extends Foo
public string $baz = "B";
public function bar(): int
return 1;
Used to annotate a pure function - one whose output is just a function of its input.
class Arithmetic {
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function add(int $left, int $right) : int {
return $left + $right;
/** @psalm-pure - this is wrong */
public static function addCumulative(int $left) : int {
/** @var int */
static $i = 0; // this is a side effect, and thus a bug
$i += $left;
return $i;
echo Arithmetic::add(40, 2);
echo Arithmetic::add(40, 2); // same value is emitted
echo Arithmetic::addCumulative(3); // outputs 3
echo Arithmetic::addCumulative(3); // outputs 6
On the other hand, pure-callable
can be used to denote a callable which needs to be pure.
* @param pure-callable(mixed): int $callback
function foo(callable $callback) {...}
// this fails since random_int is not pure
/** @param mixed $p */
fn($p) => random_int(1, 2)
Used to annotate readonly properties that can be mutated in a private context. With this, public properties can be read from another class but only be mutated within a method of its own class.
class Counter {
* @readonly
* @psalm-allow-private-mutation
public int $count = 0;
public function increment() : void {
$counter = new Counter();
echo $counter->count; // outputs 0
$counter->increment(); // Method can mutate property
echo $counter->count; // outputs 1
$counter->count = 5; // This will fail, as it's mutating a property directly
This is a shorthand for the property annotations @readonly
and @psalm-allow-private-mutation
class Counter {
* @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation
public int $count = 0;
public function increment() : void {
$counter = new Counter();
echo $counter->count; // outputs 0
$counter->increment(); // Method can mutate property
echo $counter->count; // outputs 1
$counter->count = 5; // This will fail, as it's mutating a property directly
You can use this annotation to trace inferred type (applied to the next statement).
/** @psalm-trace $username */
$username = $_GET['username']; // prints something like "test.php:4 $username: mixed"
Note: it throws special low-level issue.
To see it, you can set the global errorLevel
to 1, or invoke Psalm with
, but both these solutions will probably result in a lot of
output. Another solution is to selectively bump the error level of the issue,
so that you only get one more error:
<!-- psalm.xml -->
<Trace errorLevel="error"/>
You can use this annotation to ensure the inferred type matches what you expect.
/** @psalm-check-type $foo = int */
$foo = 1; // No issue
/** @psalm-check-type $bar = int */
$bar = "not-an-int"; // Checked variable $bar = int does not match $bar = 'not-an-int'
Like @psalm-check-type
, but checks the exact type of the variable without allowing subtypes.
/** @psalm-check-type-exact $foo = int */
$foo = 1; // Checked variable $foo = int does not match $foo = 1
See Security Analysis annotations.
This allows you to define an alias for another type.
* @psalm-type PhoneType = array{phone: string}
class Phone {
* @psalm-return PhoneType
public function toArray(): array {
return ["phone" => "Nokia"];
You can use this annotation to import a type defined with @psalm-type
if it was defined somewhere else.
* @psalm-import-type PhoneType from Phone
class User {
* @psalm-return PhoneType
public function toArray(): array {
return array_merge([], (new Phone())->toArray());
You can also alias a type when you import it:
* @psalm-import-type PhoneType from Phone as MyPhoneTypeAlias
class User {
* @psalm-return MyPhoneTypeAlias
public function toArray(): array {
return array_merge([], (new Phone())->toArray());
The @psalm-require-extends
annotation allows you to define the requirements that a trait imposes on the using class.
abstract class DatabaseModel {
// methods, properties, etc.
* @psalm-require-extends DatabaseModel
trait SoftDeletingTrait {
// useful but scoped functionality, that depends on methods/properties from DatabaseModel
class MyModel extends DatabaseModel {
// valid
use SoftDeletingTrait;
class NormalClass {
// triggers an error
use SoftDeletingTrait;
Behaves the same way as @psalm-require-extends
, but for interfaces.
This will prevent access to the function or method tagged with named parameters (by emitting a NamedArgumentNotAllowed
Incidentally, it will change the inferred type for the following code:
function a(int ...$a){
The type of $a
is array<array-key, int>
without @no-named-arguments
but becomes list<int>
with it, because it excludes the case where the offset would be a string with the name of the parameter
Instructs Psalm to ignore variable property fetch / variable method call when looking for dead code.
class Foo
// this property can be deleted by Psalter,
// as potential reference in get() is ignored
public string $bar = 'bar';
public function get(string $name): mixed
/** @psalm-ignore-variable-property */
return $this->{$name};
When Psalm encounters variable property, it treats all properties in given class as potentially referenced.
With @psalm-ignore-variable-property
annotation, this reference is ignored.
While PossiblyUnusedProperty
would be emitted in both cases, using @psalm-ignore-variable-property
would allow Psalter to delete Foo::$bar
behaves the same way, but for variable method calls.
Used to specify the type of value which will be sent back to a generator when an annotated object instance is yielded.
* @template-covariant TValue
* @psalm-yield TValue
interface Promise {}
* @template-covariant TValue
* @template-implements Promise<TValue>
class Success implements Promise {
* @psalm-param TValue $value
public function __construct($value) {}
* @return Promise<string>
function fetch(): Promise {
return new Success('{"data":[]}');
function (): Generator {
$data = yield fetch();
// this is fine, Psalm knows that $data is a string
return json_decode($data);
This annotation supports only generic types, meaning that e.g. @psalm-yield string
would be ignored.
Used to tell Psalm that a class or method is used, even if no references to it can be found. Unused issues will be suppressed.
For example, in frameworks, controllers are often invoked "magically" without
any explicit references to them in your code. You should mark these classes with
* @psalm-api
class UnreferencedClass {}
Used to tell Psalm that a class can only be extended by a certain subset of classes.
For example,
* @psalm-inheritors FooClass|BarClass
class BaseClass {}
class FooClass extends BaseClass {}
class BarClass extends BaseClass {}
class BazClass extends BaseClass {} // this is an error
Psalm supports PHPDoc’s type syntax, and also the proposed PHPDoc PSR type syntax.
A detailed write-up is found in Typing in Psalm