retrobot verification box
- @hansode_retro - What did @hansode do 1 year ago today?
- @hansode_retro2 - What did @hansode do 2 years ago today?
- @hansode_retro3 - What did @hansode do 3 years ago today?
- @hansode_retro4 - What did @hansode do 4 years ago today?
- @hansode_retro5 - What did @hansode do 5 years ago today?
- Vagrant (>= 1.6.5)(
- Platforms
- Virtualbox (>= 4.3.20)(
- VMware Workstaion (>= 10)(
- Vagrant VMware plugin if you're using vmware (
Clone a repository.
$ git clone
$ cd retrobot-verification
Download and deploy to retrobot-verification
$ ls -l
Create a VM.
$ make up
Connect to the VM.
$ vagrant ssh
Change into retrobot project directory. /home/vagrant/retrobot
$ cd retrobot
Get token/secret pair of Twitter OAuth.
$ rbenv exec bundle exec get-twitter-oauth-token
$ unzip /vagrant/ -d tweets
Configure retrobot.
$ cp retrobot.example.yml retrobot.yml
$ vi retrobot.yml
Run retrobot.
$ ./bin/retrobot -c ./retrobot.yml
Beerware license.
If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.