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75 lines (53 loc) · 6.28 KB


Scratch scripts for performing analysis related to WormBase ParaSite data.

./ pdb_dir

pdb_dir should contain .pdb files of AlphaFold (AF) models. Each file is parsed using BioPython, and statistics derived from the extracted pLDDT scores. Prints CSV-formatted lines to the console of "pdb_filename,mean,median,stdev,var,max,min,perc_confident", where perc_confident is defined as the percentage of AF model residues that are above the 70% ("Confident") threshold.


scp (large) datasets from MARS:/users/whh2g/sharedscratch/parse_pdb/ and place in data/from_MARS/. Uses matplotlib to produce plots in output dir plots/.

./ output_dir

Download all gzipped gff3 and genomic fasta files for all species from the current WBPS release, and store in output_dir.

./ input_dir output_dir

Create necessary directory structure to be compatable with the script from GeenuFF. input_dir should contain the raw gzipped gff3 and genomic fasta files as gathered by


Uses TSV of BUSCO scores for annotation and assembly of all WBPS species to select candidates for reannotation, model training and validation in Helixer. Outputs text lists of candidate species to data/helixer_training_species/.

./ train_set_file valid_set_file train_dir

Prepare symbolic links in train_dir with the following hierarchy, using train_set_file and valid_set_file species lists:

├── training_data.species_01.h5 -> ../h5s/speciesA/test_data.h5
├── training_data.species_02.h5 -> ../h5s/speciesB/test_data.h5
├── validation_data.species_03.h5 -> ../h5s/speciesC/test_data.h5
└── validation_data.species_04.h5 -> ../h5s/speciesD/test_data.h5

./ gffcmp_refmap

Extract gene IDs from given GFFCompare .refmap file gffcmp_refmap using a regex pattern. Prints TSV-formatted lines to console of ref_gene_id target_gene_id.

./ seqfile annfile

Sort annotation GFF3 annfile and translate CDS to protein sequences using genome fasta seqfile. These can then be used for running BUSCO in "proteins" mode.

./ uniprot_acc

Call the EBI AlphaFold API to get the protein sequence for a given uniprot_acc.

./ output_dir

Prints to console genes that comply with criteria defined within script, followed by the total number. If (optional) output_dir is specified, write MD-formatted exon-lengths for each microexon gene.

./ input db

Run omamer search and omark for a given protein FASTA file input and OMAmer H5 file db. Ensure these commands are available in PATH, either through virtualenv or otherwise.


Analyse the gene maps between Strongyloides stercoralis WBPS18 and WBPS19 releases, produced from my own running of Liftoff (see and also the official WBPS mapping pipeline.

./ ctg_num

Filter FASTA and GFF files for given ctg_num of species Xx (so far Ac - Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Sm - Schistosoma mansoni) and launch Artemis with these as inputs. The hard-coded files need to be available in the directory from which the script is run.


For a OrthoFinder orthogroup (HOG) output table, iterate through all orthogroups which contain at least one orthologous transcript from each of a selection of N species, write .bed files of CDS boundaries for each species' transcript, and use pyGenomeTracks to plot the tracks. Plotting now only carried out with --do-plot option, while --overwrite will overwrite a plot even when it exists. There is an additional TSV output file generated on each run in data/schistosome_orthogroups/ which contains analysis for each HOG. Several of the TSV columns will only be filled when the option --load-blast is supplied (as they rely on BLAST outputs from the OrthoFinder working directory). In addition, supplying --clade integer will filter these BLAST-specific data to only the relevant species clade.


Analyse interesting cases of orthogroup exons based on given statistical metrics. Uses the outputs from

./ pfamout_path [OPTIONS]

For a given pfamout_path determine if each protein qualifies as "biologically interesting" and report such genes (to console or --output, if given) that are unique to given tool (i.e. Helixer or BRAKER) based on OrthoFinder orthogroups. If --combined option is given, report genes predicted by both tools but not existing in WBPS. If --odb option is given, consider only proteins that have orthologues inside/outside Nematoda ODB10 when equal to "exists"/"missing", respectively.


Create 3-way venn diagram plots of orthogroups from OrthoFinder outputs.


Test various formulae for estimating global alignment pident just from BLAST outputs. Outputs residual plots. If there is a good model, it will negate the need to run the inefficient Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for each all-vs-all pairing of sequences to determine global alignment identity.

./ input_gff3

Iterates through all genes for a given input_gff and selects the transcript with longest protein coding length. Prints each gene, longest transcript and all its child features to stdout.


Perform analysis on reannotation of species X, comparing output of automated tools with canonical WBPS annotation. Parses OrthoFinder results and derives statistics such as InterPro accession frequencies.


Pre-populate a JSON containing IPR numbers and their descriptions, grouped by category, for a species. Parses attributes from annotation GFF3, as well as the TSV output from Interproscan runs on novel transcripts (from MARS).


Summary statistics and plotting for reannotation analysis of key species, primarily for producing Figures and Tables.