- 🔧 Ignore
in biome. PR #1175 by @patrick91.
- ✨ Add support for deploying multiple environments (staging, production) to the same server. PR #1128 by @tiangolo.
- 👷 Update CI GitHub Actions to allow running in private repos. PR #1125 by @tiangolo.
- 🐛 Fix local Traefik proxy network config to fix Gateway Timeouts. PR #1184 by @JoelGotsch.
- ♻️ Fix tests when first superuser password is changed in .env. PR #1165 by @billzhong.
- 🐛 Fix bug when resetting password. PR #1171 by @alejsdev.
- 🐛 Fix 403 when the frontend has a directory without an index.html. PR #1094 by @tiangolo.
- 🔒️ Refactor migrate from python-jose to PyJWT. PR #1203 by @estebanx64.
- 🔥 Remove duplicated code. PR #1185 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Add delete_user_me endpoint and corresponding test cases. PR #1179 by @alejsdev.
- ✅ Update test to add verification database records. PR #1178 by @estebanx64.
- 🚸 Use
to fetch members and show skeleton. PR #1174 by @patrick91. - 🎨 Format Utils. PR #1173 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Use suspense for items page. PR #1167 by @patrick91.
- 🚸 Mark login field as required. PR #1166 by @patrick91.
- 🚸 Improve login. PR #1163 by @patrick91.
- 🥅 Handle AxiosErrors in Login page. PR #1162 by @patrick91.
- 🎨 Format frontend. PR #1161 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Regenerate frontend client. PR #1156 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor rename ModelsOut to ModelsPublic. PR #1154 by @estebanx64.
- ♻️ Migrate frontend client generation from
. PR #1151 by @alejsdev. - 🔥 Remove unused exports and update dependencies. PR #1146 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Update sentry dns initialization following the environment settings. PR #1145 by @estebanx64.
- ♻️ Refactor and tweaks, rename
and others. PR #1143 by @alejsdev. - 🎨 Format imports. PR #1140 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor and remove
. PR #1139 by @alejsdev. - ♻️ Add email pattern and refactor in frontend. PR #1138 by @alejsdev.
- 🥅 Set up Sentry for FastAPI applications. PR #1136 by @estebanx64.
- 🔥 Remove deprecated Docker Compose version key. PR #1129 by @tiangolo.
- 🎨 Format with Biome . PR #1097 by @alejsdev.
- 🎨 Update quote style in biome formatter. PR #1095 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Replace ESLint and Prettier with Biome to format and lint frontend. PR #719 by @santigandolfo.
- 🎨 Replace buttons styling for variants for consistency. PR #722 by @alejsdev.
- 🛠️ Improve
. PR #720 by @alejsdev. - ♻️ Replace pytest-mock with unittest.mock and remove pytest-cov. PR #717 by @estebanx64.
- 🛠️ Minor changes in frontend. PR #715 by @alejsdev.
- ♻ Update Docker image to prevent errors in M1 Macs. PR #710 by @dudil.
- ✏ Fix typo in variable names in
. PR #711 by @disrupted.
- ⬆️ Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /backend. PR #1196 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump gunicorn from 21.2.0 to 22.0.0 in /backend. PR #1176 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /backend. PR #1168 by @dependabot[bot].
- 🆙 Update React Query to TanStack Query. PR #1153 by @patrick91.
- Bump vite from 5.0.12 to 5.0.13 in /frontend. PR #1149 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /frontend. PR #734 by @dependabot[bot].
- ✏️ Update
. PR #1205 by @Craz1k0ek. - ✏️ Fix Adminer URL in
. PR #1194 by @PhilippWu. - 📝 Add
Enabling Open User Registration
to backend docs. PR #1191 by @alejsdev. - 📝 Update release-notes.md. PR #1164 by @alejsdev.
- 📝 Update
. PR #716 by @alejsdev. - 📝 Update instructions to clone for a private repo, including updates. PR #1127 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Add docs about CI keys, LATEST_CHANGES and SMOKESHOW_AUTH_KEY. PR #1126 by @tiangolo.
- ✏️ Fix file path in
when not wanting to use migrations. PR #1116 by @leonlowitzki. - 📝 Add documentation for pre-commit and code linting. PR #718 by @estebanx64.
- 📝 Fix localhost URLs in
. PR #1099 by @efonte. - ✏ Update header titles for consistency. PR #708 by @codesmith-emmy.
- 📝 Update
, dark mode screenshot position. PR #706 by @alejsdev.
- 👷 Update Smokeshow download artifact GitHub Action. PR #1198 by @tiangolo.
- 🔧 Update Node.js version in
. PR #1192 by @alejsdev. - 🔥 Remove ESLint and Prettier from pre-commit config. PR #1096 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Update mypy config to ignore .venv directories. PR #1155 by @tiangolo.
- 🚨 Enable
to prevent unused arguments. PR #1152 by @patrick91. - 🔥 Remove isort configuration, since we use Ruff now. PR #1144 by @patrick91.
- 🔧 Update pre-commit config to exclude generated client folder. PR #1150 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Change
format. PR #1148 by @patrick91. - 🎨 Ignore alembic from ruff lint and format. PR #1131 by @estebanx64.
- 🔧 Add GitHub templates for discussions and issues, and security policy. PR #1105 by @alejsdev.
- ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4. PR #1103 by @dependabot[bot].
- 🔧 Add Biome to pre-commit config. PR #1098 by @alejsdev.
- 🔥 Delete leftover celery file. PR #727 by @dr-neptune.
- ⚙️ Update pre-commit config with Prettier and ESLint. PR #714 by @alejsdev.
Latest FastAPI, Pydantic, SQLModel 🚀
Brand new frontend with React, TS, Vite, Chakra UI, TanStack Query/Router, generated client/SDK 🎨
CI/CD - GitHub Actions 🤖
Test cov > 90% ✅
- ✨ Adopt SQLModel, create models, start using it. PR #559 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Upgrade items router with new SQLModel models, simplified logic, and new FastAPI Annotated dependencies. PR #560 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Migrate from pgAdmin to Adminer. PR #692 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Add support for setting
. PR #333 by @uepoch. - ⬆ Upgrade Flower version and command. PR #447 by @maurob.
- 🎨 Improve styles. PR #673 by @alejsdev.
- 🎨 Update theme. PR #666 by @alejsdev.
- 👷 Add continuous deployment and refactors needed for it. PR #667 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Create endpoint to show password recovery email content and update email template. PR #664 by @alejsdev.
- 🎨 Format with Prettier. PR #646 by @alejsdev.
- ✅ Add tests to raise coverage to at least 90% and fix recover password logic. PR #632 by @estebanx64.
- ⚙️ Add Prettier and ESLint config with pre-commit. PR #640 by @alejsdev.
- 👷 Add coverage with Smokeshow to CI and badge. PR #638 by @estebanx64.
- ✨ Migrate to TanStack Query (React Query) and TanStack Router. PR #637 by @alejsdev.
- ✅ Add setup and teardown database for tests. PR #626 by @estebanx64.
- ✨ Update new-frontend client. PR #625 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add password reset functionality. PR #624 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add private/public routing. PR #621 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Add VS Code debug configs. PR #620 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Add
Not Found
page. PR #595 by @alejsdev. - ✨ Add new pages, components, panels, modals, and theme; refactor and improvements in existing components. PR #593 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Support delete own account and other tweaks. PR #614 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Restructure folders, allow editing of users/items, and implement other refactors and improvements. PR #603 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add Copier, migrate from Cookiecutter, in a way that supports using the project as is, forking or cloning it. PR #612 by @tiangolo.
- ➕ Replace black, isort, flake8, autoflake with ruff and upgrade mypy. PR #610 by @tiangolo.
- ♻ Refactor items and services endpoints to return count and data, and add CI tests. PR #599 by @estebanx64.
- ✨ Add support for updating items and upgrade SQLModel to 0.0.16 (which supports model object updates). PR #601 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Add dark mode to new-frontend and conditional sidebar items. PR #600 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Migrate to RouterProvider and other refactors . PR #598 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add delete_user; refactor delete_item. PR #594 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add state store to new frontend. PR #592 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add form validation to Admin, Items and Login. PR #616 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add Sidebar to new frontend. PR #587 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add Login to new frontend. PR #585 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Include schemas in generated frontend client. PR #584 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Regenerate frontend client with recent changes. PR #575 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor API in
. PR #573 by @alejsdev. - ✨ Update code for login API. PR #571 by @tiangolo.
- ✨ Add client in frontend and client generation. PR #569 by @alejsdev.
- 🐳 Set up Docker config for new-frontend. PR #564 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Set up new frontend with Vite, TypeScript and React. PR #563 by @alejsdev.
- 📌 Add NodeJS version management and instructions. PR #551 by @alejsdev.
- Add consistent errors for env vars not set. PR #200.
- Upgrade Traefik to version 2, keeping in sync with DockerSwarm.rocks. PR #199.
- Run tests with
. PR #160.
- 🐛 Fix copier to handle string vars with spaces in quotes. PR #631 by @estebanx64.
- 🐛 Fix allowing a user to update the email to the same email they already have. PR #696 by @alejsdev.
- 🐛 Set up Sentry only when used. PR #671 by @tiangolo.
- 🔥 Remove unnecessary validation. PR #662 by @alejsdev.
- 🐛 Fix bug when editing own user. PR #651 by @alejsdev.
- 🐛 Add
. PR #589 by @alejsdev. - 🐛 Fix positional argument bug in
. PR #562 by @alejsdev. - 📌 Fix flower Docker image, pin version. PR #396 by @sanggusti.
- 🐛 Fix Celery worker command. PR #443 by @bechtold.
- 🐛 Fix Poetry installation in Dockerfile and upgrade Python version and packages to fix Docker build. PR #480 by @little7Li.
- 🔧 Add missing dotenv variables. PR #554 by @tiangolo.
- ⏪ Revert "⚙️ Add Prettier and ESLint config with pre-commit". PR #644 by @alejsdev.
- 🙈 Add .prettierignore and include client folder. PR #648 by @alejsdev.
- 🏷️ Add mypy to the GitHub Action for tests and fixed types in the whole project. PR #655 by @estebanx64.
- 🔒️ Ensure the default values of "changethis" are not deployed. PR #698 by @tiangolo.
- ◀ Revert "📸 Rename Dashboard to Home and update screenshots". PR #697 by @alejsdev.
- 📸 Rename Dashboard to Home and update screenshots. PR #693 by @alejsdev.
- 🐛 Fixed items count when retrieving data for all items by user. PR #695 by @estebanx64.
- 🔥 Remove Celery and Flower, they are currently not used nor recommended. PR #694 by @tiangolo.
- ✅ Add test for deleting user without privileges. PR #690 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor user update. PR #689 by @alejsdev.
- 📌 Add Poetry lock to git. PR #685 by @tiangolo.
- 🎨 Adjust color and spacing. PR #684 by @alejsdev.
- 👷 Avoid creating unnecessary *.pyc files with PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1. PR #677 by @estebanx64.
- 🔧 Add
option for older SMTP servers. PR #365 by @Metrea. - ♻️ Refactor logic to allow running pytest tests locally. PR #683 by @tiangolo.
- ♻ Update error messages. PR #417 by @qu3vipon.
- 🔧 Add a default Flower password. PR #682 by @tiangolo.
- 🔧 Update VS Code debug config. PR #676 by @tiangolo.
- ♻️ Refactor code structure for tests. PR #674 by @tiangolo.
- 🔧 Set TanStack Router devtools only in dev mode. PR #668 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor email logic to allow re-using util functions for testing and development. PR #663 by @tiangolo.
- 💬 Improve Delete Account description and confirmation. PR #661 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor email templates. PR #659 by @alejsdev.
- 📝 Update deployment files and docs. PR #660 by @tiangolo.
- 🔥 Remove unused schemas. PR #656 by @alejsdev.
- 🔥 Remove old frontend. PR #649 by @tiangolo.
- ♻ Move project source files to top level from src, update Sentry dependency. PR #630 by @estebanx64.
- ♻ Refactor Python folder tree. PR #629 by @estebanx64.
- ♻️ Refactor old CRUD utils and tests. PR #622 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Update .env to allow local debug for the backend. PR #618 by @tiangolo.
- ♻️ Refactor and update CORS, remove trailing slash from new Pydantic v2. PR #617 by @tiangolo.
- 🎨 Format files with pre-commit and Ruff. PR #611 by @tiangolo.
- 🚚 Refactor and simplify backend file structure. PR #609 by @tiangolo.
- 🔥 Clean up old files no longer relevant. PR #608 by @tiangolo.
- ♻ Re-structure Docker Compose files, discard Docker Swarm specific logic. PR #607 by @tiangolo.
- ♻️ Refactor update endpoints and regenerate client for new-frontend. PR #602 by @alejsdev.
- ✨ Add Layout to App. PR #588 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Re-enable user update path operations for frontend client generation. PR #574 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Remove type ignores and add
. PR #572 by @alejsdev. - ♻️ Refactor Users API and dependencies. PR #561 by @alejsdev.
- ♻️ Refactor frontend Docker build setup, use plain NodeJS, use custom Nginx config, fix build for old Vue. PR #555 by @tiangolo.
- ♻️ Refactor project generation, discard cookiecutter, use plain git/clone/fork. PR #553 by @tiangolo.
- Refactor backend:
- Simplify configs for tools and format to better support editor integration.
- Add mypy configurations and plugins.
- Add types to all the codebase.
- Update types for SQLAlchemy models with plugin.
- Update and refactor CRUD utils.
- Refactor DB sessions to use dependencies with
. - Refactor dependencies, security, CRUD, models, schemas, etc. To simplify code and improve autocompletion.
- Change from PyJWT to Python-JOSE as it supports additional use cases.
- Fix JWT tokens using user email/ID as the subject in
. - PR #158.
- Simplify
files, refactor deployment to reduce config files. PR #153. - Simplify env var files, merge to a single
file. PR #151.
- 📌 Upgrade Poetry lock dependencies. PR #702 by @tiangolo.
- ⬆️ Upgrade Python version and dependencies. PR #558 by @tiangolo.
- ⬆ Bump tiangolo/issue-manager from 0.2.0 to 0.5.0. PR #591 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.5 in /frontend. PR #654 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump vite from 5.0.4 to 5.0.12 in /frontend. PR #653 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump fastapi from 0.104.1 to 0.109.1 in /backend. PR #687 by @dependabot[bot].
- Bump python-multipart from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7 in /backend. PR #686 by @dependabot[bot].
- ⬆ Add
to includewatchgod
. PR #438 by @alonme. - ⬆ Upgrade code to support pydantic V2. PR #615 by @estebanx64.
- 🦇 Add dark mode to
. PR #703 by @alejsdev. - 🍱 Update GitHub image. PR #701 by @tiangolo.
- 🍱 Add GitHub image. PR #700 by @tiangolo.
- 🚚 Rename project to Full Stack FastAPI Template. PR #699 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Update
. PR #691 by @alejsdev. - ✏ Fix typo in
. PR #309 by @graue70. - 📝 Add docs for wildcard domains. PR #681 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Add the required GitHub Actions secrets to docs. PR #679 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Update
. PR #678 by @alejsdev. - 📝 Update frontend
. PR #675 by @alejsdev. - 📝 Update deployment docs to use a different directory for traefik-public. PR #670 by @tiangolo.
- 📸 Add new screenshots . PR #657 by @alejsdev.
- 📝 Refactor README into separate README.md files for backend, frontend, deployment, development. PR #639 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Update README. PR #628 by @tiangolo.
- 👷 Update GitHub Action latest-changes and move release notes to independent file. PR #619 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Update internal README and referred files. PR #613 by @tiangolo.
- 📝 Update README with in construction notice. PR #552 by @tiangolo.
- Add docs about reporting test coverage in HTML. PR #161.
- Add docs about removing the frontend, for an API-only app. PR #156.
- 👷 Add Lint to GitHub Actions outside of tests. PR #688 by @tiangolo.
- ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.28.0 to 3.1.2. PR #643 by @dependabot[bot].
- ⬆ Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4. PR #642 by @dependabot[bot].
- ⬆ Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5. PR #641 by @dependabot[bot].
- 👷 Tweak test GitHub Action names. PR #672 by @tiangolo.
- 🔧 Add
file to ensure LF endings for.sh
files. PR #658 by @estebanx64. - 🚚 Move new-frontend to frontend. PR #652 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Add script for ESLint. PR #650 by @alejsdev.
- ⚙️ Add Prettier config. PR #647 by @alejsdev.
- 🔧 Update pre-commit config. PR #645 by @alejsdev.
- 👷 Add dependabot. PR #547 by @tiangolo.
- 👷 Fix latest-changes GitHub Action token, strike 2. PR #546 by @tiangolo.
- 👷 Fix latest-changes GitHub Action token config. PR #545 by @tiangolo.
- 👷 Add latest-changes GitHub Action. PR #544 by @tiangolo.
- Update issue-manager. PR #211.
- Add GitHub Sponsors button. PR #201.
- Simplify scripts and development, update docs and configs. PR #155.
- Make the Traefik public network a fixed default of
as done in DockerSwarm.rocks, to simplify development and iteration of the project generator. PR #150. - Update to PostgreSQL 12. PR #148. by @RCheese.
- Use Poetry for package management. Initial PR #144 by @RCheese.
- Fix Windows line endings for shell scripts after project generation with Cookiecutter hooks. PR #149.
- Upgrade Vue CLI to version 4. PR #120 by @br3ndonland.
- Remove duplicate
tag. PR #135 by @Nonameentered. - Fix showing email in dashboard when there's no user's full name. PR #129 by @rlonka.
- Format code with Black and Flake8. PR #121 by @br3ndonland.
- Simplify SQLAlchemy Base class. PR #117 by @airibarne.
- Update CRUD utils for users, handling password hashing. PR #106 by @mocsar.
- Use
instead ofsource
for interoperability. PR #98 by @gucharbon. - Use Pydantic's
for settings/configs and env vars. PR #87 by @StephenBrown2. - Remove
to let everyone lock their own versions (depending on OS, etc). - Simplify Traefik service labels PR #139.
- Add email validation. PR #40 by @kedod.
- Fix typo in README. PR #83 by @ashears.
- Fix typo in README. PR #80 by @abjoker.
- Fix function name
and response code. PR #74 by @jcaguirre89. - Fix typo in comment. PR #70 by @daniel-butler.
- Fix Flower Docker configuration. PR #37 by @dmontagu.
- Add new CRUD utils based on DB and Pydantic models. Initial PR #23 by @ebreton.
- Add normal user testing Pytest fixture. PR #20 by @ebreton.
Fix security on resetting a password. Receive token as body, not query. PR #34.
Fix security on resetting a password. Receive it as body, not query. PR #33 by @dmontagu.
Fix SQLAlchemy class lookup on initialization. PR #29 by @ebreton.
Fix SQLAlchemy operation errors on database restart. PR #32 by @ebreton.
Fix locations of scripts in generated README. PR #19 by @ebreton.
Forward arguments from script to
inside container. PR #17 by @ebreton. -
Update development scripts.
Create DB Item objects from all Pydantic model's fields.
Update Jupyter Lab installation and util script/environment variable for local development.
PR #14:
- Update CRUD utils to use types better.
- Simplify Pydantic model names, from
, etc. - Upgrade packages.
- Add new generic "Items" models, crud utils, endpoints, and tests. To facilitate re-using them to create new functionality. As they are simple and generic (not like Users), it's easier to copy-paste and adapt them to each use case.
- Update endpoints/path operations to simplify code and use new utilities, prefix and tags in
. - Update testing utils.
- Update linting rules, relax vulture to reduce false positives.
- Update migrations to include new Items.
- Update project README.md with tips about how to start with backend.
Upgrade Python to 3.7 as Celery is now compatible too. PR #10 by @ebreton.
- Fix frontend hijacking /docs in development. Using latest https://github.com/tiangolo/node-frontend with custom Nginx configs in frontend. PR #6.
Fix documentation for path operation to get user by ID. PR #4 by @mpclarkson in FastAPI.
as a command override for development by default. -
Update generated README.
- Simplify and update backend
s. - Refactor and simplify backend code, improve naming, imports, modules and "namespaces".
- Improve and simplify Vuex integration with TypeScript accessors.
- Standardize frontend components layout, buttons order, etc.
- Add local development scripts (to develop this project generator itself).
- Add logs to startup modules to detect errors early.
- Improve FastAPI dependency utilities, to simplify and reduce code (to require a superuser).
- Fix path operation to update self-user, set parameters as body payload.
Several bug fixes since initial publication, including:
- Order of path operations for users.
- Frontend sending login data in the correct format.
- Add https://localhost variants to CORS.