This is an A* algorithm aimed at developers for plugins on pocketmine.
The algorithm is just a direct rewrite of a version made for Spigot where it can be found on the author section.
use lib\pathfinding\Pathfinder;
$initialPath = $player->getPosition();
$entity = $sender->getWorld()->getNearestEntity($initialPath, 50);
if($entity instanceof Living) {
try {
$start = Position::fromObject(
(clone $initialPath)->subtract(0, -0.5, 0),
$end = Position::fromObject(
(clone $entity->getPosition())->subtract(0, -0.5, 0),
$pathResult = Pathfinder::find($start, $end);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$player->sendMessage('Error! Because, ' . $e->getMessage());
$pathResult = Pathfinder::find($start, $end);
$world = $player->getWorld();
if(!$pathResult->haveFailed()) {
$nodesPath = $pathResult->getPath()->getNodes();
$count = count($nodesPath);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$node = $nodesPath[$i];
$block = VanillaBlocks::IRON();
// check if is initial or final path
if($i == 0 || $i == $count-1) {
$block = VanillaBlocks::EMERALD();
$world->setBlockAt($node->x, $node->y, $node->z, $block);