All notable changes to the "grafana-vscode" extension will be documented in this file.
- Add a walkthrough to help getting started with the extension (#118)
- Add a "new dashboard" snippet (#96)
- Support opening dashboards via the command palette (#97)
- Fix support for Grafana Cloud (#87)
- Support library panels (#90)
- Support grizzly dashboards (#91)
- Support HTTP API-style dashboards (#92)
- Add /api/datasource/uid/* proxy endpoint
- Remove preferences warning popup
- Add additional proxy endpoints (to support more dashboards/etc) (#80)
- Follow redirects and don't fail on trailing slashes (#77)
- Theming (light/dark) support for Grafana (#74)
- Improved readme (#62)
- Add telemetry that will allow us to evaluate usefulness of this extension (#48)
- Removed Kiosk mode - this was preventing the 'add panel' option from showing (#59)
- Fixed usage on Windows (#57)
- Readme tweaks (#54)
- Added support for vscodium (#53)
- Improved readme (#52)
- First release to VSCode Marketplace