This API documentation describes endpoints for the Omnipresence Project, a women's safety and empowerment system leveraging AI for real-time analysis and geolocation-based alerting. This FastAPI-based backend is containerized in Docker, making it deployable across various environments.
This section provides instructions for setting up the Docker environment for the govardhan06/omnipresence-backend
image. Follow these steps to create a network, pull the necessary images, and run the containers.
docker pull govardhan06/omnipresence-backend:v5
docker run -p 8000:8000 govardhan06/omnipresence-backend:v5
Users can report incidents anonymously through the backend, ensuring privacy and security. Reports are stored using IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), providing a decentralized and secure way to handle sensitive data without compromising user identity.
The backend facilitates safe routing by calculating and suggesting the safest paths based on real-time data. Users can input their destination, and the system will provide optimized routes that avoid high-risk areas, ensuring a safer travel experience.
Users can configure emergency contacts within the application. In case of an emergency, the system can quickly notify these contacts, ensuring rapid communication and support during critical situations.
The backend integrates with the WhatsApp API, allowing users to send alerts and notifications directly to their contacts via WhatsApp. This feature ensures timely communication in emergencies, leveraging a widely used messaging platform.
Users can activate an SOS trigger with a simple action. Upon activation, a predefined chain of events is initiated, including notifications to emergency contacts, location sharing, and alerting local authorities if necessary, ensuring immediate assistance.
In case of an SOS trigger, users can stream live video from their phone's camera to the backend. This feature provides real-time visual information to emergency contacts and responders, enhancing situational awareness and response effectiveness.
- Endpoint:
- Description: Redirects users to the API documentation (Swagger UI).
- Response:
- 200: Redirect to
- 200: Redirect to
- Endpoint:
POST /login-or-register
- Parameters:
(str): Firebase ID Token for authentication.
- Description: Authenticates or registers users using Firebase. If the user is new, creates a record in Supabase.
- Response:
- 200: User verified or created.
- 401: Invalid token.
- 500: Internal Server Error.
- Endpoint:
POST /family_details
- Parameters:
(str): User identifier.family_members
(List[FamilyMember]): List of family members' details.
- Description: Stores family contact details in IPFS and records the hash in Supabase for emergency use.
- Response:
- 200: Family details added.
- 500: Failed to store data in Supabase or IPFS.
- Endpoint:
GET /family_details/{user_id}
- Parameters:
(str): User identifier.
- Description: Retrieves family contact details from IPFS using Supabase.
- Response:
- 200: Data successfully retrieved.
- 500: Failed to retrieve data.
- Endpoint:
POST /report-incident
- Parameters:
(str): User identifier.incident
(Incident): Incident details including type, location, and time.
- Description: Crowdsources incident reports and stores details in IPFS. A geofence is set up around the incident.
- Response:
- 200: Incident recorded, hash saved in Supabase.
- 500: Failed to store data in IPFS or Supabase.
- Endpoint:
GET /retrieve-incident
- Description: Admin-only endpoint to fetch all incident reports.
- Response:
- 200: Incident data retrieved from IPFS.
- 500: Failed to retrieve incident data.
- Endpoint:
POST /update_location
- Parameters:
(UserLocation): User's current latitude and longitude.
- Description: Updates user location and checks if the user is within any defined geofence. Sends an alert if necessary.
- Response:
- 200: Geofence alerts if applicable.
- 500: Failed to update location.
- Endpoint:
POST /add-geofence
- Parameters:
(Geofence): Geofence details including location and radius.
- Description: Admin-only endpoint to create geofences for incident areas.
- Response:
- 200: Geofence added successfully.
- 400: Failed to add geofence.
- 500: Validation error.
- Endpoint:
GET /geofence_coordinates
- Description: Admin-only endpoint to retrieve all geofence data.
- Response:
- 200: Geofence coordinates retrieved.
- 500: Failed to retrieve geofences.
- Endpoint:
GET /safe_route
- Parameters:
(float): Starting latitude.start_lon
(float): Starting longitude.end_lat
(float): Destination latitude.end_lon
(float): Destination longitude.
- Description: Calculates the safest route between two points, avoiding areas within active geofences.
- Response:
- 200: Route data.
- 404: Route not found.
- Endpoint:
POST /sos-trigger
- Parameters:
(str): User identifier.latitude
(float): Current latitude.longitude
(float): Current longitude.username
(str): User's name.
- Description: Sends an SOS alert, notifying emergency contacts of the user's location.
- Response:
- 200: SOS alert triggered, alert ID returned.
- Endpoint:
GET /sos-alert/{user_id}/{alert_id}
- Parameters:
(str): User identifier.alert_id
(int): SOS alert identifier.
- Description: Admin-only endpoint to retrieve specific SOS alert data.
- Response:
- 200: SOS data retrieved.
- 404: Alert not found.
- Endpoint:
- Parameters:
- user_id (Path Parameter): A unique identifier for the user.
- alert_id (Path Parameter): A unique identifier for the alert associated with the media.
- file_format (Path Parameter): The format of the file : mp4
- Description: This endpoint handles streaming media (e.g., video) from the frontend to the backend. The media is received in real-time and saved to a file on the server, then uploaded to Supabase.
- Response:
- Real-time stream initiated on connection.
- Flow
- The WebSocket connection is accepted upon connection to this endpoint.
- A new file is created on the server using
as part of the filename (e.g.,user123_456.mp4
). - The media is streamed and saved to this file in chunks.
- After every chunk is received, a success message is sent to the frontend:
{"message": "Video transmitted successfully"}
- If the WebSocket connection is disconnected, the server logs this and stops the stream.
- If any error occurs, the WebSocket connection is closed, and an error message is sent to the frontend:
{"message": "Failed to transmit video"}
- Error Handling
- The server will send a failure message if there is an error during file processing or transmission.
- In case of disconnection, the WebSocket closes gracefully.
- Endpoint:
- Description: This endpoint streams real-time audio from the user's device to the backend for analysis. If a potential SOS trigger (e.g., scream) is detected in the audio, the server sends a notification to the frontend, requesting confirmation from the user. Based on the user's response, an SOS alert may be triggered.
- Parameters
- user_id (Path Parameter): A unique identifier for the user.
- username (Path Parameter): The username of the user sending the audio stream.
- latitude (Path Parameter): The latitude of the user's location.
- longitude (Path Parameter): The longitude of the user's location.
- Flow
- The WebSocket connection is accepted upon connection to this endpoint.
- The server begins receiving and saving the incoming audio stream in
format. - The audio data is saved in chunks, and each chunk is written to the file in real-time.
- Once the file is ready, it is processed using the
function. - If the audio is determined to be a potential SOS (e.g., a scream):
- A notification is sent to the frontend:
{"sos_triggered": null, "message": "Potential SOS detected! Please confirm if help is needed."}
- The frontend responds with a confirmation (
). - If SOS is confirmed, an SOS alert is triggered and sent back to the frontend with a unique
:{"sos_triggered": true, "alert_id": 123, "message": "SOS alert has been triggered, help is on the way!"}
- If no SOS is confirmed, the frontend receives a message indicating that everything is safe:
{"sos_triggered": false, "message": "No SOS triggered. Everything is safe."}
- A notification is sent to the frontend:
- If no SOS trigger is detected, the following message is sent to the frontend:
{"sos_triggered": false, "message": "Everything is safe."}
- If the WebSocket connection is disconnected, the server logs the disconnection and stops the stream.
- Error Handling
- If there is an error processing the audio or an issue during the streaming, the WebSocket connection is closed and an error message is returned to the frontend:
{"message": "Error writing file: [error details]"}
- If the audio analysis does not detect any SOS signals, the frontend is notified that everything is safe.
- If there is an error processing the audio or an issue during the streaming, the WebSocket connection is closed and an error message is returned to the frontend: