All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Enabled the LivingHurtEvent so critical damage can be inflicted!
- Fix critical weapon damage -> changed from multiple to addition.
- Fixed Deferred generator block entities using the wrong config-based conditional statement.
- Updated treasure2-chests-1.20.1 toml file to v3.
- Added Deferred generators for Surface, Subaquatic structures, and Pits.
-Fixed GeometryUtil.mcRotate() for Countclockwise90/Clockwise270 rotation.
- Fixed pit shaft and pit room alignments! For real this time.
- Updated crypt3.nbt to include the missing bottom level which had the entrance marker.
- Updated treasure2-structures toml file.
- Updated StructureMarkerGenerator to use mcRotate() instead of rotate()
- Updated StructurePitGenerator to use mcRotate() instead of rotate()
- Added Oh Biomes You'll Go support.
- Added crypt5.nbt that is like crypt3 but with a full skeleton.
- Added mcRotate() to GeometryUtil.
- Fixed add patchouli guide book on first use.
- Added condition to KeyItem.isDamageable() to prevent exception due to mixin use.
- Added the Falling blocks names to the language file.
- Fixed all_overworld biome modifier tag so that chests spawn correctly and at the correct frequency.
- Fixed crafted Keys from only having 0 durability/usage on server.
- Fixed reading datapacks in flat/exploded directory format.
- Fixed high-level loot tables to include high-level combat items.
- KeyItem now takes a default durability value in the constructor.
- Fixed the inventory size of chests display in inventory.
- Increased the success probability of Pilferers and Thiefs Locks Picks to 48/60 respectively.
- Fixed the IChestGenerator.buildLootTableList not using the correct key when searching for injectable loot tables.
- Fixed Legendary and Mythical loot tables to include respective weapons.
- Fixed Cauldron Chest not displaying a rarity.
- Update mimics to have a smoother chomp animation.
- Config options for Pilferers and Thiefs Lock Picks success probabilities for different rarities.
- Patchouli book support with entries for Chests, Keys, Locks and Key Ring. Added to your inventory on first join.
- Fixed key usage/damage not updating client when playing on dedicated server.
- Key usage/damage isn't increment in Creative mode.
- Cardboard Box mimic.
- Properly referenced the treasure2-structures-1.93.3-v2.toml resource which caused crashes if not found.
- Fixed crash when removing item from crafting table (anything requiring the Treasure Tool.)
- Data generated all recipes.
- Fixed generation crashes.
- Fixed structure alignments.
- Fixed treasure tab name display.
- Updated SurfaceStructureFeatureGenerator to return an Optional.
- Updated treasure2-structures-1.20.1 to version 2.
- Updated sunken-ship structures.
- Blackrock and Deepslate variations of towers.
- Deferred Random Vanilla Spawner generation classes.
- Deferred Wither Tree generation classes.
- GeometryUtil class.
- Fixed built-in structure registration.
- Update structure datapack registering to handle multiple datapacks (see loot tables)
- Update when selecting loot table/structure list based on category/type to merge built-in and datapacks, replacing built-ins with datapack elements when overlapped.
- Fixed ChestRegistry registering chests by Rarity.
- Added Cauldron Chest to chest rarity tag.
- Fixed Emerald Key registration in CommonSetup.
- Changed Lock Item rarity tooltip color to BLUE to be the same as Key Item.
- Changed Treasure Chest Block Item rarity tooltip color to BLUE to be the same as Key & Lock Item.
- Updated IChestGeneator.buildLootTableList() to use the ILootTableType param instead of defaulting to CHESTS.
- Updated IChestGenerator.fillChest() to only use the rarity that was selected for the chest for the injects.
-Added internationalization language entries for Rarities and Key/Lock Categories
- Added name for Wither Chest top block. -Added Callandor sword.
- Updated chest block entities to prevent piping items out/in of locked chests.
- Updated ITEM_HANDLER capability - replaced old deprecated versions with new ones.
- Updated AbstractTreasureChestBlockEntity to use the sided call to CapabilityProvider#getCapability(). This fixes the Jade crash issue.
- Added names for all mobs.
- Fixed polished granite gravestone recipes.
- Added Crate and Moldy Crate mimics.
- Added 1.19.2 blocks and items to loot tables.
- Made 1.18.2 -> 1.19.2 porting code changes (ex . Random -> RandomSource).
- Updated the topaz key texture to be more like the onyx key.
- Key durability is no longer setup during item registration but in common setup using Reflection.
- Updated chest blocks to be waterloggable.
- Initial release for mc1.18.2 port.
- Add topaz and onyx keys and locks.
- Added a series of weapons (short swords, swords, axes, maces, staff), general and collectable, to populate treasure chests in lieu of charms.
- Re-added the eye-patch (removed in mc1.16.5).
- Re-added the Wood Chest and Pirate Chest Mimics (removed in mc1.16.5)
- Added Cauldron Chest and Viking Chest Mimics.
- Added chest effects (particles and light source) for 'undiscovered' chests. The effects are removed when the chest is 'discovered' - by attempting to unlock, open or breaking the chest.
- Added custom container screen for some of the chests.
- Added new marker structure.
- Totally refactored the mod with a set of registries to enable easy mod extensibility and integration.
- Refactored configs. Externalized chest config to a separate, non-Forge managed, toml file.
- Removed all manifest files for data files (meta, structure, loot tables).
- All data files (meta, structure, loot tables) are not longer exposed to users' system by default.
- Added datapack support. ie. loot tables and structure nbts in a datapack will be registered by Treasure2.
- Removed all Charms and charm-related content. They are being moved to a new stand-alone mod called 'Magic Treasures', which will have built-in integration with Treasure2.