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GoPay PrestaShop Integration

Table of Contents

About The Project

GoPay payment gateway integration with the PrestaShop eCommerce platform.

Built With


Running project on local machine for development and testing purposes.



Run project

For local project execution, first install PrestaShop, then upload and configure the plugin by following the steps below:

  1. Install the plugin through the PrestaShop modules screen.
    1. Download it from GitHub and uncompress it.
    2. Rename the folder to have the same name as the main php file “prestashopgopay”.
    3. Compress the folder again.
    4. On "Modules and services" click on "Add a new module" and install the GoPay plugin.
  2. Activate the plugin through the modules screen.
  3. Configure the plugin by providing goid, client id and secret to load the other options (follow these steps to activate the payment gateway and get goid, client id and secret).
  4. Finally, choose the options you want to be available in the payment gateway (payment methods and banks must be enabled in your GoPay account).

Project Structure

  • controllers
    • admin
    • front
  • includes
  • translations
  • vendor
  • views
    • css
    • js
    • templates
      • admin
      • front
      • hook




This plugin uses SemVer for versioning scheme.


  • master - contains production code. You must not make changes directly to the master!
  • staging - contains staging code. Pre-production environment for testing.
  • development - contains development code.

Contribution process in details

  1. Use the development branch for the implementation.
  2. Update corresponding readmes after the completion of the development.
  3. Create a pull request and properly revise all your changes before merging.
  4. Push into the development branch.
  5. Upload to staging for testing.
  6. When the feature is tested and approved on staging, pull you changes to master.


Before deploy change Version in the prestashopgopay.php, then commit & push. Staging site uses staging branch.


Add or Update new language

Add a new language on 'Add / Update a language' from tab 'IMPROVE/International/Translations'. On 'Modify translations' choose 'Type of translation: Installed modules translations', 'Select your module: PrestaShop GoPay gateway' and 'Select your language: Language to be translated'. Finally, Click on 'Modify', add the translations and click on 'Save'.


Other useful links