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This tutorial tells how to use glidergun. We will discover all important glidergun features step-by-step.

Install Glidergun

To install glidergun (gun for short):

$ curl -L$(uname -sm|tr \  _).tgz \
    | tar -zxC /usr/local/bin

Initialize a Glidergun project

Create a new empty directory and enter it.

mkdir /tmp/guntest
cd /tmp/guntest

gun will search for a file called Gunfile starting from $PWD and upwards. If none found the init command will be available.

$ gun

Available commands:
  init                     Initialize a glidergun project directory

Use the init command to create an empty Gunfile which marks the directory as a valid gun project:

$ gun init
$ ls -la
-rw-r--r--   1 sillyname  wheel    0 Feb  3 09:26 Gunfile

Write the first command

Lets say we want to create a tool for managing github teams. Gun will search the cmds directory for files with *.bash extension.

$ mkdir cmds
$ cat > cmds/github.bash <<EOF
init() {
    cmd-export gh-orgs

gh-orgs() {
    declare desc="Lists your GithHub organizations"

    echo "todo ..." | blue

We have 2 ordinary bash functions. As gun find *.bash files, it will source them and call init(). We use cmd-export to expose a function as a gun command. We use the declare desc to document the function. This docs is used by cmd-export.

The | blue at the end is also gun feature, it colors the output. For all colors see: color.bash

Let's give it a go:

$ gun

Available commands:
  gh-orgs                  Lists your GithHub organizations

$ gun gh-orgs
  todo ...

Environment variables

Now lets use the github rest API to list your organizations. Change the gh-orgs function to:

gh-orgs() {
    declare desc="Lists your GithHub organizations"

-    echo "todo ..." | blue
+    curl -s \
+        -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \

If you try now you will get a Bad credentials response, as for github authorization, we need an oauth2 token. Lets declare it in init() with env-import:

init() {
    cmd-export gh-orgs
+    env-import GITHUB_TOKEN

Now gun will complain about the missing env:

$ gun gh-orgs
!! Imported variable GITHUB_TOKEN must be set in profile or environment.

Go to to create one, and put in you Gunfile:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=0a12b34c5d6e789fg0123h4i56j789klm01n2op3

If you run gun again, it will successfully list your orgs.

$ gun gh-orgs
  "login": "gliderlabs",
  "id": 8484931,
  "url": "",
  "repos_url": "",
  "events_url": "",
  "hooks_url": "",
  "issues_url": "",
  "members_url": "{/member}",
  "public_members_url": "{/member}",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "description": ""

Its important to note, that gun forks a new bash process, and Gunfile is sourced only in that process.

Env var with default

Its a good practice to set meaningful default values whenever possible. So lets introduce the PAGE_SIZE env var. We bind it to github's pagination functionality

init() {
    deps-require jq
    cmd-export gh-orgs
    env-import GITHUB_TOKEN
+    env-import PAGE_SIZE 5

gh-orgs() {
    declare desc="Lists your GithHub organizations"

    : ${GITHUB_TOKEN:? go to to create one}
    curl -s \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \

List env vars

The :env command can be used to list all declared env vars with actual value:

$ gun :env
GITHUB_TOKEN = 0a12b34c5d6e789fg0123h4i56j789klm01n2op3
PAGE_SIZE    = 1

External binary dependencies

Now we are getting closer, but there is to much output. Lets list only the organization's name. Lets use jq, but you can take it granted the everybody has it. deps-require comes to the rescue. It will make sure

init() {
+    deps-require jq 1.4
    cmd-export gh-orgs
    env-import GITHUB_TOKEN
    env-import PAGE_SIZE 5

gh-orgs() {
    declare desc="Lists your GithHub organizations"

    : ${GITHUB_TOKEN:? go to to create one}
    curl -s \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
+          | jq ".[].login" -r


Dependencies are downloaded into .gun/bin/ folder, and this dir is placed in the begining of the forked bash process's PATH. So this way you can make sure you are using the correct version.

$ gun gh-orgs
* Dependency required, installing jq latest ...

the deps-require is a really

See the repository


Sometimes you want to have multiple set of environment variables, like one Gunfile for development and one for production. You can just add a postfix like: or

To determine which one is to use, there 2 ways. You can set the GUN_DEFAULT_PROFILE

$ gun gh-orgs
* Using default profile dev

Or you can add an extra first argument, which will specify the actual profile, and than cut of from the arg list (shift in bash terms)

$ gun dev gh-orgs

Command namespaces

If you start to have a lot of commands it might make sense to group them together. See an example in ec2.bash

init() {
	cmd-export-ns ec2 "EC2 instance management"
	cmd-export ec2-ip
	cmd-export ec2-info
	cmd-export ec2-list

When you list available root commands (gun without any commands), you get only the namsecpase listed. If you specify a namespace insted of a command, you get the list of commands in that namespace:

$ gun

Available commands:
  ec2                      EC2 instance management

$ gun ec2
EC2 instance management

Available commands:
  info                     Instance info by name or ID
  ip                       Public or private IP by ID or tag
  list                     List instances for a VPC

Using modules

Remote modules are github repositories contaiening gun scripts. For example if you want to use all commands from this directory: You can refer to it by removing https:// at the begining, and tree/master/ from the middle:

gun :get


You can ask for help about any command by appending an -h to the end of the command.

$ gun gh-orgs -h
  Lists your GithHub organizations

gh-orgs ()
    declare desc="Lists your GithHub organizations";
    curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" | jq ".[].login" -r

Or you can even trace the command by appending -t. It acts like adding a set -x into the bash script:

$ gun gh-orgs -t
+ cmd-ns '' gh-orgs
+ local ns=
+ shift
+ local cmd=gh-orgs
+ shift
+ local status=0
+ [[ -n exists ]]
+ gh-orgs
+ declare 'desc=Lists your GithHub organizations'
+ curl -s -H 'Authorization: Bearer 0a12b34c5d6e789fg0123h4i56j789klm01n2op3'
+ jq '.[].login' -r

Calling non exported functions

Use the :: meta-command.

gun :: non-exported-fn

Custom dependency repo

If some dependency is missing from the original glidergun-rack just fork the repo and a text file named by the needed dependency.

See an example sed dependency, for docker-machine

In order to use your fork, you have to set the DEPS_REPO env var in Gunfile:

export DEPS_REPO=

Actually hashcodes in rackfiles are optional, so for hacking around you can just leave them out.


There are some additional env vars you can change the default behaviour:



If you have some gun modules in your local file system, you can use a : separated list of those dirs.

export GUN_PATH=~/prj/gun-module-1:~/prj/gun-module-2:~/prj/gun-module-3

Now all 3 module's commands are available.


Normally you issue gun commands in a specific directory. But if you want to create globally usable gun command, you can create a gun project let say at ~/.gunroot, and use the folloing alias:

alias gun='GUN_ROOT=~/.gunroot /usr/local/bin/gun'

Now you can run gun command even in directories which are not gun init-ed. Meaning they, or any of they parent dir doesn't contain a Gunfile.