A session is a model that describes how Yasp should create the SparkSession.
Currently is defined as follow:
sealed trait SessionType extends Product with Serializable
object SessionType {
final case object Local extends SessionType
final case object Distributed extends SessionType
final case class Session(
kind: SessionType,
name: String,
conf: Option[Map[String, String]] = None,
withHiveSupport: Option[Boolean] = None,
withDeltaSupport: Option[Boolean] = None,
withCheckpointDir: Option[String] = None
- kind [REQUIRED]: Kind of SparkSession that will be created. Valid values are local and distributed, local for local usage and distributed for production usage.
- name [REQUIRED]: Define the SparkSession app name
- conf [OPTIONAL]: Map of strings, default is empty, for SparkSession configuration.
- withHiveSupport [OPTIONAL]: Boolean flag, default is false, for activating the Hive support on the SparkSession.
- withDeltaSupport [OPTIONAL]: Boolean flag, default is false, for activating Delta table support on the SparkSession (Delta catalog and Delta SparkSessionExtensions).
- withCheckpointDir [OPTIONAL]: String, default is empty, for configuring the SparkContext checkpoint directory.
An example of a full yaml configuration:
kind: local # Create a local session settings the master to local[*]
name: my-session # Create a session with my-session as app-name
conf: # Spark session configuration map
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions:100 # Spark sql shuffle partition configured to 100
withHiveSupport: true # Enable hive support
withDeltaSupport: true # Enable Delta table support
withCheckpointDir: /my/cp/directory/ # Set Spark checkpoint directory to /my/cp/directory