Sentence delimiters are the following: "<.>" "<...>" "<!>" "<?>" "<¶>"
- N = noun
- A = adjective
- Num = numeral
- V = verb
- Adv = adverb
- Pcle = particle
- Pr = preposition
- Po = postposition
- Pron = pronoun
- Interj = interjection
- Sg = Singular
- Pl = Plural
- Sg1 = Singular 1.p.
- Sg2 = Singular 2.p.
- Sg3 = Singular 3.p.
- Pl1 = Plural 1.p.
- Pl2 = Plural 2.p.
- Pl3 = Plural 3.p.
- Nom
- Gen
- Acc
- Par
- Ine
- Ill
- Ela
- Ade
- Abe
- All
- Abl
- Ess
- Tra
- Ins
- Com
- SUBJ-CASE = Nom Par
Prop = Proper noun
Interr = Interrogative
Dem = demonstrative pron
Rel = Relative pron Relpronpl "mikkä ja "jokka" Relpronsg "mikä" ja "joka" Interrpronpl "kuka" ja "mikä"
Pers = Personal pron
Indef = Indef pron
Inf = Infinitive
ConNeg = Conjugated as Negative form
PrfPrc = Perfectum Particip
Imprt = Imperative
Act = Active
Neg = Negation verb
COMMA = comma
Foc/kaan = focus clitic -kaan
Sem/Fem = feminin propernoun
WORD = all PoS
NPMOD = these can modify a noun
NPMODADV = NPMOD plus adverb
NOT-NPMOD = these cannot modify a noun
NOT-NPMODADV = these cannot modify a noun, and is not adverb
QVANT-ADV = e.g. paljon, vähän
KUNKA = e.g. kunka missä (adverbs that start a sentence)
- S-BOUNDARY = words that start a sentence
- SV-BOUNDARY = words that start a sentence and finite verb
person_test selects finite verb if there is a Pron Pers to the left
adv_after_V selects adverb if there is a verb to the right
prop_infrontof_kieli removes propernoun in fron of kieli, if it kan be something else, e.g. Kainun kieli
PropInit removes propernoun in the beginning of a sentence if it kan be a CC or a Pr (e.g. Mutta)
PropNotInit selects propernoun if it is not in the beginning of a sentence
Possessive suffixes
Numeral phrases
Prifgenpar selects preposition to the left of Gen or Par
Poifgenpar selects postposition to the right of Gen or Par
CVP maps @CVP to CS and mutta
CNPifN maps @CNP to CC between two N
CNPifInf maps @CNP to CC between two Inf
- SgNotPl
ei negation verb
Pl3ollaifplrelpronandplinterrpron selects Pl3 if olla
Sg3ollaifplrelpronandplinterrpron selects Sg3 if olla
Sg3ollainpretandperf selects Sg3 if COPULAS
Sg3ollainpretandperf selects Sg3 if COPULAS
Relpronandnotintterpron selects Rel Sg if Interr
Relpronandnotintterpron selects Rel Sg if Interr
interrpron selects Interr if ? in the end
DifferenceBetweenNiitäImprtAndNiitäDemAndPersIfSubj selects Pron Dem Pl or Pron Pers Pl3 when finite verb to the right
paljonadvandnotpaljonoun selects Adv if paljon
Relpronifitsanounoracommabeforeit selects Rel Pl if N to the left
annaimperativeandnotannaname removes Prop if Anna se
tulinounfromtuliprtsg3 selects V Sg
dempronandnotpronpers selects Den if A of N to the right
Imperativefromconneg selects and removes ConNeg
ImperativeafterNeg removes Imprt if pronoun
interrel selects Interr of Rel if CS to the right
+FMAINV to the remaining finite verbs which are not AUX
@<ADVLcoor (@<ADVL) for ADVLCASEAdv if @CNP to the left and ADVL to the left of it
X maps X everywhere
REMOVE X removes X whenever there is any other tag.
WORDLEMMA = regex giving the lemma in question
errorth removes Err/Orth if there is an analysis without Err/Orth with the same lemma
This (part of) documentation was generated from src/cg3/disambiguator.cg3