Short description of how the mobile keyboard app icons were made.
- Font used: Noto sans
- Key cap source code (apparently removed, but a similar image seems to be available here). Lisence: public domain
Removed irrelevant keys using Inkscape, saved remaining key cap as pdf, imported into OmniGraffle for further editing and adaptation.
- added letters
- exported as png with high resolution
Text is 120 point, vertically centered, and then lifted using text offset Y -6%.
To convert the large-resolution png with alpha to a useful iTunes art, do as follows:
convert images/Sami-icon3.png -background white -alpha remove -resize 1024x1024 images/Sami-icon-1024.png
To create the app store / Google play icon, do as follows:
convert images/Sami-icon3.png -resize 512x512 images/Sami-icon-120.png
Adjust the size parameter as needed in each case.
NB! Please note that resizing and conversion to the proper format is now done automatically as part of the CI/CD build steps for the keyboard apps.