Brief overview of present make-redo solution: Børre
gt/Makefile - main entrance
gt/ - main entrance for analyzers and for tts phon-$lang.txt
gt/mk-files/ - main entrance for whatever field they cover
/ => sinclude = -include ../$TARGET/
/ =>
/ =>
/ =>
/ => morphophonology, twolc or xfst
/ =>
/ =>
gt/$LANG/Makefile - variables that are lang specific, esp. SRCS, also
Sjur: What happens when we insert e.g. Greenlandic? Børre: Let us insert Greenlandic into the tree, see what works and what don't, and from that find a solution.
- specify xfst processing instead of twolc
move kal and kom from st/ & kt/ to gt/ in the make-redo branch
Trond: How about sfst? We have one lg with sfst now, fin. Sjur: That is a different thing. Sfst is a complete replacement for the xerox tools. Trond: fin is not in our vcs Børre: What we are discussing are xerox tools and in the future, be able to insert hfst into our tool chain, which read our xerox files fine.
make all TARGET=sme tool=[xerox|sfst](whatever) (reasonable default)
reasons for having parallel tool chains:
- future flexibility
- open source chain from full source to final binaries
- maintainability
Development goal:
- All procedures on global level
- On language-specific level only file specifications & linguistics
COMPILER = twolc #-utf8
either: if kal then XFST
gt/kal/Makefile COMPILER=xfst gt/sme/Makefile COMPILER=twolc
Børre: Perhaps we don't need the mk-files/, only $LANG/ ?
in sme/Makefile POLDERLAND=supported
kal/Makefile PREFERRED_TWOLC=xfst
if xfst, do a-b-c if twolc, do x-y-z
make binary phonrules (name!! mphonrules)
phon-$lang.xfst tts rule files sme kal in txt out ipa orth2phon -> phon2ipa/phon2sampa/whatever phon-$lang.bin orth-kal.txt Kleinschmidt 2 modern <==== totally lg-independent ipa2sampa.fst <==== totally lg-independent
twol: $(RULEBIN)
@echo "*** Building $(RULEBIN) ***" ;
$(M4) $(M4FLAGS) $< > tmp/twol-$(TARGET)-tmp.txt
@printf "read-grammar tmp/twol-$(TARGET)-tmp.txt \n\
compile \n\
save-binary $@ \n\
quit \n" > tmp/twol-$(TARGET)-script
$(COMPILER) < tmp/twol-$(TARGET)-script
@rm -f tmp/twol-$(TARGET)-script
xfst-kal.bin: ../bin/xfst-kal.bin
../bin/xfst-kal.bin: xfst-kal.txt
@echo "*** Building xfst-kal.bin ***" ;
@printf "source xfst-kal.txt \n\
save stack ../bin/xfst-kal.bin \n\
quit \n" > ../tmp/xfst-kal-script
$(XFST) < ../tmp/xfst-kal-script
@rm -f ../tmp/xfst-kal-script
@printf "read regex [[@\"../bin/\"] .o. \
[@\"../bin/xfst-kal.bin\"]] ; \n\
printf "compile-source $(LEX) \n\
read-rules ../bin/twol-fao.bin \n\
%.norm: $(TARGET)/int/%.norm
$(TARGET)/int/%.norm: %.txt
@echo "*** Removing non-orthographic entries - norm ***" ;
@egrep -v '(SUB|\^NG\^)' $< > $@
VPATH = $(TARGET)/src:$(TARGET)/bin:$(TARGET)/tmp
$(TARGET)/bin/$(TARGET).save: twol-$(TARGET)-descriptive.bin \
@echo "*** Building $(TARGET).save ***" ;
printf "compile-source $(SRCS) \n\
read-rules $< \n\
compose-result \n\
save-result $@ \n\
quit \n" > tmp/save-script
Problem: name clashes Solution: More explicit names, clear file naming conventions
- all targets available to all languages
- every target checks for the existence of the required source files
- if the resources do not exist, print an error message, listing the missing files
- we need to visualise the depenedencies - the makefiles are too complex ** [] - a perl module to produce Graph Viz output files diagramming Makefiles
Make is not utilised the lang makefiles are not utilised implicit rules can be overriden by more specific rules q: how were the variable specified The idea should be having a default rule set and more specific rules in the other files
Instead of having the whole system working, set up a small testbench, try out the dependencies We have so many things there going on that we should have a stable prototype before changing it
- make a toy testbench in order to understand the dependency system
- make a testbench doing real stuf, but only part of our system
- For the testbench we
Börre: Calls for a new naming convention Trond: it is not uniform now. hyph: kal has hyph-kal.fst as a target, the big file seems to have hyph-fes
Changing from make to other programs?
Sjur: If we replace make with something else, it makes the job bigger We wll then have another learning curve The risks are larger as well If Saara is correct in that we have not made the best out of make yet, we shoul do that first
Saara: What was actually the problem with the new make setup?
Sjur: We couldn't get the depenencies working without listing the deps for every lg
Børre There are different files for the different languages. For kal there were files with a different naming scheme and different build rules, there is xml for kom and xfst for kal.
Trond: We may get lgs more uniform, but there will always be differences, thus we would need this flexibility
Børre: We don't have implicit rules for going rom .txt to .fst
$(TARGET)/bin/%.fst: %.lex commands
$(TARGET)/bin/hyph-%.fst: %.lex and the same commands?
hyph-%.fst: %.lex
make TARGET=sme TOOL=hu speller isme.fst
make hyph TARGET=sme # but this is the thing saara asks for
I think Saara meant something like:
make TOOL=hyph TARGET=sme
We should also be able to ask for any binary file as a target, right?
But what should the binary file be named?
eventually so that you can ask for any final binary file and all binary final files are given a TOOL definition
1 Languages are different (adjs or not...) 2 Level of development and integration is different (xml or not, xfst/twolc, dialect and normativity, orth, hyph, phon, hyph+orth now we make a ped-adjusted fst for sme (accepting helsinki+Err pro Helsinki) 3 Then some nonstandard conventions here and there make it more messy than neccessary.
3 can be fixed (so, Per must relearn habits)
The newer lgs are the well-behaving ones: ipk, fao, sjd
The older languages are the idiosyncratic ones sme, kal, kom sme has all morph in sme-lex sjd and ipk has it nicely distributed in noun-sjd-morph etc.
first attempt split make-file and make everything working "chop the cake that we have"
second attempt start with a simple makefile, building stone by stone "demolish what we have into lego pieces and build a new castle" ... and the build
So, we need a build analysis document.
Ken Beesley (quote):
"The structure of the makefile should be drawn with arrows on the wall, and kept in synch at all time"
(Trond: or do this in a file, in a drawing program)
Cip to install the GraphViz-Makefile module Saara to review code All to read Cips beautiful drawings The cake pieces from Børres party should be put on hold (and perhaps be more manageable as they dry up a bit) New meeting, issues:
- make lgs as identical as there is ground forM.
- naming conventions Renaming must be discussed. This goes especially for the production line lgs (sme, smj, sma, kal, fit) Topics: new suffixes: noun-sme-lex.txt => noun-sme.lexc, sme-dis.rle _> sme-dis.cg3 names like ateq- away. Start tagging revisions -- the current revision as the baseline version