The documentation (the websites) for both and Giellatekno is served to the public via forrest, and is renewed very often. When you are offline you can read this documentation if you install forrest on your own machine.
In this document we assume that your username is niillas, that you checkout svn trunk and place forrest into the map /Users/niillas/Documents. /Users/niillas/Documents is also referred to as $HOME/Documents throughout this document.
- Open a terminal. Write
cd Documents
and press enter. - Then write
svn co forrest
. Answer positively to all questions asked. - Then write
cd forrest/main
followed by./
- Go to the forrest download mirror site.
- Download the For Windows… zip file, and install it on your own Windows machine.
- Here are some notes on Windows installation.
- Then look at the documentation, e.g. the documentation site map.
To be honest, the rest of this page is mostly Unix-relevant. Feel free to add any Windows-relevant documentation if you have some.
Open the file ~/.profile
(or ~/.bash_profile
or similar) using this
command in the terminal
open -a subethaedit ~/.profile
Write the following into that file:
export FORREST_HOME=$HOME/Documents/forrest
Close all terminals. Next time you open a terminal the changes will be working. Or, if you hate closing terminals to make these kind of changes write this command in your terminal(s):
. $HOME/.bash_profile
Follow the instructions on svn checkout to get our documentation.
To keep your documentation up to date, you will have to do a svn up
regularly in the directory were you have checked out our repository.
First, fetch the DejaVu-fonts and install them on your computer.
Open the file
for editing. The line that reads:
has to be changed so that forrest will find the config.xml file.
Assuming that svn has been checked out to $HOME/Documents
and that
your username is niillas, the correct replacement will be:
Save and close the file.
The next step is to edit the file
All instances of
When this is done, save and close the file.
Now that everything is in place, you will have to start up forrest. Open a terminal, and issue this command:
cd $HOME/Documents/trunk/xtdoc/sd; forrest run
Forrest outputs a lot of messages, and the last stanza before it goes live begins with:
and ends with a line that goes something like this:
10:02:27.301 EVENT Started org.mortbay.jetty.Server@290fbc
where the important part is org.mortbay.jetty (what's before that is the time, and what's behind varies from machine to machine).
Open a web browser, and go to the address http://localhost:8888
If you want to run two different instances of Forrest (e.g. both the
and xtdoc/gtuit/
at the same time, or there is already
another one running Forrest on e.g. gtlab, and you want to run your own
instance), you have to specify a different port for Forrest to listen
to. You do that by adding an argument to the forrest run
command as
shown below:
forrest run -Dforrest.jvmargs="-Djetty.port=8889"
More help and hints can be found at Forrest's FAQ page.
When running Forrest in MacOS X, the Java VM takes an 8-bit encoding as its default file encoding. This breaks the parsing of the JSPWiki pages, since the parser grammar is using the Java default (and thus OS default) encoding to interpret the jspwiki files. To specify another default encoding for Java, give Forrest the following startup argument:
forrest run -Dforrest.jvmargs="-Dfile.encoding=utf-8"
To run forrest on a different port with correct handling of utf-8 encoded jspwiki files, use the following command:
forrest run -Dforrest.jvmargs="-Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Djetty.port=8889"
For some notes on the lack of a global setting for things like this (e.g. a global setting of Java file encoding), see this reply from Apple's e-mail list for Java developers.
If you would like to update Forrest from svn, then you can issue these commands:
svn up
cd main
./ clean