Documentation directories:
- doc/ = Documentation directory, which contains this documentation,
and has the following subdirectories:
- admin/ = Contains files related to project administration
- infra/ = Documents how to set up users and machines and contains information on how the servers are set up.
- lang/ = Contains documentation on the lexica and language files for the Saami languages.
- ling/ = Contains documentation on topics common to all languages.
- tools/ = Howtos for the tools used by the project.
- script/ = script files, with cgi-bin, emacs and testing as subdirectories, along with other script files
- www/ = directory for web-related issues
Forrest file structure:
The project specific documentation are in the xtdoc module, the divvun project's files are in the sd directory, the university project's files are in the gtuit directory. The common documentation and source code of these two projects is in the gt svn module.