This document follows the cgi-interface.xsl
document. They document what cgi-bin processes
each and every language is subject to. The processes themselves are
governed by
and other cgi-bin scripts in the www directory.
The source files are compiled in the maintainer's home directory
on gtweb (and for oahpa, on gtoahpa). A suitable command for
compiling the fsts might be to
(and thereafter go for a cup of coffee).
After the fsts are compiled they should be copied manually or semi-manually to the /opt/smi catalogue by the person who compiled them.
The reason why this is not done automatically (say, by a cronjob) is that we want to be sure fsts are checked before they are put online. With the large number of fsts we still need to make the process semi-automatic, with scripts a la update mhr. This documents paves the way for such a setup.
In short: We want to have a selective button to press, called e.g. web-update LANG.
A (now outdated) script to do this, and to get inspiration, is:
Source files are in these catalogues:
This list is taken from the sme catalogue, and thus a maximum version. Other languages contain less.
Name in /opt/smi/LANG/bin | Name in langs/LANG/src
abbr.txt = (ikkje i ny infra enno)
clock-LANG.fst = transcriptor-clock2text-desc.xfst
corr.txt = (ikkje i ny infra enno)
date-LANG.fst = transcriptor-date2text-desc.xfst
dict-iLANG-norm.fst = generator-dict-gt-norm.xfst
dict-LANG-norm.fst = analyser-dict-gt-norm.xfst
hyphrules-LANG.fst = hyphenation/hyphenation.xfst
hyph-LANG.fst = (ikkje i ny infra enno) = (ikkje i ny infra enno)
iclock-LANG.fst = transcriptor-text2clock-desc.xfst
idate-LANG.fst = transcriptor-text2date-desc.xfst
iLANG.fst = generator-gt-desc.xfst
iLANG-GG.restr.fst = ikkje i ny infra
iLANG-norm.fst = generator-gt-norm.xfst
korpustags.LANG.txt = ../test/data/korpustags.LANG.txt
oahpa-iLANG-norm.fst = generator-oahpa-gt-norm.xfst
paradigm_full.LANG.txt = ../test/data/paradigm_full.LANG.txt (temporary place)
paradigm_min.LANG.txt = ../test/data/paradigm_min.LANG.txt (temporary place)
paradigm.LANG.txt = ../test/data/paradigm.LANG.txt (temporary place)
paradigm_standard.LANG.txt = ../test/data/paradigm_standard.LANG.txt (temporary place)
ped-LANG.fst input til s/v = ???
ped-tol-LANG.fst = ???
phon-LANG.fst = phonetics/text2ipa.xfst
LANG-dep.bin = syntax/dependency.bin
LANG-dep.rle = syntax/dependency.cg3
LANG-dis.bin = syntax/disambiguation.bin
LANG-dis.rle = syntax/disambiguation.cg3
LANG.fst = analyser-gt-desc.xfst (see LANG-site.fst!)
LANG-inum.fst = transcriptor-text2numbers-desc.xfst
LANG-norm.fst = analyser-gt-norm.xfst
LANG-num.fst = transcriptor-numbers2text-desc.xfst
LANG-site.fst sme.fst u/sem= analyser-gt-desc.xfst (see LANG-site.fst!)
smi-syn.rle = syntax/syntax.cg3
typos.fst = ../test/data/typos.fst
We have analysis and paradigm for all languages
LANG.fst = src/analyser-gt-desc.xfst
iLANG.fst = src/src/generator-gt-desc.xfst
iLANG-norm.fst = src/src/generator-gt-norm.xfst
The distribution is governed by cgi-interface.xsl. Thus, one possibility is to just copy all files over.
if dependency="1", copy:
LANG/src/syntax/dependency.bin /opt/smi/LANG/bin/LANG-dep.bin
LANG/src/syntax/dependency.cg3 /opt/smi/LANG/bin/LANG-dep.rle
if nodisamb="0", copy:
LANG/src/syntax/disambiguation.bin /opt/smi/LANG/bin/LANG-dis.bin
LANG/src/syntax/disambiguation.cg3 /opt/smi/LANG/bin/LANG-dis.rle
LANG/src/... /opt/smi/LANG/bin/abbr.txt
if nohyph="0", copy:
LANG/src/hyphenation/hyphenation.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/hyph-LANG.fst
if orth="1" & lang="kal", copy:
LANG/src/transcriptions/kleinschmidt2norm.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/orth-LANG.fst
if translate_dan="1", copy
if translate_nob="1", copy
#### Other transducers
if orth="1" & lang="ipk", copy:
if phon="1", copy
LANG/src/phonetics/text2ipa.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/phon-LANG.fst
#### Paradigm generation
if dialpara="1"
if minpara="1"
if standardpara="1"
if fullpara="1"
if nonum="0"
LANG/src/transcriptions/transcriptor-numbers2text-raw.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/LANG-num.fst
if oahpa="1"
src/transcriptions/transcriptor-clock2text-raw.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/iclock-LANG.fst
src/transcriptions/transcriptor-date2text-raw.xfst /opt/smi/LANG/bin/idate-LANG.fst
Invert these transducers and copy them to clock-LANG.fst and date-LANG.fst
CHECK: It might be that Oahpa uses fsts stored in he /home/oahpa catalogue.