Cf this project.
If you do this on a mac, you need macOS 10.13 High Sierra or older, later
versions do not come with git svn
, and it is a hassle to install your own
version. Running an old macOS in a VM is easy and painless.
Check out
at a suitable point in the past,
typically just before the last known commit of the relevant directory in the git
Use svn log
to find the earliest point of that dir tree as it was then.
Use the revision numbers you got in the previous step to restrict the cloning to the relevant history:
git svn clone -r86176:120958 --authors-file=authors.txt
REPEAT for each major change in dir structure, creating one local git repo each time.
Follow these instructions.
With the example above, the following steps were taken:
git fetch ../urj-Cyrl-eldre eldre:eldre
echo $(git rev-list gamal | tail -n 1) $(git rev-parse eldre) > .git/info/grafts
git filter-branch $(git rev-parse eldre)..HEAD
- branch name in newest repo with old historyeldre
- branch name in the next older historyfetch eldre:eldre
- source branch name, followed by target branch name
See this issue comment and the next one.
When everything is collected and cleaned, force push, and inform relevant developers they need to reclone.