This page enables you to build, use and develop the GiellaLT grammatical tools yourself. Go through each of the steps 1-2-3 below. After each step return to this page for the next step.
If you do not want to compile the tools yourself, but only want to use ready-made grammatical analysers out of the box, stop reading now and see the Linguistic analysis page instead.
Conduct the setup of the GiellaLT infrastructure in these three steps:
Set up the computer, using these instructions, for:
- Download the core files and the language(s) you need by following these instructions
- Skip the point following here unless you know you need it: (People working with dictionaries and icall (mainly Tromsø folks) wil also need these svn files. Follow these instructions for download)
The page Compiling And Using The Analysers tells you how to do just that.
Then you are done, and can start using the analysers and/or participate in the development work.