This page is for people with access to the Tromsø servers, and not relevant to others!
What to do if ...
- For the gtsvn-01, gtlab, gtoahpa-01, gtweb-01 servers at ** Call *IT, Seksjon for applikasjoner og tjenester* (see plan/admin/emergency.txt)
- For the xserve, the server ** Call Børre Gaup (the server is in the cellar under the A wing, second door to the left)
The following processes need to be restarted, and in the following way.
- instructions for gtweb-01 (interactive web programs, MT, webdicts)
- the speller server (
- instructions for gtoahpa-01 ( and Konteaksta)
- instructions for gtdict (NDS)
- instructions for gtlab (
- instructions for restarting nginx
- instructions for Gïelese (TODO: Update documentation) ** Look for commands with *restart...*
- Instructions for gtsvn-01
- Instructions for the server
- When the webpages are not rebuilt
- Instructions for xserve (SubEthaEdit, Jabber, Bugzilla)
(We want automatic testing of web service availability.)
- Log in to the machine via ssh and find out which processes are using most CPU resource by giving the command:
The output looks something like
15221 neahtta 20 0 512m 303m 2848 R 19.2 3.9 2:24.15 python
9405 neahtta 20 0 512m 303m 2848 S 13.9 3.9 1:28.60 python
6239 mysql 20 0 896m 185m 5500 S 0.3 2.4 19:10.63 mysqld
Observe the column %CPU. If some of the processes remains in the top of the table with a high value in this column then this is obviously the cause of the problem. To get more information about the problematic process give the command
ps -fp *PID*
where you replace PID by the concrete number, e.g. 15221 in the given example.
If it is an Oahpa (python2.7) process then you can see from this output which Oahpa it is. First, you can try to restart the particular Oahpa instance. After doing that check with command top if the problem has disappeared. If not then you can stop the process using the command
kill *PID*
(requires sudo rights)
- The analysers are in /opt/smi. Check that they work, and recompile if they don't. ** One possible error source is mismatch between compiled programs and compilers that use them. The pipeline is documented in the cgi-bin documentation. ** The naming conventions for fsts when compiled ("new") and in the web directories ("old") are found here
The svn application is down, yet the gtsvn server is up-n-running (test it by logging into the server)
- error messages
sme$ svnup
Updating '/Users/xxxxxx/gtsvn':
svn: E000060: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E000060: Error running context: Operation timed out
log into the gtsvn server
find the processes running
[root@gtsvn ~]## lsof -i | grep http
httpd 26024 apache 4u IPv6 15925 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd 26024 apache 6u IPv6 15929 0t0 TCP *:8099 (LISTEN)
httpd 26024 apache 8u IPv6 15935 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
- kill them
[root@gtsvn ~]## kill -KILL 26024
- start the service anew
ot@gtsvn ~]## service httpd start
Starting httpd: [ OK ]