diff --git a/ethers.md b/ethers.md index d6da081..c757638 100644 --- a/ethers.md +++ b/ethers.md @@ -842,27 +842,6 @@ see the [**Art Factory Sandbox**](https://github.com/generativeartfactory/artfac Thanks. -**What's ETH Vienna / Wien Meetup / Stammtisch?** - -The idea is to (re)start the Eth(erum) community in Vienna / Wien. - -Eth(ereum) Vienna Meetup(s) - Jour Fixe - Every First Wednesday of the Month. - -- **Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, 6-8pm - (Ethereum) Blockchain & Red Kriek Beer** -- **Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023, 6-8pm** -- **Wednesday, June 7th, 2023, 6-8pm** -- Summer Break - -@ Delirium Café Vienna, Passauer Platz 2, 1. District (Beside the Church - Maria am Gestade) - -Note: Everyone MUST pay for your own drink(s) and optional food. -For the menu & prices, see . For example - A traditional (on tap!) Belgian kriek lambic beer by Brouwerij F. Boon costs 0.15L €2.80 / 0.33L €4.80. - -Join us. See or . - - - - --- ## Bonus