Version (& Live Talk) History:
- October 2022 @ Technologieplauscherl LXXVII, Linz, Austria
Q: What's the name of the (american) blonde (sex) bombshell (who killed herself in 1962)?
Q: What's the name of the (dead) white (american) male artist?
Q: What's the title of the artwork?
Q: What's the auction price tag (sold by Christie's in New York)?
Q: What's the name or the art "genre"? What year / epoch?
Q: Bonus: Is the artwork a 1 of 1 original? Is it a copy (of a photograph)? Is it a painting? Is it a photograph?
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[Andy] Warhol's [Portrait of] Marilyn [Monroe (Anno 1964)] Sells for US$ 195 Million
Sets Record for 20th Century Work of Art
-- Christie's Auction House Press Release, New York - May 9th, 2022
A: Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)
A: Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
A: Shot Sage Blue Marilyn
A: US$ 195 Million
A: Pop Art
Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the United Kingdom and the United States during the mid- to late-1950s. The movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane mass-produced objects. One of its aims is to use images of popular culture in art, emphasizing the banal or kitschy elements of any culture, most often through the use of irony. It is also associated with the artists' use of mechanical means of reproduction or rendering techniques.
A: The Marilyn, known as "Shot Sage Blue Marilyn," was one of five versions in different color schemes that Warhol "painted" in 1964, two years after Marilyn Monroe's death.
- A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Art Generated Via Text Prompts (Specs) - e.g. DALL·E 2, Midjourney, et al
- Securitization and "Certificate of Authenticity" Via Blockchain / Crypto Tokens
Text-Prompt to Image:
Punk • Female Light • Wild Blonde • Blue Eye Shadow • Hot Lipstick • Mole
or using the Punk Image Generation Library / Gem:
punk = YeOldePunk::Image.generate( 'Female Light',
'Wild Blonde',
'Blue Eye Shadow',
'Hot Lipstick',
'Mole' )
punk = punk.background( '#5CB5BD' ) # add sage blue-ish background ;-) "marilyn.png" )
punk.zoom(4).save( "[email protected]" )
Resulting in:
- Punk Base Type & Skin Tone: Female Light
- Hair: Wild Blonde
- Eyes (Make-Up): Blue Eye Shadow
- Mouth (Make-Up): Hot Lipstick
- Blemish: Mole
Add '3D Glasses'
punk = base.add( '3D Glasses' ) "marilyn_1a.png" )
punk.zoom(4).save( "[email protected]" )
Add 'VR'
Add 'Earring'
Add 'Medical Mask'
Add 'Background Ukraine'
Add 'Background Rainbow / Pride'
And so on.
Matt & John's® punks are the Warhols® of the digital age. Discuss.
First Sold¹ Five Years (starting June 2017)
¹: "Free" to Claim - Pay For Transaction "Gas" Fee
by Alex Tew, a (21-year-old) student from Wiltshire, England
The home page consists of a million (1 000 000) pixels arranged in a 1000 × 1000 pixel grid; the image-based links on it were sold for $1 per pixel in 10 × 10 blocks.
10 000 Matt & John's® Punks V2, ≈13 500 Picasso® paintings. Do the math.
by Lava Labs Bros - John Watkinson (the "art") and Matt Hall (the "crypto contract code") from Canada (transplanted to New York, United States)
The bitmap consists of 10 000 punk heads (in 24 x 24 pixels) arranged in a 100 x 100 grid (resulting in 2400 x 2400 pixels, 8-bit colors, ~about 828 kb)
The current [minimum] price floor of Matt & John's® (Crypto) Punks is US$ 84 767.18 USD
10 000 x Minimum "Floor" Price = Market Cap(italization)
The collection floor [market] cap of US$ 847 671 800.
Source: Search for punks floor price or try:
Triva Quiz: Million Dollar Homepage - 1px @ US$ 1
The Billion Dollar Punks - 1px @ US$ ___ ?
Hint: 1 Punk Head - 24x24 px = 576 pixels
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US$ 80 000 / 576 pixels = 1px @ ~US$ 150
US$ 15 000 000 / 576 pixels = 1px @ ~US$ 25 000
The Making of Punk 24x24 Pixel Heads / Portraits
- Hand-Drawn?
- 1 of 1s (1/1s)?
- Who's the Artist?
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- Computer-Generated Images
- No 1/1s (All Punk Head / Portrait Images Pasted Together Using 133 Building Block Images e.g. Female Light, Wild Blonde, Hot Lipstick, etc.)
- No A.I. (Artificial Intelligence "Machine Learning Models")
Punks (Male 1/2/3/4 + Zombie/Ape/Alien + 63 Attributes) - in 2x zoom:
Punk(ette)s (Female 1/2/3/4 + 59 Attributes) - in 2x zoom:
In "Slow Motion":
- Female 2
- Mole
- Wild Blonde
- Blue Eye Shadow
- Hot Lipstick
- Earring
Punk w/ Seven Attributes / Accessories
In "Slow Motion":
- Male 2
- Mole
- Buck Teeth
- Big Beard
- Earring
- Classic Shades
- Cigarette
- Top Hat
Or try Design Your Own Matt & John's® Ye Olde' Punk (Anno 2017) (24×24) Wizard
In March 2022 the Larva Labs (Crypto) Bros - Matt & John's - sold the "intellectual property (IP) rights" to the Yuga Labs (Crypto) Bros for an undisclosed sum (assumed about ~US$ 300 million)
The Billion Dollar Question - Are (Crypto) Punks Copyrightable? Or Are Computer-Generated 24x24 Pixel Art Images Copyrightable?
How about the "signature" 3D Glasses?
Or how about the "clown nose"?
Aside - Color By Number Books
The blurb of the Color by Number for Kids: Pixel Art Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3 and Up, Colorful Play Paperback ($6.99) - see above the cover with a 28x42 pixel artwork - reads:
Every page is a surprise. Featuring full-page drawings of space, astronauts, animals, flowers, insects, natures, cars, princess and more! Provides hours of fun and creativity. These fun coloring pages will help children (Ages 3-8) master their numbers and improve their manual dexterity through coloring. Suitable for age 3 and up, Children will have fun matching the colors to the included color key, or making up their own color combinations.
Yes, let's repeat - suitable for age 3 and up!
Addendum 1)
What if - What if you paint a 24x24 punk "by hand" as a 1/1 from scratch / zero? Who owns the copyright? The artist?
Addendum 2)
Punk Trivia - In August 2021 Matt & John's published all punk image building blocks on the permissionless decentralized blockchain (shared public database).
See Inside the CryptoPunksData Contract - Decoding the On-Blockhain Assets (11 Archetypes and 122 Attributes) and Color Palette for Easy (Re)Use "Off-Blockchain"
Can You Copyright Transaction Data? The punk image building blocks (133 "assets") are NOT published in the (open) contract code but added one-by-one via public and signed addAsset transactions / function calls. Example:
tx id - function call
0x8972c6b4a44c972111bf18feccae7cfb26db615be400d1422c0763a1a2b03af5 addAsset : 18,0x6726f0,Clown Nose
0x07907f96bb50ae69a7d5308343b52f3389d8a2d907aa44064d733bc533911e2a addAsset : 34,0x580002,Smile
0xbb646fa184a1adc45428754f3b425fa89d75e4ebfdd6c447a0e66591f602e99f addAsset : 72,0x355fd0455f70456080465fb0466040555f505560a0565fa0566050655f70656180665fb0666140755f507561a0765fa0766150855f30865f30,3D Glasses
is the blob for the Clown Nose (m) . "Asset" No. 18 (of 133)
is the blob for the Smile (m) - "Asset" No 34 (of 133)
is the blob for the 3D Glasses (m) - "Asset" No 72 (of 133)
- ...
Q: Dear sir, how do I get rich in
bits-coinpunks?A: If we all buy
bits-coinpunks from one another at ever higher prices we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.21 million bits-coin. 10 000 punks. Do the math.
The free white label quick starter edition - (re)create from zero / scratch a pixel-perfect copy of the first Matt & John's® 10 000 punks collection (Anno 2017)
punks.csv - the "text-prompt to image" 10 000 metadata records in comma-separated values (csv) format:
type, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5, attribute6, attribute7
Female 2, Earring, Blonde Bob, Green Eye Shadow,,,,
Male 1, Smile, Mohawk,,,,,
Female 3, Wild Hair,,,,,,
Male 1, Wild Hair, Pipe, Nerd Glasses,,,,
Male 2, Goat, Earring, Wild Hair, Big Shades,,,
Female 2, Earring, Half Shaved, Purple Eye Shadow,,,,
Male 2, Do-rag,,,,,,
Female 2, Spots, Wild White Hair, Clown Eyes Blue,,,,
Male 1, Luxurious Beard, Messy Hair,,,,,
Male 2, Big Beard, Police Cap, Clown Nose,,,,
Female 1, Mohawk, Blue Eye Shadow,,,,,
Female 2, Black Lipstick, Straight Hair Dark, Clown Eyes Green,,,,
Summer 2022 also known as Crypto (Art) Winter 2022
Or Creative Commons Zero (CC0) Summer of (Crypto) Art ;-)
The artists (& promotors)?
A: Pseudonymous "crypto bro con-art fraudsters" - Red Flag For Scams
All human (all male) 5555 punk series
Right-Click & Save This
saudi = Saudi::Image.generate( 'Dark 1',
'Stylish Mustache',
'White Shemagh & Gold Agal',
'Rosewood Pipe') "saudi.png" )
saudi.zoom(4).save( "[email protected]" )
resulting in:
The "magic" formula - spritesheet - 2x zoom:
Aside - MAX BIDDING - Laser Eyes (Golden) - Designed by Yours Truly!
All human (all male) 5555 punk series
Right-Click & Save This
And Many More
The Nigerians, The Punjabi (Call Center) Indians, The Ancient Greeks, The Americans, The Europeans, and on and on and on.
The artists (& promotors)? "Doxxed" american two-person team
- All attributes stored "on-blockchain" as .png blobs.
- Create Commons Zero (CC0) "Licensed" - No Rights Reserved.
Marc Who?
Marc Andreessen (Crypto Bro Billionaire) Eggheads (or is that Dickheads?)
Marc Sampling Generated Via Marc::Image.generate
The "magic" formula - spritesheet - 2x zoom:
- Fifty / Fifty - 20 000 Punks - 50% Male / 50% Female, that is, 10 000 Male / 10 000 Female incl. Female Apes, Zombies & Aliens.
Preview @ Right-Click & Save This
- 20 000 Humans - 20 000 All-Human Punks - No Zombies, Apes & Aliens - new & more skin tones - uses (Dr. Ellis) Monk's Ten Skin Tones endorsed by Google A.I. Research (see
Preview @ Right-Click & Save This
- Punk Me - Design Your Own Punk (Eye Color, Hair Color, Hair Style, Skin Tone, etc.) to look like you or the "metaverse" you
Punks, The Dollar $$$ Bill Greenback Edition
See Pop Art Pixel Art How-To - Punks, The Dollar $$$ Bill Greenback Edition »
Punks, The Neon Light Glow Edition
Pop Art Helpers
- Double Frida (2×1) => Las Dos Fridas :-)
- Triple Frida (3×1)
- Thirty Fridas Is Better Than One (6×5)
- Forty-Two Fridas Is Better Than One (7×6)
- Two Hundred Fridas Is Better Than One (20×10)
And on and on and on. Yes, you can!