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File metadata and controls

119 lines (93 loc) · 2.55 KB


Status: WIP & Experimental

A simple dataframe library in OCaml trying to strike a balance between the typed and untyped world. To get started make sure you install the dependencies with:

opam install . --deps-only --with-test

Alternatively, check the opam file to see what you need.


In order to have types for your column values, you will need to provide column names tagged with the kind of elements you expect that column to contain.

open Pruck
let age = Column.Int "age"
let height = Column.Float "height"

let with_cwd fn = @@ fun env ->
  let cwd = Eio.Stdenv.cwd env in
  fn cwd

let ( / ) = Eio.Path.( / )

From there you can create an empty dataframe yourself.

# let df = Df.empty Column.[ age; height ];;
val df : Df.t = <abstr>
# Df.rows df;;
- : int = 0
# Df.columns df;;
- : int = 2

Or you can fill it with values, the arguments depend on the columns you supply.

# let df = Df.v [ age; height ] [| 24; 25 |] [| 1.81; 1.83 |];;
val df : Df.t = <abstr>
# Df.get df age 0;;
- : int = 24
# Df.get df height 1;;
- : float = 1.83
# Df.get_value df "height" 1 |> Data.Value.to_float;;
- : float = 1.83

From files

Pruck supports reading from the following file formats:

  • CSV
  • Parquet (WIP)

For example, consider the following CSV file.

$ cat > file.csv <<EOF \
> age,height \
> 24,1.81 \
> 25,1.83 \

From here we can read the CSV into a dataframe.

# let df =
  with_cwd @@ fun cwd ->
  Df.read_csv ~columns:[ age; height ] (cwd / "file.csv");;
val df : Df.t = <abstr>
# Df.get df age 1;;
- : int = 25
# Df.get df height 1;;
- : float = 1.83

You don't have to supply your column types upfront, but then the CSV will contain all of them.

# let df =
  with_cwd @@ fun cwd ->
  Df.read_csv (cwd / "file.csv");;
val df : Df.t = <abstr>
# Df.get df age 1;;
- : int = 25
# Df.get df height 1;;
- : float = 1.83
# Fmt.str "%a" Df.pp df;;
- : string =
"<2 columns x 2 rows>\nage : int, height : float\n24, 1.81\n25, 1.83"

Things will go wrong if you ask for a column that we cannot find.

# let df =
  with_cwd @@ fun cwd ->
  Df.read_csv ~columns:[ Column.String "name" ] (cwd / "file.csv");;
Exception: Failure "Missing column(s) in the CSV: [name : string]".

And of course you will get the same kind of error if we don't infer the same type.

# let df =
  with_cwd @@ fun cwd ->
  Df.read_csv ~columns:[ Column.Int "height" ] (cwd / "file.csv");;
Exception: Failure "Missing column(s) in the CSV: [height : int]".