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File metadata and controls

229 lines (189 loc) · 8.73 KB


A collection of libraries in pure OCaml for parsing, constructing, and manipulating TopoJSON objects.


TopoJSON encodes geospatial data using topological information to improve how this data is encoded. In many ways it is similar to GeoJSON, using similar primitives like a Point or a Multipolygon. However, the primary way to use TopoJSON is with a shared Topology. This is an object that also contains arcs. An arcs field contains an array of an array of positions essentially a collection of linestrings. Other geometries can then index into this database of segments to build themselves up. This can help reduce the size of the data significantly as often geometries share segments (e.g. country borders).

For a full coverage of TopoJSON be sure to read the specification.


This library follows many of the same principles as ocaml-geojson. It might be useful to have a read of that README to understand the structure of the code.


The first thing to do is initialise the Topojson module with a JSON parsing implementation. For these examples we'll use Ezjsonm, the parser can be found in doc/prelude.txt.

module Topojson = Topojson.Make (Ezjsonm_parser);;
open Topojson

We don't restrict ourself to a single JSON parser implementation as it allows us to use the best one depending on where the code is run (e.g. the browser's built-in parser).

Reading TopoJSON

We can describe a TopoJSON object using the Ezjsonm primitives.

let topojson : Ezjsonm.value =
  `O [
    ("type", `String "Topology");
    ("objects" , `O [  ("Instance" , `O [("type", `String "Polygon"); ("arcs", `A [ `A [`Float 0.]]) ]) ])  ;
    ("arcs", `A [ `A [ `A [`Float 100.;`Float 0.]; `A [`Float 101.; `Float 0.]; `A [`Float 101.; `Float 1.]; `A [`Float 100.; `Float 1.]; `A [`Float 100.; `Float 0.]]] );

This is quite verbose but you can see how it is structured. First, we declare that the kind of TopoJSON object we are building is a "Topology" so we must provide a "objects" field and an "arcs" field. From this Ezjsonm value we can read it into a Topojson.t.

# let t1 = Topojson.of_json topojson |> Result.get_ok;;
val t1 : t = <abstr>

Constructing a TopoJSON Value

We could just as easily build the same TopoJSON value using the constructors provided by the library.

# let arcs = [| [| Geometry.Position.v ~lng:100. ~lat:0. (); Geometry.Position.v ~lng:101. ~lat:0. (); Geometry.Position.v ~lng:101. ~lat:1. (); Geometry.Position.v ~lng:100. ~lat:1. (); Geometry.Position.v ~lng:100. ~lat:0. () |] |];;
val arcs : Geometry.Position.t array array =
  [|[|[|100.; 0.|]; [|101.; 0.|]; [|101.; 1.|]; [|100.; 1.|]; [|100.; 0.|]|]|]
# let instance = Geometry.(polygon [| LineString.v (Arc_index.v [ 0 ]) |]);;
val instance : Geometry.geometry = Topojson.Geometry.Polygon <abstr>
# let topology = Topology.v ~arcs [ "Instance", Geometry.v instance ];;
val topology : Topology.t = <abstr>
# let t2 = Topojson.(v (Topology topology));;
val t2 : t = <abstr>
# t1 = t2;;
- : bool = true

Read a string

Consider the following TopoJSON object as a string.

# let topojson_string =  {|{
    "arcs": [[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 9999.0], [2000.0, 0.0], [0.0, -9999.0], [-2000.0, 0.0]]],
    "objects": {"example ": {
            "type": "GeometryCollection",
            "geometries": [
                {"coordinates": [4000.0, 5000.0],
                 "properties": {"prop0": "value0"},
                 "type": "Point"},
                {"arcs": [[0]],
                 "properties": {"prop0": "value0", "prop1": {"this": "that"}},
                 "type": "Polygon"}
    "transform": {"scale": [0.0005, 0.0001], "translate": [100.0, 0.0]},
    "type": "Topology",
    "extra": [ "Wow!" ]}|};;
val topojson_string : string =
  "{\n    \"arcs\": [[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 9999.0], [2000.0, 0.0], [0.0, -9999.0], [-2000.0, 0.0]]],\n    \"objects\": {\"example \": {\n            \"type\": \"GeometryCollection\",\n            \"geometries\": [\n                {\"coordinates\": [4000.0, 5000.0],\n                 \"properties\": {\"prop0\": \"value0\"},\n     "... (* string length 620; truncated *)

You can make use of the TopoJSON function Topojson.of_json after converting the string to your JSON parser's format.

# let topojson =
  Result.get_ok @@
  Topojson.of_json @@
  Ezjsonm.value_from_string topojson_string;;
val topojson : t = <abstr>

Accessing members

Given the TopoJSON object above, we can extract the foreign members by using the foreign_member function. But first we must confirm that it is a topology.

# match Topojson.topojson topojson with
  | Geometry _ -> failwith "Expected a topology!"
  | Topology t -> Topology.foreign_members t;;
- : (string * json) list = [("extra", `A [`String "Wow!"])]


Topojson is a non-blocking, streaming parser for TopoJSON objects. It uses jsone and it is up to the user to provide non-blocking versions of the source and destination functions for the parser to be truly non-blocking. One such library that can provide these functions is Eio and that is what we shall use for the rest of the example.


src_of_flow takes a "flow" and returns a function that reads from the flow into a buffer and returns a substring of the buffer.

# let src_of_flow flow =
  let buff = Cstruct.create 2048 in
  fun () ->
    let got = Eio.Flow.(single_read flow buff) in
    let t = Cstruct.sub buff 0 got in
val src_of_flow : #Eio.Flow.source -> unit -> Cstruct.t = <fun>

with_src opens a file with a given name creating a flow in the process. We can then use source_of_flow to turn this into a function that is compatible with the Topojsone API.

# let with_src cwd f func =
  Eio.Path.(with_open_in (cwd / f)) @@ fun ic -> func @@ src_of_flow ic;;
val with_src :
  #Eio.Fs.dir Eio.Path.t -> string -> ((unit -> Cstruct.t) -> 'a) -> 'a =


Destinations are functions that take a buffer full of data and should put that somewhere. buffer_to_dst is a function that takes a buffer and a Cstruct, and turns it into a destination by copying the contents of the Cstruct into the buffer using the Eio.Flow.copy function.

# let buffer_to_dst buf bs =
  Eio.Flow.(copy (cstruct_source [ bs ]) (buffer_sink buf));;
val buffer_to_dst : Buffer.t -> Cstruct.t -> unit = <fun>


You may wish to visit all of the objects in your object.

# Topojsone.map_object;;
- : (string * Topojsone.Topojson.Geometry.t ->
     string * Topojsone.Topojson.Geometry.t) ->
    Geojsone.Jsone.src ->
    Geojsone.Jsone.dst -> (unit, Topojsone.Err.t) result
= <fun>

For example, we could rename the example object and change the value of the linstrings arcs

# let test_map_objects (name, geometry) =
    let new_name = "new_" ^ name in
    let open Topojsone in
    let new_geometry =
        (Topo.Geometry.geometry geometry, Topo.Geometry.foreign_members geometry)
      | Topo.Geometry.Collection _, f ->
            v ~foreign_members:f Topo.Geometry.(linestring (Arc_index.v [ 2 ])))
      | _ -> geometry
    (new_name, new_geometry)
    let buf = Buffer.create 256;;
Line 6, characters 10-32:
Error: Unbound module Topo

Applying to our topojson_string we will have

# let source () = src_of_flow @@ Eio.Flow.string_source topojson_string;;
val source : unit -> unit -> Cstruct.t = <fun>
# Topojsone.(map_object test_map_objects (source ()) (buffer_to_dst buf));;
Line 1, characters 23-39:
Error: Unbound value test_map_objects
# Buffer.contents buf;;
Line 1, characters 17-20:
Error: Unbound value buf


Folding is similar to mapping except you can accumulate a value as you iterate over the document.

# Topojsone.fold_object;;
- : ('acc -> string * Topojsone.Topojson.Geometry.t -> 'acc) ->
    'acc -> Topojsone.Jsone.src -> ('acc, Topojsone.Err.t) result
= <fun>

We could count the number of objects present for instance

  let count_objects acc _ = acc + 1

And we can apply it to our running example.

# Topojsone.fold_object count_objects 0 (source ()) ;;
- : (int, Topojsone.Err.t) result = Ok 1