The Steering Panel consists of a volunteer group of experts that, in coordination with GBIF Secretariat staff, provides oversight and guidance for the selection and community-review of GBIF documentation.
The panel consists of 8-10 members comprised of individuals from GBIF regions and the Secretariat staff. The panel meets (no more than quarterly) to discuss existing documentation and to provide recommendations to the GBIF Secretariat on commissioning high-priority guidance from subject-matter experts.
Assist with setting annual priorities for documentation needs and make recommendations for calls for documentation as and when appropriate.
Consult widely with other experts, institutions, initiatives and projects within the biodiversity informatics community at-large when considering updates to and for new documentation.
Review and make recommendations regarding the documentation system for future sustainability.
Participate in the vetting process to ensure that commissioned documentation is of high quality and serves the intended audiences.
Chair: Sharon Grant, North America
Vice-chair: Patricia Mergen, Europe and Central Asia
Pierre Radji, Africa
Maofang Luo, Asia
Paula Zermoglio, Latin American and the Caribbean
Chantal Huijbers, Oceania
Andrea Hahn, GBIF Secretariat
Dmitry Schigel, GBIF Secretariat
GBIF Secretariat staff liaisons
Kyle Copas
Laura Anne Russell