For your final activities, you will complete and submit Use Case II and Use Case III for evaluation. |
There are two options for USE CASE II (Invasive species OR Lepidoptera sightings). You only need to select one of them for your assignment.
Required files for submission:
completed exercise sheet (MS Word Doc or similar is acceptable)
data capture spreadsheet (MS Excel, csv, txt or similar is acceptable)
cleaned/standardized dataset (MS Excel, csv, txt or similar is acceptable)
There is only one option for USE CASE III (Birds from literature).
Required files for submission:
completed exercise sheet (MS Word Doc or similar is acceptable)
data capture spreadsheet (MS Excel, csv, txt or similar is acceptable)
cleaned/standardized dataset (MS Excel, csv, txt or similar is acceptable)
Include the use case and exercise number along with your name on all files submitted. For example, Russell-UC2-IS-exercise-sheet.docx, Russell-UC2-IS-2.xlsx, Russell-UC2-IS-3.xlsx. All files must be submitted in English. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions. |
Please submit your assignment files using the form below. If you do not see a form, you can also visit the submission site in a new window.