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Snake Revisited

The previous chapter presented a program which implemented the game of snake. That program used a monolitic step function, that reacted to each possible combination of input event and current state. The program presented in this chapter — SnakeRevisited.elm — is a revised version of that program, in which the state-modifying function is composed from several smaller functions.

The SnakeModel, SnakeView and SnakeSignal modules are reused and the SnakeState and Snake modules are replaced by new modules: SnakeStateRevisited and SnakeRevisited. Additionally, a new auxiliary module called Foldpm is used as well.

Our goal is to replace the previously used monolithic step by a set of smaller functions that are composed together. The step function from the SnakeState module had the following signature:

  step : Event -> SnakeState -> SnakeState

Its implementation consisted of a case expression, matching combinations of the event and the gameOver member of the current state. Thus, there were several cases that were considered, but only one of them was matched during a single function invocation. We want to keep that semantics. We cannot thus simply split the individual patterns of the case expression into separate functions and compose those functions using >> or <<, because that could cause code for more than one case to be executed. Instead, our new step function will have the following signature:

  step : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState

We will decompose our old step function into several smaller functions with similar signatures, and the new step function will be a composition of those smaller functions. Let’s first examine the individual smaller functions. Each of them corresponds to a pattern from the old step function.

The handleNewGame function handles the NewGame events. It returns the initial state wrapped in Just if that event is being processed, and Nothing otherwise. % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  handleNewGame : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState
  handleNewGame event _ = when (event == NewGame) initialState

The auxiliary function when wraps its second argument in Just if the first argument is true, and returns Nothing otherwise. % Foldpm.elm

  when : Bool -> a -> Maybe a
  when p result = if p then Just result else Nothing

The handleGameOver function returns the state unchanged (but wrapped in Just), if state.gameOver is true. It returns Nothing otherwise. % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  handleGameOver : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState
  handleGameOver _ state = when (state.gameOver) state

The handleDirection function returns the state wrapped in Just with the delta member potentially updated, when a Direction event is received. It returns Nothing otherwise. % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  handleDirection : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState
  handleDirection event state =
      case event of
          Direction newDelta ->
              Just { state | delta <- if abs newDelta.dx /= abs
                                      then newDelta
                                      else }
          _ -> Nothing

The handleTick function handles the Tick events, returning the updated state wrapped in Just if that event is being processed, and Nothing otherwise. % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  handleTick : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState
  handleTick event state =
      case event of
          Tick newFood ->
              let state1 = if state.ticks % velocity == 0
                           then { state | gameOver <- collision state }
                           else state
                  if state1.gameOver
                  then Just state1
                  else let state2 = { state1
                                    | snake <-
                                        if state1.ticks % velocity == 0
                                        then moveSnakeForward state1.snake
                                        else state1.snake
                           state3 = { state2
                                    | food <-
                                        case of
                                          Just f ->
                                            if state2.ticks % velocity == 0 &&
                                               head state2.snake.front == f
                                            then Nothing
                                          Nothing ->
                                            if isInSnake state2.snake newFood
                                            then Nothing
                                            else Just newFood
                           Just { state3 | ticks <- state3.ticks + 1 }
          _ -> Nothing

The fact that the results of the above functions are wrapped in Maybe gives an additional piece of information. The result of Nothing means the function did not update the state and subsequent functions (that the step function is composed of) may potentially try to update it. The result of Just means that the function has handled the state update and subsequent functions do not need to be called.

We create the new step function by composing the above functions. However, since the result is wrapped in Maybe, we cannot use the regular function composition operators: >> and <<. Thus, we compose the functions using an auxiliary function compose: % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  step : Event -> SnakeState -> Maybe SnakeState
  step = Foldpm.compose [handleNewGame, handleGameOver, handleDirection, handleTick]

The compose function is defined as follows: % Foldpm.elm

  compose : List (a -> b -> Maybe b) -> (a -> b -> Maybe b)
  compose steps =
      case steps of
          [] -> \\_ _ -> Nothing
          f::fs -> \\a b ->
              case f a b of
                  Nothing -> (compose fs) a b
                  Just x -> Just x

It takes one argument, which is a list of functions. It returns a function of the same type. The returned function is a composition of the input functions. The composed function tries calling each of the input functions one by one, until it finds one that returned a Just result. That result becomes the final result of the composed function. If none of the input functions returned Just, the composed function returns Nothing.

There is one more issue that needs to be solved. The new signature of step does not conform to what the first argument of foldp is supposed to be. Thus, we cannot use foldp directly. Instead, we define the stateSignal function using an auxiliary function foldpm. % SnakeStateRevisited.elm

  stateSignal : Signal SnakeState
  stateSignal = foldpm step initialState eventSignal

The foldpm function is defined as follows: % Foldpm.elm

  foldpm : (a -> b -> Maybe b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
  foldpm stepm b sa =
      let step event state =
              case stepm event state of
                  Nothing -> state
                  Just x -> x
          foldp step b sa

It calls foldp, passing it in the first argument the auxiliary step function, defined in the let expression. The step function calls the function passed to foldpm as the first argument and handles the result of that call. If the result is wrapped in Just, that result is simply unwrapped. If the result is Nothing, the step function returns its second argument (the state) unchanged.

The handleNewGame, handleGameOver, handleDirection, handleTick, step and stateSignal functions are defined in the SnakeStateRevisited module.

The revised game has its own main function defined in the SnakeRevisited module:

% SnakeRevisited.elm module SnakeRevisited where

  import Graphics.Element (Element)
  import Signal ((<~), Signal)
  import SnakeStateRevisited (..)
  import SnakeView (..)

  main : Signal Element
  main = view <~ stateSignal

You can see that program in action here. From the user point of view it is analogous to the Snake.elm program presented in Chapter 13.

The foldpm, when and compose functions are more general and not specific to the snake program. They are defined in a separate module called Foldpm.