title |
Snake |
The Snake.elm program is a game, in which the player uses the keyboard arrows to choose the direction that the snake goes to. The snake should eat food represented as green rectangles. When the snake eats (covers it with its head), it also grows. The game ends, when the snake collides with itself or a wall. Before continuing, try the game here, to have an idea of how it works.
The code is divided into several modules:
We start our analysis with the SnakeModel
module defined in the
SnakeModel.elm file. The module starts with the
usual module declaration and imports.
% SnakeModel.elm module SnakeModel where
import List ((::), head, isEmpty, map, reverse, tail)
import Set
Then it defines the following type aliases: % SnakeModel.elm
type alias Position =
{ x: Int
, y: Int
type alias Delta =
{ dx: Int
, dy: Int
type alias Snake =
{ front: List Position
, back: List Position
type alias SnakeState =
{ snake: Snake
, delta: Delta
, food: Maybe Position
, ticks: Int
, gameOver: Bool
represents the state of the game. The snake
member, of
type Snake
, contains the snake positions (the Position
type) on
the board, stored in two lists (it will be explained below why it is
convenient to store it that way). The delta
member, of type Delta
stores the current direction of the snake. At any given point in time,
one of its members: dx
or dy
is set to 1
or -1
, and the other
is set to 0
. The food
represents the position of the food wrapped
in Maybe
. The ticks
member is a counter of Tick
events (more on
it below). The gameOver
member is a boolean value indicating whether
the game has been finished or not.
The initialState
function creates the initial game state:
% SnakeModel.elm
initialSnake =
{ front = [{x = 0, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = -1}, {x = 0, y = -2}, {x = 0, y = -3}]
, back = []
initialDelta = { dx = 0, dy = 1 }
initialFood = Nothing
initialState =
{ snake = initialSnake
, delta = initialDelta
, food = initialFood
, ticks = 0
, gameOver = False
The game state is changed in reaction to events represented by the following data type: % SnakeModel.elm
type Event = Tick Position | Direction Delta | NewGame | Ignore
The Tick
event is periodically generated based on a time signal and
contains a potential, new, randomly-generated position of the
food. The Direction
event represents the new snake direction
generated based on a keyboard signal. The NewGame
event is used for
starting the game from the beginning. Finally, there is the Ignore
event, that will be, well, ignored.
The game logic depends on certain constants: % SnakeModel.elm
boardSize = 15
boxSize = boardSize + boardSize + 1
velocity = 5
The boxSize
is the size of the game board, calculated based on the
value. The size is expressed in logical units. One unit is
equivalent to a square drawn on the screen. The size of the square is
specified elsewhere. The velocity
indicates how many Tick
are needed for one snake move.
The nextPosition
function calculates the next position on the board
that the snake’s head will move into.
% SnakeModel.elm
nextPosition : Snake -> Delta -> Position
nextPosition snake {dx,dy} =
let headPosition = head snake.front
in { x = headPosition.x + dx, y = headPosition.y + dy }
The moveSnakeForward
function calculates the snake positions after
the move.
% SnakeModel.elm
moveSnakeForward : Snake -> Delta -> Maybe Position -> Snake
moveSnakeForward snake delta food =
let next = nextPosition snake delta
tailFunction =
case food of
Nothing -> tail
Just f -> if next == f then identity else tail
if isEmpty snake.back
then { front = [next]
, back = (tailFunction << reverse) snake.front }
else { front = next :: snake.front
, back = tailFunction snake.back }
The snake positions are stored in two lists. That way of
representation is chosen, because to move the snake, we need to
operate on its both ends: we need to add a position to the front, and
we need to remove one from its back (unless the snake has just eaten
food, in which case we leave the tail as it was). Thus Snake.front
represents the snake positions from its head backward, while
represents its positions from the back forward (thus the
positions are stored in the opposite direction). Since the new
positions are added to the front
and removed from the back
, from
time to time the back
member may be exausted and become empty. In
such a situation, the front
list is reversed and assigned to back
(possibly with one element removed). The tailFunction
returns the tail of the list given to it as argument, or returns the
list unchanged, based on whether the next position to be occuppied by
the snake is equal to the food position.
The isInSnake
function verifies whether the snake contains a given
position. The function builds sets from both lists containing the
snake positions (using the Set.fromList
function) and uses the
function to verify the membership.
% SnakeModel.elm
isInSnake : Snake -> Position -> Bool
isInSnake snake position =
let frontSet = Set.fromList <| map toString snake.front
backSet = Set.fromList <| map toString snake.back
Set.member (toString position) frontSet || Set.member (toString position) backSet
The collision
function detects the collision state, that is a state
in which the next position of the snake belongs to the snake or is outside
the board.
% SnakeModel.elm
collision : SnakeState -> Bool
collision state =
let next = nextPosition state.snake state.delta
if abs next.x > boardSize || abs next.y > boardSize || isInSnake state.snake next
then True
else False
The SnakeView
module, defined in the
SnakeView.elm file, contains functions responsible
for drawing the game. It begins with the module declaration and a
block of imports.
% SnakeView.elm module SnakeView where
import Color (Color, black, blue, green, red, white)
import Graphics.Collage (Form, collage, filled, move, rect)
import Graphics.Element (Element, container, empty, midBottom, middle, layers)
import List (map)
import Maybe
import SnakeModel (..)
import Text
The snake and the food are drawn using filled squares. The actual size of the squares and the size of the board boundaries are calculated by the following functions: % SnakeView.elm
unit = 15
innerSize = unit * boxSize
outerSize = unit * (boxSize+1)
The box
function draws the board boundaries by drawing two
rectangles: a bigger black one, and a smaller white one on top.
% SnakeView.elm
box =
collage outerSize outerSize [
filled black <| rect outerSize outerSize,
filled white <| rect innerSize innerSize ]
The drawPosition
function draws a single square on a given position.
% SnakeView.elm
drawPosition : Color -> Position -> Form
drawPosition color position =
filled color (rect unit unit) |>
move (toFloat (unit*position.x), toFloat (unit*position.y))
The drawPositions
function draws squares representing positions from a list.
% SnakeView.elm
drawPositions : Color -> List Position -> Element
drawPositions color positions =
collage outerSize outerSize (map (drawPosition color) positions)
The drawFood
function draws a green square representing food.
% SnakeView.elm
drawFood : Position -> Element
drawFood position = drawPositions green [position]
The gameOver
function draws the text informing the user that the
game is over.
% SnakeView.elm
gameOver : Element
gameOver =
Text.fromString "Game Over"
|> Text.color red
|> Text.bold
|> Text.height 60
|> Text.centered
|> container outerSize outerSize middle
The instructions
function shows the game instructions below the
% SnakeView.elm
instructions : Element
instructions =
Text.plainText "Press the arrows to change the snake move direction.\nPress N to start a new game."
|> container outerSize (outerSize+3*unit) midBottom
The view
function combines the above functions into one that draws
the whole game based on the state given in the argument.
% SnakeView.elm
view state =
layers [ box
, instructions
, drawPositions blue state.snake.front
, drawPositions blue state.snake.back
, Maybe.withDefault empty <| Maybe.map drawFood state.food
, if state.gameOver then gameOver else empty
The empty
function returns an element that is, well, empty. It is
not showed on the screen. That element is used if there is no food to
be drawn.
The main
function is for testing purposes. The module can be
compiled and the resulting page opened, showing the game initial
% SnakeView.elm
main = view initialState
You can verify what it shows here.
The SnakeSignals
module creates several of the game signals. The
following figure presents how the individual signals are combined
together to produce the main game signal. The SnakeSignals
defined the functions showed on the figure, except for the
and main
functions, which are defined in different
The timeSignal
function uses the fps
function to produce a signal
of Time
values ticking with the approximate rate of 50 events per
% SnakeSignals.elm
timeSignal : Signal Time
timeSignal = fps 50
% SnakeSignals.elm
The makeTick
function creates a Tick
event given a Time
value. Each such event carries a Position
value representing the
potential new food position.
% SnakeSignals.elm
makeTick : Time -> Event
makeTick time =
let seed1 = Random.initialSeed (round time)
(x,seed2) = Random.generate (Random.int -boardSize boardSize) seed1
(y,_) = Random.generate (Random.int -boardSize boardSize) seed2
Tick { x = x, y = y }
The tickSignal
function maps makeTick
over the time signal,
producing a signal of Tick
% SnakeSignals.elm
tickSignal : Signal Event
tickSignal = makeTick <~ timeSignal
The directionSignal
function uses the Keyboard.arrows
function and
produces a signal of the directions the snake should move to.
% SnakeSignals.elm
directionSignal : Signal Event
directionSignal =
let arrowsToDelta {x,y} =
if | x == 0 && y == 0 -> Ignore
| x /= 0 -> Direction { dx = x, dy = 0 }
| otherwise -> Direction { dx = 0, dy = y }
arrowsToDelta <~ Keyboard.arrows
The newGameSignal
function produces a signal of NewGame
events. The events are generated when the player presses the “N” key
on the keyboard. The Keyboard.isDown
function is used for detecting
the key events, while the keepIf
function is used to filter-out the
events related to releasing the button. The always
function always
returns its argument (NewGame
) regardles of its input.
% SnakeSignals.elm
newGameSignal : Signal Event
newGameSignal =
always NewGame <~ (keepIf identity False <| Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode 'N'))
The eventSignal
function merges the signals produced by
, directionSignal
and newGameSignal
. Notice that all
the input signals have the same signature.
% SnakeSignals.elm
eventSignal : Signal Event
eventSignal = mergeMany [tickSignal, directionSignal, newGameSignal]
The stateSignal
function is defined in the StateState
module. The
module obviously starts with the module declaration and imports.
% SnakeState.elm module SnakeState where
import List (head)
import Signal (Signal, foldp)
import SnakeModel (..)
import SnakeSignals (..)
The stateSignal
function uses the foldp
function and produces a
signal of SnakeState
% SnakeState.elm
stateSignal : Signal SnakeState
stateSignal = foldp step initialState eventSignal
The foldp
function takes three arguments. The first one is the
function — it is a function that takes two arguments (the
current event and the current state) and produces the new state. The
second argument is the initial state, returned by the initialState
function. The third one is the signal of input events (returned by
The step
function is producing the next game state based on the
event received and the current state.
% SnakeState.elm
step : Event -> SnakeState -> SnakeState
step event state =
case (event,state.gameOver) of
(NewGame,_) -> initialState
(_,True) -> state
(Direction newDelta,_) ->
{ state | delta <- if abs newDelta.dx /= abs state.delta.dx
then newDelta
else state.delta }
(Tick newFood, _) ->
let state1 = if state.ticks % velocity == 0
then { state | gameOver <- collision state }
else state
in if state1.gameOver
then state1
else let state2 = { state1
| snake <-
if state1.ticks % velocity == 0
then moveSnakeForward state1.snake state1.delta state1.food
else state1.snake
state3 = { state2
| food <-
case state2.food of
Just f ->
if state2.ticks % velocity == 0 &&
head state2.snake.front == f
then Nothing
else state2.food
Nothing ->
if isInSnake state2.snake newFood
then Nothing
else Just newFood
in { state3 | ticks <- state3.ticks + 1 }
(Ignore,_) -> state
The function verifies certain conditions and reacts to the first one
that is true. It first verifies whether the event received is NewGame
in which case the function returns the initial state, regardless of
what is the current state.
If the gameOver
member of the current state is true, then the state
is returned unchanged.
When a Direction
event is received, the delta
member is updated, but
only if the new direction does not cause the snake to turn back (what
would cause an immediate collision).
When the Tick
event is received, several changes to the state are
performed. The changes are performed one by one, producing
intermediate states (state1
, state2
, state3
). First, the
function verifies whether a collision can be detected, in
which case the game is over. The result is stored in the gameOver
member of state1
. If the game is over, state1
is returned and
no further state updates are needed. Otherwise, the snake moves
forward but only if the ticks
modulo the velocity is equal to
The next step is to update the food
member. If there is food on the
board, the snake has just moved, and its head’s position is equal to
the position of the food, it means the snake has just eaten the food,
in which case we set the food
member to Nothing
. If there is no
food on the board (which happens after it has been eaten or at the
beginning of the game), we verify whether the newFood
can safely be
put on the board, that is whether its position is not equal to the
position of any segment of the snake. If it is safe, we update
to have the new food postion (wrapped in Just
Finally the ticks
member is incremented and the new state returned.
The Ignore
event is ignored, that is it does not cause any state
The Snake
module implements the main
% Snake.elm module Snake where
import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Signal ((<~), Signal)
import SnakeState (..)
import SnakeView (..)
main : Signal Element
main = view <~ stateSignal
The main
function returns a Signal Element
signal which is
interpreted by Elm’s runtime, rendering the application.
In order to transform the game state, we have used a monolitic step
function, that reacts to each possible combination of input event and
current state. The solution works, but it has the disadvantage that
the function which transforms the state may become big and difficult
to maintain for larger programs. The
next chapter presents an alternative
solution for implementing the same game.