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617 lines (492 loc) · 23.6 KB

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617 lines (492 loc) · 23.6 KB

The Calculator.elm program implements a simple calculator that can be used to perform arithmetic operations. You can run it here. To use the calculator, click its buttons using your mouse.

The code is divided into three modules:

  • CalculatorModel
  • CalculatorView
  • Calculator

We start our analysis with the CalculatorModel module defined in the CalculatorModel.elm file. The module starts with the declaration and a list of imports:

% CalculatorModel.elm module CalculatorModel where

  import Char
  import Maybe (withDefault)
  import Result
  import Set
  import String

The following line defines a new data type called ButtonType: % CalculatorModel.elm

  type ButtonType = Regular | Large

The definition starts with the type keyword followed by the type name, the equals sign and the type definition. The type keyword is used for defining so called Union Types. Such types consist of a number of alternatives which are separated with the | character. In our case, we have two alternatives: Regular and Large.

Our data type is very simple. However, using the type keyword, it is possible to define more complex data types as well. For example, the following data type represents a list of integers:

  type ListOfInts = Nil | Cons Int ListOfInts

The alternatives are sometimes called type constructors. Our ListOfInts data type defines two of them. The first one is called Nil and represents the empty list. The other one is more interesting. Its name is Cons and it has two arguments, which are actually type names. The first one is Int and the second one is ListOfTypes, which is the name of the type being defined! This means that we have a recursive definition here. What this definition tells us, is that a list is either and empty list (Nil) or a non-empty list (Cons) consisting of an Int value and another list.

As an example, let us create a two-element list, containing the values 1 and 2:

  > Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil)
  Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil) : ListOfInts

Union types may have type parameters. The following data type represents lists of elements of an arbitrary type. The type of the list elements is represeted by the a parameter:

  type GenericList a = Nil | Cons a (GenericList a)

Here we create a list of characters containing the characters ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’:

  > Cons 'a' (Cons 'b' (Cons 'c' Nil))
  Cons 'a' (Cons 'b' (Cons 'c' Nil)) : GenericList Char

Let’s now go back to the CalculatorModel module. The buttonSize function accepts a value of type ButtonType as argument and returns an integer number: % CalculatorModel.elm

  buttonSize : ButtonType -> Int
  buttonSize size =
      case size of
          Regular -> 60
          Large -> 120

We use here the case expression, which let us pattern match on the individual type constructors (or, more generally, on patterns). Elm tries to match the value placed between the case and of keywords (size in our case) against the patterns defined after the of keyword. Each pattern is followed by the -> arrow and the expression which becomes the result of the whole case expression if the corresponding pattern is matched. The patterns are tried one by one, and once any of them matches, the others are skipped.

  > import CalculatorView (..)
  > buttonSize Regular
  60 : Int
  > buttonSize Large
  120 : Int

Since the type constructors of the ButtonType type are very simple, the patterns used in the buttonSize function are also simple — they exactly correspond to the type constructors. As another example, let us analyze the following function, which calculates the length of a GenericList:

  listSize : GenericList a -> Int
  listSize lst =
      case lst of
          Nil -> 0
          Cons _ tail -> 1 + listSize tail

If the lst list is empty, the first pattern matches, and the function returns 0. The second pattern is more interesting. It consists of the name of the type constructor (Cons) followed by the _ character and the tail symbol. The _ character matches any value, and it is used when we are not interested in the value being matched. The tail symbol is a variable, that will acquire the value of the second parameter of the Cons value. So, for example, if lst is (Cons 4 (Cons 6 Nil)), then tail will have the value of Cons 6 Nil assigned to it. When the second pattern is matched, the function returns 1 plus the result of a recursive call to itself with the tail value as argument.

  > listSize Nil
  0 : Int
  > listSize (Cons 4 (Cons 6 Nil))
  2 : Int

The CalculatorModel module defines a record type representing the calculator state. % CalculatorModel.elm

  type alias CalculatorState = {
           input: String,
           operator: String,
           number: Float

The calculator needs to remember three things, represented by three state members:

  • input is the number that the user enters into the calculator by clicking on the number buttons and the dot button
  • operator is one of the four arithmetic operations selected by the user
  • number is the result of previous computations (or zero at the beginning)

The exact rules of how the calculator works are implemented in the step function, which takes as arguments the current calculator state and the button clicked by the user and calculates the new state. % CalculatorModel.elm

  step : String -> CalculatorState -> CalculatorState
  step btn state =
      if  | btn == "C" -> initialState
          | btn == "CE" -> { state | input <- "0" }
          | state.input == "" && isOper btn -> { state | operator <- btn }
          | isOper btn -> {
                number = calculate state.number state.operator state.input,
                operator = btn,
                input = ""
          | otherwise ->
                { state |
                    input <-
                         if  | (state.input == "" || state.input == "0") && btn == "." -> "0."
                             | state.input == "" || state.input == "0" -> btn
                             | String.length state.input >= 18 -> state.input
                             | btn == "." && String.any (\\c -> c == '.') state.input -> state.input
                             | otherwise -> state.input ++ btn }

The step function uses an alternative form of the if expression. The if keyword is followed by a number of conditions and expressions. Each condition is preceded by the | character. After each condition there is an arrow -> followed by an expression. The if expression verifies each condition, one by one, until the first one that evaluates to True. The expression that follows that condition becomes the result of the whole if expression. The last condition in our if expressions is otherwise, which evaluates to True, thus making that condition the “catch all” clause.

The following two forms of the if expression are thus equivalent:

  if <condition>
  then <expression1>
  else <expression2>

  if | <condition> -> <expression1>
     | otherwise -> <expression2>

The step function works as follows. If the user selects the C button, the initial state, calculated by the initialState function, is returned. % CalculatorModel.elm

  initialState = { number = 0.0, input = "", operator = "" }

If the user selects the CE button, then input is set to zero, and the previously entered input is forgotten. If the user selects one of the operators, as verified by the isOper function, and if there was no previous input (the input is equal to an empty string), then the operator is saved in the new state. The syntax for updating the operator member looks as follows:

  { state | operator <- btn }

The state represents the old state. The operator is the name of the member being updated. The btn is the new value to be assigned to the operator member. The whole expression does not change the state value, but it returns a new value, similar to state but with the operator member updated.

The isOper function is defined as follows: % CalculatorModel.elm

  isOper : String -> Bool
  isOper btn = Set.member btn (Set.fromList ["+","-","*","/","="])

The function uses two functions from the Set module. The Set.fromList function creates a set from a list. The Set.member function verifies if its first argument belongs to the set represented by the second argument.

If the user selects one of the operators, but there is already an input value present in the input field, then a whole new state is calculated and returned as follows:

  • the value of the number member is calculated by the calculate function based on the old state
  • the value of the operator clicked by the user is stored in the operator member
  • the input is reset to an empty string

The calculate function is defined as follows: % CalculatorModel.elm

  calculate : Float -> String -> String -> Float
  calculate number op input =
      let number2 = withDefault 0.0 (Result.toMaybe (String.toFloat input))
          if  | op == "+" -> number + number2
              | op == "-" -> number - number2
              | op == "*" -> number * number2
              | op == "/" -> number / number2
              | otherwise ->  number2

It first converts the value of the input member to a floating point number using the String.toFloat function. That function does not return a Float value however, as showed by the repl:

  > String.toFloat
  <function: toFloat> : String -> Maybe Float

The return value is of type Maybe Float. We have already met Maybe in one of earlier chapters. Maybe is a union type defined in the Maybe module as follows:

  type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing

Thus the String.toFloat function may return one of two values: Just Float or Nothing. The first one is returned if the conversion succeeds, the second one otherwise. The calculate function could pattern match on the result using a case expression, but it uses the the withDefault function instead, to retrieve the result, with the 0.0 value used as a fallback in case the conversion fails.

After converting the input value to Float, the calculate function performs the appropriate (based on the value of the operator member) arithmetic operation on the value of the number mamber, and the result of converting the input to Float.

Finally (going back to the step function), if the user selects something else, which must be either a digit or a dot, then the input member is updated as follows:

  • if the current input is empty or “0” and the dot is selected, the input is set to be “0.”
  • if the current input is empty or “0”, the input is set to be equal to the label of the selected button
  • if the current input has length equal or greater than 18, no new data is appended to the input
  • if the current input contains a dot already, and the dot is selected, the input string remains unchanged
  • otherwise, the label of the selected button is appended to the input string

There is one more function in the CalculatorModel module. The showState function converts the state to a string to be shown in the calculator display. The result is the value of the input member, unless it is empty, in which case the value of the number member is converted to a string and returned. % CalculatorModel.elm

  showState : CalculatorState -> String
  showState {number,input} =
      if input == ""
          then toString number
          else input

We can now turn our analysis to the CalculatorView module, which is defined in the CalculatorView.elm file. Its definition starts as follows:

% CalculatorView.elm module CalculatorView where

  import CalculatorModel (..)
  import Color (rgb)
  import Graphics.Collage (LineCap(Padded), collage, defaultLine, filled, outlined, rect, toForm)
  import Graphics.Element (Element, container, down, flow, layers, midRight, middle, right, spacer)
  import Graphics.Input (clickable)
  import Signal (Signal, channel, send, subscribe)
  import Text

After the imports, the makeButton function is defined. That function creates an element representing a calculator button. It takes a string that will be the button label, and a ButtonType value as arguments. % CalculatorView.elm

  makeButton : String -> ButtonType -> Element
  makeButton label size =
      let xSize = buttonSize size
          buttonColor = rgb 199 235 243
                  filled buttonColor <| rect (toFloat (xSize-8)) 52,
                  outlined { defaultLine | width <- 2, cap <- Padded }
                      <| rect (toFloat (xSize-8)) 52,
                  Text.fromString label |> Text.height 30 |> Text.bold |> Text.centered |> toForm

A button is composed of a filled rectangle, which forms the button background color, an outlined rectangle forming the button border, and a text. The buttonSize function from the CalculatorModel module is used for calculating the horizontal size of the button. The auxiliary buttonColor function returns the button color.

The outlined function expects in its first argument a value of type LineStyle, which is a record type defined in the Graphics.Collage module. The record contains the following members:

  • color of type Color — represents the line color
  • width of type Float — represents the line width in pixels
  • cap of type LineCap — represents the shape of line ends
  • join of type LineJoin — represents the shape of line joins
  • dashing of type [Int} — represents the dashing pattern
  • dashOffset of type Int — represents the dashing offset

You do not have to construct the whole record yourself. The defaultLine function returns a default line style. You can use it and modify certain members. For example, to have a default line, but with the width set to 5, you can use the expression:

  { defaultLine | width <- 5 }

The cap member can be set to values Flat (default), Round or Padded. The join member can be set to Smooth, Clipped or Sharp Float (Sharp 10 is the default). The following figure illustrates the various line caps and joins:

The first one has the cap set to Flat and the join set to Sharp 10. The second one has the cap set to Flat and the join set to Smooth. The last one has the cap set to Padded and the join set to Clipped. The red dots indicate the position of one of joins and one of caps.

The following figure illustrates the dashing. It presents three lines. The first one has dashing set to [] (the default). The second, to [40,10] and the third one to [40,10,40].

The CalculatorViewTest1.elm program (showed below) can be used to visually test the makeButton function (try it here).

% CalculatorViewTest1.elm module CalculatorViewTest1 where

  import CalculatorModel (..)
  import CalculatorView (..)

  main = makeButton "test" Large

Being able to create a button is not enough for our purposes. What we need is a clickable button. A button, which will have some kind of signal associated with it. We create such buttons using the makeButtonAndSignal function: % CalculatorView.elm

  makeButtonAndSignal : String -> ButtonType -> (Element, Signal String)
  makeButtonAndSignal label btnSize =
      let button = makeButton label btnSize
          buttonChannel = channel ""
          message = send buttonChannel label
          clickableButton = clickable message button
          (clickableButton, subscribe buttonChannel)

To create a clickable element, we first need a channel. The Channel type is defined in the Signal module and it represents a place where messages can be sent to. You can also subscribe to a channel, getting a signal. To create a channel, we use the channel function, providing the default value of that channel’s signal as its argument:

  channel : a -> Channel a

In our function we use a String value as the argument to the channel function. Thus the buttonChannel value has the Channel String type.

To create a message, that can be sent to the channel, we use the send function. We need to give it two arguments: the channel and a value to be sent through it.

  send : Channel a -> a -> Message

We can now use the clickable function to turn a regular button into a clickable one. The clickable function takes a message and an element, and returns a clickable version of that element.

  clickable : Message -> Element -> Element

Our makeButtonAndSignal function returns a pair of values: the clickable button and the signal associated with the channel, which is obtained using the subscribe function.

  subscribe : Channel a -> Signal a

Next, we use the makeButtonAndSignal function to create all the calculator buttons and the associated signals. % CalculatorView.elm

  (button0, button0Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "0" Regular
  (button1, button1Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "1" Regular
  (button2, button2Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "2" Regular
  (button3, button3Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "3" Regular
  (button4, button4Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "4" Regular
  (button5, button5Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "5" Regular
  (button6, button6Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "6" Regular
  (button7, button7Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "7" Regular
  (button8, button8Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "8" Regular
  (button9, button9Signal) = makeButtonAndSignal "9" Regular
  (buttonEq, buttonEqSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "=" Regular
  (buttonPlus, buttonPlusSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "+" Regular
  (buttonMinus, buttonMinusSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "-" Regular
  (buttonDiv, buttonDivSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "/" Regular
  (buttonMult, buttonMultSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "*" Regular
  (buttonDot, buttonDotSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "." Regular
  (buttonC, buttonCSignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "C" Large
  (buttonCE, buttonCESignal) = makeButtonAndSignal "CE" Large

Besides the buttons, the calculator needs a display where the results of the calculation as well as the user input will be shown. The display function creates it. % CalculatorView.elm

  display : CalculatorState -> Element
  display state =
      collage 240 60 [
         outlined { defaultLine | width <- 2, cap <- Padded } <| rect 232 50,
         toForm (container 220 50 midRight (Text.plainText <| showState state))

It takes the calculator state as argument and uses the showState function to present it to the user.

Finally, the view function combines the components and draws the calculator. % CalculatorView.elm

  view : CalculatorState -> (Int, Int) -> Element
  view value (w, h) =
          <| layers
                              |> outlined { defaultLine | width <- 3, cap <- Padded }
                          spacer 250 5,
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, display value ],
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, buttonCE, buttonC ],
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, buttonPlus, button1, button2, button3 ],
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, buttonMinus, button4, button5, button6 ],
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, buttonMult, button7, button8, button9 ],
                          flow right [ spacer 5 60, buttonDiv, button0, buttonDot, buttonEq ]

The view function takes two arguments: the calculator state, and a pair representing the window sizes. The CalculatorView module defines a main method for testing purposes.

% CalculatorView.elm

  main = view initialState (600,600)

You can see it in action here.

The Calculator module is the main module of our calculator program:

% Calculator.elm module Calculator where

  import CalculatorModel (..)
  import CalculatorView (..)
  import Signal (foldp, map2, mergeMany)
  import Window

  lastButtonClicked =
      mergeMany [

  stateSignal = foldp step initialState lastButtonClicked

  main = map2 view stateSignal Window.dimensions

The lastButtonClicked function combines individual signals associated with the calculator buttons into one signal using the mergeMany function from the Signal standard library module.

  mergeMany : List (Signal a) -> Signal a

As the signature shows, all the signals in the input list need to have the same type.

The stateSignal function uses the foldp function to combine the lastButtonClicked signal with the step function from the CalculatorModel module.

Finally, the main function combines the stateSignal and Window.dimensions signals with the view function from the CalculatorView module.

So far, we have only used the mouse to interact with our programs. In the next chapter we will learn how to use keyboard releated signals.