title |
Eyes |
The Eyes.elm program shows two simple eyes, consisting of only the eye borders and pupils. The size of the eyes and the position of the pupils are dynamic. The eye size depends on the window size. The pupils positions depend on the position of the mouse pointer. Before continuing, take a look at the working program here, to get the idea.
The code is divided into three modules:
We start our analysis with the EyesView
module defined in the
EyesView.elm file:
% EyesView.elm {- This module contains functions which draw the eyes. -} module EyesView where
import Color (black, white)
import Graphics.Collage (Form, collage, filled, group, move, moveX, oval)
import Graphics.Element (Element)
eyeBorder : Float -> Float -> Form
eyeBorder w h =
group [
filled black <| oval w h,
filled white <| oval (w*9/10) (h*9/10)
eyePupil : Float -> Float -> Form
eyePupil w h = filled black <| oval w h
eyesView : (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float, Float, Float) -> Element
eyesView (w, h) (xPl, yPl, xPr, yPr) =
let xC = (toFloat w) / 4
yC = (toFloat h) / 2
eyeBorder (2*xC) (2*yC) |> moveX (-xC),
eyeBorder (2*xC) (2*yC) |> moveX xC,
eyePupil (xC/5) (yC/5) |> move (xPl,yPl),
eyePupil (xC/5) (yC/5) |> move (xPr,yPr)
-- test
main = eyesView (700, 500) (-50, -50, 100, 100)
Before the module declaration we have included a multi-line comment.
Such comments are delimited by the {-
and -}
pairs of characters.
The eyeBorder
function takes two numbers representing the width and
height of the eye and draws the eye border by drawing two ovals on top
of each other: a black one is bigger and is placed below, while the
white one is smaller and is drawed on top of the black one. The oval
function creates an oval shape, given its two dimentions. The group
function creates a Form
from a list of Form
values. Thanks to
that, the created Form
can be manipulated as one unit. The
function draws an oval representing the pupil. The
function draws the eyes (two eye borders and two pupils) and
returns the result as an Element
. The eyeView
function takes two
arguments: a pair of values representing the width and height of the
resulting Element
, and a 4-element tuple containing the coordinates
of both pupils.
It is no accident that we have implemented the drawing functions in a
separate module. That allows us to define a main
function for
testing purposes. That main
function will not be used by our
program, since our program’s main
function is defined in the Eyes
module. We are thus free to use the main
function of the EyesView
module for testing — we use it to call the eyesView
function with
test arguments and after compiling the module, we can
verify the result in the browser.
The definition of the main
function is preceded with a one line
comment. The beginning of the comment is denoted by two -
The main difficulty of the example is calculating the pupils
coordinates based on the coordinates of the mouse pointer. The
mathematical algorithm of that calculation is implemented in the
module defined in the EyesModel.elm
file. Again, it is no accident that we use a separate module. By
implementing in the EyesModel
module only functions, which do not
handle signals and do not handle graphics, we can use the elm-repl
tool to import the module functions and test them.
Before implementing the calculation of pupils coordinates, we will first solve a simpler problem. Let’s consider only a quater of one eye and let’s solve the problem of calculating the pupil coordinate under the assumption, that the mouse pointer is located within that quoter. Consider the following picture.
Point O is the center of the eye, and the R’R’’ arc is the internal eye border. The OC’CC’’ rectangle is the area where we assume the mouse pointer to be. Let M be the point where it is currently located. Point A is where the OM line crosses the OC’CC’’ rectangle and point B is where it crosses the R’R’’ arc. Our goal is to calculate the coordinates of point P placed on the OMA line, such that the following proportion holds:
Points R, C, and M are given. The coordinates of M can be
derived from the Mouse.position
signal. The coordinates of R and
C — from the Window.dimensions
We will use the following convention: for any point Z, we will denote its x and y coordinates by xZ and yZ. For example, xP and yP will denote the coordinates of the point P.
From the above proportion, we get the following equations describing the proportions between the x and y coordinates:
xP/xB = xM/xA
yP/yB = yM/yA
We can therefore calculate xP and yP as follows:
xP = xB×xM/xA
yP = yB×yM/yA
The values xM and yM are given. We need to calcualte the other values on the right hand sides of both equations. Let us first consider the coordinates of the point A.
Since points O, M and A are on the same line, we know that the following holds true:
xM/yM = xA/yA
We also know, that point A must be either between C and C' or between C and C’’. In the former case (which happens when yM/xM is smaller than yC/xC) we know that xA is equal to xC. We can thus calculate yA as follows:
yA = xC×yM/xM
In the latter case, yA is equal to yC, and we can calculate xA as follows:
xA = xM*yC/yM
We still need to calculate the coordinates of B. Since B is a point on an ellipsis, we can use the algebraic equation for elliptical schapes:
xB²/xR² + yB²/yR² = 1
After multiplying both sides by xR²×yR² we get:
xB²×yR² + yB²×xR² = xR²×yR² ①
Since points O, M and B are on the same line, we know that the following holds true:
xM/yM = xB/yB
and consequently:
xB = yB×xM/yM
yB = xB×yM/xM
By substituting xB and yB in ① and solving the equations, we get the formulas for calculating xB and yB:
xB = xR*yR / sqrt(yR²+xR²*yM²/xM²)
yB = xR×yR / sqrt(xR²+yR²×xM²/yM²)
The calculateP
function from the EyesModel
module implements the
% EyesModel.elm module EyesModel where
calculateP : (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float)
calculateP (xR, yR) (xC, yC) (xM, yM) =
let (xA, yA) =
if (yM/xM < yC/xC)
then (xC,xC*yM/xM)
else (xM*yC/yM,yC)
xB = xR*yR / sqrt (yR^2+(xR*yM/xM)^2)
yB = xR*yR / sqrt (xR^2+(yR*xM/yM)^2)
xP = xB*xM/xA
yP = yB*yM/yA
For testing purposes, we can call the function with some example
arguments using elm-repl
> import EyesModel (calculateP)
> calculateP (200,100) (500,100) (10,10)
(8.94427190999916,8.94427190999916) : (Float, Float)
We must now calculate the coordinates of both pupils based on the width and height of the screen, and the mouse pointer coordinates. We will draw the eyes such that they fill the whole available window area. Each eye will fill half of the available area. We will thus have 8 quaters of an eye that we have to handle, as illustrated on the following picture.
Thus, the xC size will be equal to one-fourth of the window width,
and yC will be equal to half of the window height. The xR and yR
values will be set to 9/10 of xC and yC respectively. The
function calculates the coordinates of both
pupils. It calls calculateP
with parameters adjusted depending on
which area of the screen the mouse pointer is. The function returns a
4-elements tuple containing the coordinates of both pupils.
% EyesModel.elm
pupilsCoordinates : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float, Float, Float)
pupilsCoordinates (w, h) (x, y) =
let xC = (toFloat w)/4
yC = (toFloat h)/2
xM = toFloat x
yM = (toFloat (h-y)) - yC
xR = xC*9/10
yR = yC*9/10
sign x = x / (abs x)
(xPr,yPr) =
if xM >= 3*xC
then calculateP (xR,yR) (xC,yC) (xM-3*xC,yM)
|> \\(xP,yP) -> (xP+xC, yP * sign yM)
else calculateP (xR,yR) (3*xC,yC) (3*xC-xM,yM)
|> \\(xP,yP) -> (xC-xP, yP * sign yM)
(xPl,yPl) =
if xM >= xC
then calculateP (xR,yR) (3*xC,yC) (xM-xC,yM)
|> \\(xP,yP) -> (xP-xC, yP * sign yM)
else calculateP (xR,yR) (xC,yC) (-xM+xC,yM)
|> \\(xP,yP) -> (-xP-xC, yP * sign yM)
What is left is the Eyes
module that assembles the program modules
% Eyes.elm module Eyes where
import EyesModel (..)
import EyesView (..)
import Mouse
import Signal
import Window
main = Signal.map2 eyes Window.dimensions Mouse.position
eyes (w,h) (x,y) = eyesView (w,h) (pupilsCoordinates (w,h) (x,y))
It imports the Mouse
and Window
modules, because we are using
signals form both of them. And it imports the functions from the
and EyesModel
modules. The main
function combines the
function with the Window.dimensions
and Mouse.position
signals, and the eyes
function uses pupilsCoordinates
to make the
calculations for given window dimensions and mouse positions.
The next chapter introduces time related signals.