All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- snyk scan
- benchmark samples on container
- upgrade quarkus version to 3.15.1
- Fugerit Venus Doc 8.8.9
- base image
- benchmark script review compatibility with macOS/Linux
- maven wrapper
- benchmark samples with Ryzen 3900X (thanks to amusarra)
- publish docker workflow
- docker benchmark info
- upgrade quarkus version to 3.12.3
- benchmark script review (thanks to amusarra)
- Added platform data and java version in benchmark samples
- benchmark samples with Ryzen 3700X and Mac Book Pro 16 Max M1
- quarkus virtual threads
- 3 simple test template
- Benchmark with h2 load and graph plotting
- Fugerit Venus Doc 8.5.0