{sample: true}
This book uses material from the following Wikipedia articles:
- .htaccess{#w-htaccess}
- .htpasswd{#w-htpasswd}
- .NET Framework{#w-net}
- 8.3 filename{#w-83}
- A/B testing{#w-a-b-testing}
- Abstract data type{#w-adt}
- Accelerated Mobile Pages{#w-amp}
- Acceptance test-driven development{#w-atdd}
- Acceptance testing{#w-acceptance-testing}
- Access control{#w-access-control}
- Access key{#w-access-key}
- Access token{#w-access-token}
- Access-control list{#w-acl}
- Accessibility{#w-accessibility}
- ACID{#w-acid}
- Acknowledgement (data networks){#w-ack}
- Acqui-hiring{#w-acqui-hiring}
- ActionScript{#w-actionscript}
- Active redundancy{#w-active-redundancy}
- Active Server Pages{#w-asp}
- Active users{#w-active-users}
- Address Resolution Protocol{#w-arp}
- Adobe ColdFusion{#w-coldfusion}
- Adobe Dreamweaver{#w-dreamweaver}
- Adobe Flash{#w-flash}
- Adobe Flash Player{#w-flash-player}
- Adobe Photoshop{#w-photoshop}
- ads.txt{#w-adstxt}
- Advanced Encryption Standard{#w-aes}
- Advanced persistent threat{#w-advanced-persistent-threat}
- Affordance{#w-affordance}
- Agile software development{#w-agile}
- AirMosaic{#w-airmosaic}
- Ajax (programming){#w-ajax}
- ALGOL{#w-algol}
- Algorithm{#w-algorithm}
- Aliasing{#w-aliasing}
- Amazon Route 53{#w-amazon-route-53}
- Amazon S3{#w-amazon-s3}
- Amazon Simple Queue Service{#w-amazon-sqs}
- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud{#w-amazon-vpc}
- Amazon Web Services{#w-aws}
- Angular (web framework){#w-angular}
- AngularJS{#w-angularjs}
- Animation{#w-animation}
- Anonymous function{#w-anonymous-function}
- Anti-pattern{#w-anti-pattern}
- Apache Maven{#w-maven}
- Apache Subversion{#w-subversion}
- Apache Tomcat{#w-tomcat}
- Applet{#w-applet}
- Application programming interface{#w-api}
- Application software{#w-application}
- APT (software){#w-advanced-package-tool}
- Arena (web browser){#w-arena}
- Array data structure{#w-array}
- ASP.NET{#w-aspnet}
- Aspect ratio (image){#w-aspect-ratio}
- AssemblyScript{#w-assemblyscript}
- Assignment (computer science){#w-assignment}
- Assistive technology{#w-assistive-technology}
- Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface{#w-at-spi}
- Association for Computing Machinery{#w-acm}
- Asynchronous module definition{#w-amd}
- Asynchrony (computer programming){#w-asynchronous}
- at (command){#w-at}
- Attribute (computing){#w-attribute}
- Augmented reality{#w-ar}
- Authentication{#w-authentication}
- Authorization{#w-authorization}
- Automation{#w-automation}
- AV1{#w-av1}
- Babel (transpiler){#w-babel}
- Backlink{#w-backlink}
- Backup{#w-backup}
- Backward compatibility{#w-backward-compatibility}
- Bada{#w-bada}
- Bandwidth (computing){#w-bandwidth}
- Base64{#w-base64}
- Baseline (typography){#w-baseline}
- Bash (Unix shell){#w-bash}
- Basic access authentication{#w-ba}
- BBCode{#w-bbcode}
- Behavior-driven development{#w-bdd}
- Best practice{#w-best-practice}
- Bézier curve{#w-bezier-curve}
- Bidirectional text{#w-bidirectional}
- Big O notation{#w-big-o}
- Binary large object{#w-blob}
- Binary number{#w-binary-number}
- Binary search algorithm{#w-binary-search-algorithm}
- Bitbucket{#w-bitbucket}
- Black hat (computer security){#w-black-hat}
- Black-box testing{#w-black-box-testing}
- Blacklist (computing){#w-blacklist}
- Blink (browser engine){#w-blink}
- Blog{#w-blog}
- Blogosphere{#w-blogosphere}
- BMP file format{#w-bitmap}
- Bookmark (digital){#w-bookmark}
- Bookmarklet{#w-bookmarklet}
- Boolean data type{#w-boolean}
- Border Gateway Protocol{#w-bgp}
- Bounce rate{#w-bounce-rate}
- Boundary value problem{#w-boundary-value-problem}
- Bourne shell{#w-bourne-shell}
- Branching (version control){#w-branching}
- Braille{#w-braille}
- Breadcrumb navigation{#w-breadcrumb}
- Breakpoint{#w-breakpoint}
- Brotli{#w-brotli}
- Browser engine{#w-browser-engine}
- Browser extension{#w-browser-extension}
- Browser Helper Object{#w-bho}
- Browser sniffing{#w-browser-sniffing}
- Browsing{#w-browsing}
- Bug tracking system{#w-bug-tracking-system}
- Bugzilla{#w-bugzilla}
- Bushnell’s Law{#w-bushnells-law}
- Byte order mark{#w-bom}
- Bytecode{#w-bytecode}
- Cache (computing){#w-cache}
- California Consumer Privacy Act{#w-ccpa}
- Call to action (marketing){#w-cta}
- Callback (computer programming){#w-callback}
- Camel case{#w-camel-case}
- Camino (web browser){#w-camino}
- Canonical link element{#w-canonical-link}
- CAP theorem{#w-cap-theorem}
- CAPTCHA{#w-captcha}
- Caret{#w-caret}
- Cascading Style Sheets{#w-css}
- CDATA{#w-cdata}
- Certificate authority{#w-ca}
- Chaos engineering{#w-chaos-engineering}
- CheiRank{#w-cheirank}
- Chrome OS{#w-chrome-os}
- Chromium (web browser){#w-chromium}
- Cipher{#w-cipher}
- Class (computer programming){#w-class}
- Class variable{#w-class-variable}
- Classless Inter-Domain Routing{#w-cidr}
- Clean URL{#w-clean-url}
- Click-through rate{#w-ctr}
- Clickjacking{#w-clickjacking}
- Client (computing){#w-client}
- Client-side{#w-client-side}
- Cloaking{#w-cloaking}
- Clojure{#w-clojure}
- Closure (computer programming){#w-closure}
- Cloud computing{#w-cloud-computing}
- Cloud storage{#w-cloud-storage}
- CMYK color model{#w-cmyk}
- CNAME record{#w-cname}
- Coalescing (computer science){#w-coalescing}
- Code coverage{#w-code-coverage}
- Code golf{#w-code-golf}
- Code point{#w-code-point}
- Code of conduct{#w-coc}
- Code refactoring{#w-refactoring}
- Code review{#w-code-review}
- Code smell{#w-code-smell}
- CodePen{#w-codepen}
- CoffeeScript{#w-coffeescript}
- ColdFusion Markup Language{#w-cfml}
- Color blindness{#w-color-blindness}
- Color management{#w-color-management}
- Color scheme{#w-color-scheme}
- Color wheel{#w-color-wheel}
- Comma-separated values{#w-csv}
- Command (computing){#w-command}
- Command-line interface{#w-cli}
- Command-query separation{#w-cqs}
- Comment (computer programming){#w-comment}
- Common Gateway Interface{#w-cgi}
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures{#w-cve}
- Common Vulnerability Scoring System{#w-cvss}
- CommonJS{#w-commonjs}
- Communication protocol{#w-protocol}
- Community of practice{#w-cop}
- Compatibility mode{#w-compatibility-mode}
- Compiler{#w-compiler}
- Complementary colors{#w-complementary-colors}
- Component-based software engineering{#w-cbse}
- Composite Capability/Preference Profiles{#w-cc-pp}
- Computer cluster{#w-cluster}
- Computer code{#w-code}
- Computer compatibility{#w-compatibility}
- Computer file{#w-file}
- Computer network{#w-network}
- Computer programming{#w-programming}
- Concurrency (computer science){#w-concurrency}
- Concurrent Versions System{#w-cvs}
- Conditional (computer programming){#w-conditional}
- Conditional comment{#w-conditional-comments}
- Cone of Uncertainty{#w-cone-of-uncertainty}
- Conflict of interest{#w-conflict-of-interest}
- Consistency{#w-consistency}
- Console application{#w-console}
- Constant (computer programming){#w-constant}
- Constructor (object-oriented programming){#w-constructor}
- Content (media){#w-content}
- Content delivery network{#w-cdn}
- Content management system{#w-cms}
- Content negotiation{#w-content-negotiation}
- Content Security Policy{#w-csp}
- Content sniffing{#w-mime-sniffing}
- Context switch{#w-context-switch}
- Continuous delivery{#w-continuous-delivery}
- Continuous deployment{#w-continuous-deployment}
- Continuous integration{#w-continuous-integration}
- Control flow{#w-control-flow}
- Convention over configuration{#w-convention-over-configuration}
- Conway’s law{#w-conways-law}
- Corporate design{#w-corporate-design}
- Corporate identity{#w-corporate-identity}
- Country code top-level domain{#w-cctld}
- Coupling (computer programming){#w-coupling}
- Craft{#w-craft}
- Create, read, update and delete{#w-crud}
- Critical path method{#w-critical-path}
- cron{#w-cron}
- Cross-origin resource sharing{#w-cors}
- Cross-site request forgery{#w-csrf}
- Cross-site scripting{#w-xss}
- Cryptographic nonce{#w-nonce}
- Cryptography{#w-cryptography}
- CSS box model{#w-box-model}
- CSS framework{#w-css-framework}
- CSS image replacement{#w-image-replacement}
- CSS Zen Garden{#w-css-zen-garden}
- CSS-in-JS{#w-css-in-js}
- cURL{#w-curl}
- Currying{#w-currying}
- Customer relationship management{#w-crm}
- Cyclomatic complexity{#w-cyclomatic-complexity}
- D3.js{#w-d3js}
- Daemon (computing){#w-daemon}
- Dark pattern{#w-dark-pattern}
- Darknet{#w-darknet}
- Dart (programming language){#w-dart}
- Data{#w-data}
- Data center{#w-data-center}
- Data compression{#w-compression}
- Data control language{#w-dcl}
- Data definition language{#w-ddl}
- Data lake{#w-data-lake}
- Data manipulation language{#w-dml}
- Data storage{#w-data-storage}
- Data stream management system{#w-dsms}
- Data type{#w-data-type}
- Data validation{#w-validation}
- Data visualization{#w-data-visualization}
- Data warehouse{#w-dwh}
- Database{#w-database}
- Database engine{#w-database-engine}
- Database index{#w-database-index}
- Database normalization{#w-normalization}
- Database server{#w-database-server}
- Dead code elimination{#w-dce}
- Debugging{#w-debugging}
- Deep web{#w-deep-web}
- Denial-of-service attack{#w-dos}
- Deno (software){#w-deno}
- Dependency injection{#w-dependency-injection}
- Dependency inversion principle{#w-dip}
- Deployment environment{#w-deployment-env}
- Deprecation{#w-deprecation}
- Descender{#w-descender}
- Design{#w-design}
- Design by contract{#w-dbc}
- Design pattern{#w-pattern}
- Device fingerprint{#w-device-fingerprint}
- DevOps{#w-devops}
- Dialog box{#w-dialog-box}
- Digital display advertising{#w-display-advertising}
- Digital rights management{#w-drm}
- Disabilities affecting intellectual abilities{#w-cognitive-disability}
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995{#w-dda}
- Disciplined agile delivery{#w-dad}
- Display contrast{#w-contrast}
- Display resolution{#w-resolution}
- Distributed Concurrent Versions System{#w-dcvs}
- Distributed object communication{#w-distributed-object-communication}
- Distributed version control{#w-dvcs}
- Dither{#w-dither}
- Django{#w-django}
- DMARC{#w-dmarc}
- DMZ (computing){#w-dmz}
- DNS over HTTPS{#w-doh}
- DNS root zone{#w-root-zone}
- DNS spoofing{#w-dns-spoofing}
- DocBook{#w-docbook}
- Docker (software){#w-docker}
- Document Object Model{#w-dom}
- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language{#w-dsssl}
- Document type declaration{#w-doctype}
- Document type definition{#w-dtd}
- Documentation{#w-documentation}
- Dojo Toolkit{#w-dojo}
- Domain name{#w-domain-name}
- Domain name registrar{#w-registrar}
- Domain Name System{#w-dns}
- Domain Name System Security Extensions{#w-dnssec}
- Domain-driven design{#w-ddd}
- DomainKeys Identified Mail{#w-dkim}
- Don’t repeat yourself{#w-dry}
- Doorway page{#w-doorway-page}
- Dots per inch{#w-dpi}
- Downtime{#w-downtime}
- Duck typing{#w-duck-typing}
- Duplicate code{#w-duplicate-code}
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol{#w-dhcp}
- Dynamic HTML{#w-dynamic-html}
- Dynamic Language Runtime{#w-dlr}
- Dynamic web page{#w-dynamic}
- Dyslexia{#w-dyslexia}
- E-commerce{#w-e-commerce}
- EBCDIC{#w-ebcdic}
- Eclipse (software){#w-eclipse}
- Ecma International{#w-ecma-international}
- ECMAScript{#w-ecmascript}
- Effectiveness{#w-effectiveness}
- Efficiency{#w-efficiency}
- Electron (software framework){#w-electron}
- Electronic Frontier Foundation{#w-eff}
- Em (typography){#w-em}
- Emacs{#w-emacs}
- Email{#w-email}
- Email spoofing{#w-email-spoofing}
- Email address{#w-email-address}
- Empty string{#w-empty-string}
- Encapsulation (computer programming){#w-encapsulation}
- End-of-file{#w-eof}
- Environment variable{#w-env-variable}
- Equality Act 2010{#w-equality-act}
- Error{#w-error}
- Ethics{#w-ethics}
- Etiquette{#w-etiquette}
- European Accessibility Act{#w-eaa}
- Event (computing){#w-event}
- Event loop{#w-event-loop}
- Event-driven architecture{#w-eda}
- Eventual consistency{#w-eventual-consistency}
- Exception handling{#w-exception-handling}
- Exception handling syntax{#w-exception-handling-syntax}
- Exit status{#w-exit-status}
- Express.js{#w-express}
- Extensible Application Markup Language{#w-xaml}
- Extract, transform, load{#w-etl}
- Extreme programming{#w-xp}
- Eye tracking{#w-eye-tracking}
- Facade pattern{#w-facade-pattern}
- Facebook Instant Articles{#w-instant-articles}
- Facebook Platform{#w-facebook-platform}
- Fagan inspection{#w-fagan-inspection}
- Failover{#w-failover}
- Fallback{#w-fallback}
- False positives and false negatives{#w-false-positive-false-negative}
- Favicon{#w-favicon}
- Feature creep{#w-feature-creep}
- Feature detection (web development){#w-feature-detection}
- Feature phone{#w-feature-phone}
- Federal Information Processing Standards{#w-fips}
- Federated Learning of Cohorts{#w-floc}
- Federation (information technology){#w-federation}
- FIFO (computing and electronics){#w-fifo}
- Figma (software){#w-figma}
- File locking{#w-file-locking}
- File manager{#w-file-manager}
- File system{#w-fs}
- File Transfer Protocol{#w-ftp}
- Filler text{#w-placeholder-text}
- Fingerprint (computing){#w-fingerprint}
- Fitts’s law{#w-fittss-law}
- Flash of unstyled content{#w-fout}
- Flat design{#w-flat-design}
- Flock (web browser){#w-flock}
- Fluent Design System{#w-fluent-design}
- FOAF (ontology){#w-foaf}
- Folksonomy{#w-folksonomy}
- Font{#w-font}
- Foobar{#w-foobar}
- Foreign key{#w-foreign-key}
- Fork (software development){#w-fork}
- Form (HTML){#w-form}
- Formatting Output Specification Instance{#w-fosi}
- Forward compatibility{#w-forward-compatibility}
- Forward secrecy{#w-forward-secrecy}
- Fragment identifier{#w-fragment-identifier}
- Frame (World Wide Web){#w-frame}
- Frame rate{#w-frame-rate}
- Framekiller{#w-framekiller}
- Free and open-source software{#w-foss}
- Free Software Foundation{#w-fsf}
- Free variables and bound variables{#w-free-bound-variable}
- Front and back ends{#w-frontend-backend}
- FTPS{#w-ftps}
- Fully qualified domain name{#w-fqdn}
- Function as a service{#w-faas}
- Functional programming{#w-functional-programming}
- Functional testing{#w-functional-testing}
- Fuzzing{#w-fuzzing}
- Gamma correction{#w-gamma}
- Garbage collection (computer science){#w-garbage-collection}
- Garbage in, garbage out{#w-gigo}
- Gateway (telecommunications){#w-gateway}
- Gecko (software){#w-gecko}
- General Data Protection Regulation{#w-gdpr}
- Generic top-level domain{#w-gtld}
- Geo-fence{#w-geofence}
- GIF{#w-gif}
- Git{#w-git}
- GitHub{#w-github}
- GitHub Copilot{#w-github-copilot}
- GitLab{#w-gitlab}
- GNU{#w-gnu}
- GNU General Public License{#w-gpl}
- GNU Project{#w-gnu-project}
- Go (programming language){#w-go}
- Goanna (software){#w-goanna}
- Golden ratio{#w-golden-ratio}
- Google Cloud Platform{#w-gcp}
- Google Lighthouse{#w-lighthouse}
- Google PageSpeed Tools{#w-pagespeed}
- Google TalkBack{#w-talkback}
- Google Web Server{#w-gws}
- Gopher (protocol){#w-gopher}
- Grapheme{#w-grapheme}
- Graphical user interface{#w-gui}
- Graphics processing unit{#w-gpu}
- GraphQL{#w-graphql}
- GRASP (object-oriented design){#w-grasp}
- Greasemonkey{#w-greasemonkey}
- Greenfield project{#w-greenfield}
- Grid (graphic design){#w-grid}
- Grid computing{#w-grid-computing}
- Guetzli{#w-guetzli}
- gulp.js{#w-gulp}
- Gutter{#w-gutter}
- gzip{#w-gzip}
- Hackathon{#w-hackathon}
- Hacker{#w-hacker}
- Haml{#w-haml}
- Hardware security module{#w-hsm}
- Hash function{#w-hash-function}
- Hash table{#w-hash-table}
- Hashtag{#w-hashtag}
- Head-of-line blocking{#w-hol-blocking}
- Headless software{#w-headless}
- Helper class{#w-helper-class}
- Hexadecimal{#w-hexadecimal}
- High Efficiency Image File Format{#w-heif}
- Higher-order function{#w-higher-order-function}
- Hick’s law{#w-hicks-law}
- Hidden file and hidden directory{#w-hidden-file-dir}
- Hit (Internet){#w-hit}
- HITS algorithm{#w-hits}
- HMAC{#w-hmac}
- HMAC-based One-Time Password{#w-hotp}
- Home page{#w-home-page}
- Home screen{#w-home-screen}
- Hooking{#w-hooking}
- Host (network){#w-host}
- Host Identity Protocol{#w-hip}
- Hostname{#w-hostname}
- HSL and HSV{#w-hsx}
- HTML{#w-html}
- HTML element{#w-element}
- HTML5 Boilerplate{#w-html5-boilerplate}
- HTTP cookie{#w-cookie}
- HTTP Flood{#w-http-flood-attack}
- HTTP Strict Transport Security{#w-hsts}
- HTTP/2{#w-http2}
- HTTP/3{#w-http3}
- HTTPS{#w-https}
- HTTPS Everywhere{#w-https-everywhere}
- Human-computer interaction{#w-hci}
- Hungarian notation{#w-hungarian-notation}
- Hype cycle{#w-hype-cycle}
- Hypertext{#w-hypertext}
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol{#w-http}
- Hypervisor{#w-hypervisor}
- IBM Home Page Reader{#w-hpr}
- IBM WebExplorer{#w-webexplorer}
- ICANN{#w-icann}
- Icon (computing){#w-icon}
- Identifier{#w-id}
- IDL (programming language){#w-interactive-data-language}
- Image{#w-image}
- Image map{#w-image-map}
- Immutable object{#w-immutable}
- Indexed color{#w-indexed-color}
- Indexed Database API{#w-indexeddb}
- Industrial design{#w-industrial-design}
- Information architecture{#w-ia}
- Information design{#w-information-design}
- Information foraging{#w-information-foraging}
- Information overload{#w-information-overload}
- Information retrieval{#w-information-retrieval}
- Information security{#w-infosec}
- Information security operations center{#w-information-security-operations-center}
- Infrastructure as a service{#w-iaas}
- Infrastructure as code{#w-iac}
- Inheritance (object-oriented programming){#w-inheritance}
- Initiative for Open Authentication{#w-oath}
- Inline linking{#w-inline-linking}
- Input/output{#w-io}
- Instance variable{#w-instance-variable}
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers{#w-ieee}
- Integer{#w-integer-math}
- Integer (computer science){#w-integer-computer-science}
- Integrated development environment{#w-ide}
- Intellectual property{#w-intellectual-property}
- IntelliJ IDEA{#w-intellij-idea}
- Interaction design{#w-ixd}
- Interactive Advertising Bureau{#w-iab}
- Interface (computing){#w-interface}
- Interface description language{#w-interface-definition-language}
- Interface segregation principle{#w-interface-segregation}
- International Organization for Standardization{#w-iso}
- International Telecommunication Union{#w-itu}
- Internationalization and localization{#w-i18n-l10n}
- Internationalized Resource Identifier{#w-iri}
- Internet{#w-internet}
- Internet Architecture Board{#w-internet-architecture-board}
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority{#w-iana}
- Internet Engineering Task Force{#w-ietf}
- Internet Explorer{#w-ie}
- Internet Information Services{#w-iis}
- Internet Message Access Protocol{#w-imap}
- Internet Protocol{#w-internet-protocol}
- Internet Relay Chat{#w-irc}
- Internet service provider{#w-isp}
- Internet Society{#w-isoc}
- InterNIC{#w-internic}
- Interoperability{#w-interoperability}
- InterPlanetary File System{#w-ipfs}
- Interpolation{#w-interpolation}
- Interstitial webpage{#w-interstitial}
- Intranet{#w-intranet}
- Inversion of control{#w-ioc}
- IOPS{#w-iops}
- iOS{#w-ios}
- IP address{#w-ip-address}
- iptables{#w-iptables}
- IPv4{#w-ipv4}
- IPv6{#w-ipv6}
- JAR (file format){#w-jar}
- Jasmine (JavaScript testing framework){#w-jasmine}
- Java (programming language){#w-java}
- Java Database Connectivity{#w-jdbc}
- Java Development Kit{#w-jdk}
- Java servlet{#w-servlet}
- Java virtual machine{#w-jvm}
- JavaFX{#w-javafx}
- JavaScript framework{#w-javascript-framework}
- JavaScript library{#w-library}
- JavaScript Style Sheets{#w-jsss}
- JavaServer Pages{#w-jsp}
- JAWS (screen reader){#w-jaws}
- Jenkins (software){#w-jenkins}
- Jetty (web server){#w-jetty}
- Jinja (template engine){#w-jinja}
- Jira (software){#w-jira}
- Joint Photographic Experts Group{#w-joint-photographic-experts-group}
- Joomla{#w-joomla}
- JPEG{#w-jpeg}
- jQuery{#w-jquery}
- JScript{#w-jscript}
- JSLint{#w-jslint}
- JSON{#w-json}
- JSON Feed{#w-json-feed}
- JSON Web Encryption{#w-json-web-encryption}
- JSON Web Signature{#w-jws}
- JSON Web Token{#w-jwt}
- JSON-LD{#w-json-ld}
- JSONP{#w-jsonp}
- Just-in-time compilation{#w-jit-compilation}
- Just-in-time manufacturing{#w-jit}
- K-Meleon{#w-k-meleon}
- Kanban (development){#w-kanban}
- Kerberos (protocol){#w-kerberos}
- Kerning{#w-kerning}
- Key (cryptography){#w-key-cryptography}
- Key frame{#w-key-frame}
- Key-value database{#w-key-value-database}
- Knowledge Graph{#w-knowledge-graph}
- Kubernetes{#w-k8s}
- LAMP (software bundle){#w-lamp}
- Landing page{#w-landing-page}
- Laravel{#w-laravel}
- Latency (engineering){#w-latency}
- LaTeX{#w-latex}
- Law of conservation of complexity{#w-teslers-law}
- Lazy loading{#w-lazy-loading}
- Lead programmer{#w-lead}
- Lead time{#w-lead-time}
- Leading{#w-leading}
- Lean thinking{#w-lean}
- Legibility{#w-legibility}
- Less (stylesheet language){#w-less}
- Let’s Encrypt{#w-lets-encrypt}
- Letter case{#w-letter-case}
- Letter-spacing{#w-letter-spacing}
- libwww{#w-libwww}
- Light-on-dark color scheme{#w-dark-mode}
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol{#w-ldap}
- Lightweight markup language{#w-lml}
- Likert scale{#w-likert-scale}
- Link farm{#w-link-farm}
- Link rot{#w-link-rot}
- Linked data{#w-ld}
- lint (software){#w-lint}
- Linux{#w-linux}
- Linux Standard Base{#w-lsb}
- Liskov substitution principle{#w-liskov-substitution}
- Lisp (programming language){#w-lisp}
- List of DNS record types{#w-dns-record-types}
- List of HTTP status codes{#w-http-status-code}
- List of XML and HTML character entity references{#w-character-reference}
- Literal (computer programming){#w-literal}
- Little’s law{#w-littles-law}
- Load balancing (computing){#w-load-balancing}
- Local area network{#w-lan}
- Local variable{#w-local-variable}
- Locale (computer software){#w-locale}
- Location information server{#w-lis}
- Log file{#w-log-file}
- Login{#w-login}
- Long-term support{#w-lts}
- Look and feel{#w-look-and-feel}
- Lossless compression{#w-lossless}
- Lossy compression{#w-lossy}
- Lynx (web browser){#w-lynx}
- MAC address{#w-mac-address}
- Machine learning{#w-ml}
- macOS{#w-macos}
- Macromedia HomeSite{#w-homesite}
- MacWWW{#w-macwww}
- Magic (programming){#w-magic}
- Maintainability{#w-maintainability}
- Maintenance (technical){#w-maintenance}
- Makefile{#w-makefile}
- MAMP{#w-mamp}
- Man-in-the-middle attack{#w-mitm}
- Markdown{#w-markdown}
- Marketing{#w-marketing}
- Markup language{#w-markup-language}
- Massively parallel{#w-mpp}
- Masthead (American publishing){#w-masthead}
- Material Design{#w-material-design}
- Mathematical markup language{#w-mathematical-markup-language}
- Mathematical optimization{#w-optimization}
- MathML{#w-mathml}
- MD2 (hash function){#w-md2}
- MD4{#w-md4}
- MD5{#w-md5}
- MD6{#w-md6}
- MEAN (software bundle){#w-mean}
- Media (communication){#w-media}
- Media queries{#w-media-query}
- Media type{#w-mime-type}
- Memoization{#w-memoization}
- Menu (computing){#w-menu}
- Merge (version control){#w-merging}
- Message authentication code{#w-mac}
- Meta element{#w-meta-element}
- Metadata{#w-metadata}
- Method (computer programming){#w-method}
- Method stub{#w-stub}
- Metro (design language){#w-mdl}
- Microformat{#w-microformat}
- Microservices{#w-msa}
- Microsite{#w-microsite}
- Microsoft Active Accessibility{#w-msaa}
- Microsoft Edge{#w-edge}
- Microsoft FrontPage{#w-frontpage}
- Microsoft Silverlight{#w-silverlight}
- Microsoft Windows{#w-windows}
- Middleware{#w-middleware}
- MIME{#w-mime}
- Minification (programming){#w-minification}
- Minimum viable product{#w-mvp}
- Mixin{#w-mixin}
- Mobile computing{#w-mobile}
- Mobilegeddon{#w-mobilegeddon}
- Modal window{#w-modal}
- Model-view-controller{#w-mvc}
- Model-view-viewmodel{#w-mvvm}
- Modernizr{#w-modernizr}
- Modular design{#w-modular-design}
- Monolithic application{#w-monolith}
- Monorepo{#w-monorepo}
- Mosaic (web browser){#w-mosaic}
- Moving Picture Experts Group{#w-moving-picture-experts-group}
- Multi-factor authentication{#w-mfa}
- Multimedia{#w-multimedia}
- Multiple inheritance{#w-multiple-inheritance}
- Muphry’s law{#w-muphrys-law}
- Murphy’s law{#w-murphys-law}
- Mustache (template system){#w-mustache}
- Mutual authentication{#w-mutual-authentication}
- MySQL{#w-mysql}
- Name binding{#w-binding}
- Name server{#w-name-server}
- Namespace{#w-namespace}
- NaN{#w-nan}
- National Institute of Standards and Technology{#w-nist}
- Native (computing){#w-native}
- NativeScript{#w-nativescript}
- Natural key{#w-natural-key}
- Natural user interface{#w-nui}
- Negative space{#w-negative-space}
- Nesting (computing){#w-nesting}
- Net Promoter{#w-nps}
- Netscape Navigator{#w-netscape-navigator}
- Network address translation{#w-nat}
- Network domain{#w-domain}
- Network packet{#w-packet}
- Newbie{#w-newbie}
- Newline{#w-newline}
- News aggregator{#w-news-aggregator}
- Next.js{#w-nextjs}
- Nginx{#w-nginx}
- Ninety-ninety rule{#w-ninety-ninety-rule}
- Nmap{#w-nmap}
- Node (computer science){#w-node}
- Node.js{#w-nodejs}
- nofollow{#w-nofollow}
- Non-disclosure agreement{#w-nda}
- NonVisual Desktop Access{#w-nvda}
- Normative{#w-normative}
- NoSQL{#w-nosql}
- npm (software){#w-npm}
- Null coalescing operator{#w-coalescing-operator}
- Null device{#w-null-device}
- Null pointer{#w-null-pointer}
- Number sign{#w-number-sign}
- Numerical digit{#w-numerical-digit}
- Nuxt.js{#w-nuxtjs}
- OAuth{#w-oauth}
- Obfuscation (software){#w-obfuscation}
- Object (computer science){#w-object}
- Object-oriented programming{#w-oop}
- Observer pattern{#w-observer-pattern}
- OCSP stapling{#w-ocsp-stapling}
- OKR{#w-okr}
- One-time password{#w-otp}
- Online analytical processing{#w-olap}
- Online Certificate Status Protocol{#w-ocsp}
- Online transaction processing{#w-oltp}
- OOCSS{#w-oocss}
- Open source{#w-open-source}
- Open-closed principle{#w-open-closed}
- OpenID{#w-openid}
- OpenType{#w-opentype}
- Opera Mini{#w-opera-mini}
- Operand{#w-operand}
- Operating system{#w-os}
- Operator (computer programming){#w-operator-computer-science}
- Operator (mathematics){#w-operator-math}
- Orca (assistive technology){#w-orca}
- Orthogonality (programming){#w-orthogonality}
- Orthographic ligature{#w-ligature}
- OS-level virtualization{#w-containerization}
- OSI model{#w-osi-model}
- Out of memory{#w-oom}
- Over-the-air programming{#w-ota}
- OWASP{#w-owasp}
- Page layout{#w-layout}
- PageRank{#w-pagerank}
- Pageview{#w-page-view}
- Pair programming{#w-pair-programming}
- Paper prototyping{#w-paper-prototyping}
- Paradigm{#w-paradigm}
- Parallax scrolling{#w-parallax-scrolling}
- Parameter (computer programming){#w-parameter-argument}
- Pareto principle{#w-pareto-principle}
- Parkinson’s law{#w-parkinsons-law}
- Parsing{#w-parsing}
- Patch (computing){#w-patch}
- Path (computing){#w-path-computing}
- PATH (variable){#w-path-variable}
- Pay-per-click{#w-ppc}
- Payload (computing){#w-payload}
- Paywall{#w-paywall}
- PCDATA{#w-pcdata}
- PDF{#w-pdf}
- Penetration test{#w-penetration-testing}
- Perceived performance{#w-perceived-performance}
- Percent-encoding{#w-percent-encoding}
- Performance indicator{#w-kpi}
- Perl{#w-perl}
- Permalink{#w-permalink}
- Persona (user experience){#w-persona}
- Personal data{#w-pii}
- PhantomJS{#w-phantomjs}
- Phishing{#w-phishing}
- PHP{#w-php}
- PhpStorm{#w-phpstorm}
- ping (networking utility){#w-ping}
- pip (package manager){#w-pip}
- Pixel{#w-pixel}
- Plain text{#w-plain-text}
- Plane (Unicode){#w-plane}
- Platform as a service{#w-paas}
- Plug-in (computing){#w-plugin}
- Pointer (computer programming){#w-pointer}
- Pointing device{#w-pointing-device}
- Polyfill (programming){#w-polyfill}
- Polymer (library){#w-polymer}
- Pop-up ad{#w-popup-popunder}
- Port (computer networking){#w-port}
- Portable Network Graphics{#w-png}
- Post Office Protocol{#w-pop}
- PostCSS{#w-postcss}
- Posting style{#w-posting-style}
- Postmortem documentation{#w-post-mortem}
- PowerShell{#w-powershell}
- Predication (computer architecture){#w-predication}
- Prefetching{#w-prefetching}
- Presto (browser engine){#w-presto}
- Primary key{#w-primary-key}
- Primitive data type{#w-primitive}
- Privacy{#w-privacy}
- Program optimization{#w-premature-optimization}
- Programming language{#w-programming-language}
- Progressive enhancement{#w-progressive-enhancement}
- Progressive web application{#w-pwa}
- Property (programming){#w-property-programming}
- Proxy server{#w-proxy}
- Public key certificate{#w-certificate}
- Punycode{#w-punycode}
- Puppet (software){#w-puppet}
- Push technology{#w-push-technology}
- Python (programming language){#w-python}
- qooxdoo{#w-qooxdoo}
- Quality (business){#w-quality}
- Quality assurance{#w-qa}
- Quality control{#w-qc}
- Queries per second{#w-qps}
- Query{#w-query}
- Query language{#w-query-language}
- QUIC{#w-quic}
- Quirks mode{#w-quirks-mode}
- Race condition{#w-race-condition}
- RADIUS{#w-radius}
- Raku (programming language){#w-raku}
- Random variable{#w-random-variable}
- Random-access memory{#w-random-access-memory}
- Ranking{#w-ranking}
- Raster graphics{#w-raster-image}
- Rate limiting{#w-rate-limiting}
- React (web framework){#w-react}
- React Native{#w-react-native}
- Reactive programming{#w-reactive-programming}
- Read-eval-print loop{#w-repl}
- Readability{#w-readability}
- README{#w-readme}
- Real user monitoring{#w-rum}
- RealAudio{#w-realaudio}
- RealVideo{#w-realvideo}
- Recursion (computer science){#w-recursion}
- Redundancy (engineering){#w-redundancy}
- Redux (JavaScript library){#w-redux}
- Reed-Solomon error correction{#w-reed-solomon}
- Referential transparency{#w-referential-transparency}
- Regular expression{#w-regex}
- Relational data stream management system{#w-rdsms}
- Relational database{#w-relational-database}
- Relational model{#w-relational-model}
- Remote Desktop Protocol{#w-rdp}
- Remote procedure call{#w-rpc}
- Replay attack{#w-replay-attack}
- Request for Comments{#w-rfc}
- Reserved word{#w-keyword}
- Resource Description Framework{#w-rdf}
- Responsibility assignment matrix{#w-responsibility-assignment-matrix}
- Responsive web design{#w-rwd}
- Reverse proxy{#w-reverse-proxy}
- Revision tag{#w-tag}
- RGB color model{#w-rgb}
- Rich Text Format{#w-rtf}
- Rich web application{#w-rwa}
- Right-to-left{#w-rtl}
- Robots exclusion standard{#w-robotstxt}
- Robustness principle{#w-postels-law}
- Root directory{#w-root-directory}
- Root element{#w-root-element}
- Root name server{#w-root-server}
- Rooting (Android){#w-rooting}
- Round-trip delay time{#w-rtt}
- Router (computing){#w-router}
- Routing{#w-routing}
- Routing table{#w-routing-table}
- RPM Package Manager{#w-rpm}
- RSS{#w-rss}
- RTFM{#w-rtfm}
- Rubber duck debugging{#w-rubber-ducking}
- Ruby (programming language){#w-ruby}
- Ruby on Rails{#w-ruby-on-rails}
- Runbook{#w-runbook}
- Safari (web browser){#w-safari}
- Same-origin policy{#w-sop}
- Sandbox (computer security){#w-sandbox-security}
- Sandbox (software development){#w-sandbox-software}
- Sass (stylesheet language){#w-sass}
- Scaled agile framework{#w-safe}
- Scope (computer science){#w-scope}
- Screen magnifier{#w-screen-magnifier}
- Screen reader{#w-screen-reader}
- Scripting language{#w-scripting-language}
- Scrolling{#w-scrolling}
- Scrum (software development){#w-scrum}
- SeaMonkey{#w-seamonkey}
- Search engine indexing{#w-search-engine-indexing}
- Search engine marketing{#w-sem}
- Secure Shell{#w-ssh}
- Security Assertion Markup Language{#w-saml}
- Security hacker{#w-security-hacker}
- Security operations center{#w-security-operations-center}
- security.txt{#w-securitytxt}
- Search engine optimization{#w-seo}
- Selenium (software){#w-selenium}
- Semantic Web{#w-semantic-web}
- Semantics (computer science){#w-semantics}
- Sender Policy Framework{#w-spf}
- Separation of concerns{#w-soc}
- Serialization{#w-serialization}
- Serif{#w-serif}
- Server (computing){#w-server}
- Server farm{#w-server-farm}
- Server Name Indication{#w-sni}
- Server-side{#w-server-side}
- Serverless computing{#w-serverless}
- Service discovery{#w-service-discovery}
- Service-oriented architecture{#w-soa}
- Service-level agreement{#w-sla}
- Session (computer science){#w-session}
- Session hijacking{#w-session-hijacking}
- Set (abstract data type){#w-set}
- SGML entity{#w-entity}
- Shebang (Unix){#w-shebang}
- Shell (computing){#w-shell}
- Shim (computing){#w-shim}
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol{#w-smtp}
- Single point of failure{#w-spof}
- Single responsibility principle{#w-srp}
- Single-page application{#w-spa}
- Site map{#w-site-map}
- Sitemaps{#w-sitemaps}
- Slowloris (computer security){#w-slowloris}
- Smoke testing (software){#w-smoke-testing}
- Snake case{#w-snake-case}
- SOA record{#w-start-of-authority}
- SOAP{#w-soap}
- Soft launch{#w-soft-launch}
- Software{#w-software}
- Software as a service{#w-saas}
- Software bug{#w-bug}
- Software crisis{#w-software-crisis}
- Software deployment{#w-deployment}
- Software development{#w-software-development}
- Software development kit{#w-sdk}
- Software framework{#w-software-framework}
- Software modernization{#w-software-modernization}
- Software prototyping{#w-prototyping}
- Software testing{#w-testing}
- Software versioning{#w-versioning}
- SOLID{#w-solid}
- Solution stack{#w-solution-stack}
- Source lines of code{#w-loc}
- Source-code editor{#w-editor}
- Source-to-source compiler{#w-transpiler}
- Spaghetti code{#w-spaghetti-code}
- Spam{#w-spam}
- Spamdexing{#w-spamdexing}
- Spamming{#w-spamming}
- SPDY{#w-spdy}
- Specification (technical standard){#w-specification}
- Spectre (security vulnerability){#w-spectre}
- Speech synthesis{#w-speech-synthesis}
- Spike (software development){#w-spike}
- Spinner (computing){#w-spinner}
- Splash screen{#w-splash-screen}
- Spoofing attack{#w-spoofing}
- SQL{#w-sql}
- SQL injection{#w-sql-injection}
- Squarespace{#w-squarespace}
- sRGB{#w-srgb}
- SSH File Transfer Protocol{#w-sftp}
- Stack (abstract data type){#w-stack}
- Stack Overflow{#w-stack-overflow}
- Stand-up meeting{#w-stand-up}
- Standard Generalized Markup Language{#w-sgml}
- State (computer science){#w-state}
- Statement (computer science){#w-statement}
- Static web page{#w-static}
- Storage area network{#w-storage-area-network}
- Strategic design{#w-design-strategy}
- Stream (computing){#w-stream}
- Streaming media{#w-streaming}
- String (computer science){#w-string}
- Structural similarity{#w-ssim}
- Style sheet (web development){#w-style-sheet}
- Stylus (stylesheet language){#w-stylus}
- Subject Alternative Name{#w-subject-alternative-name}
- Subject-matter expert{#w-sme}
- Subnetwork{#w-subnet}
- Subresource Integrity{#w-sri}
- Subroutine{#w-subroutine}
- Superkey{#w-superkey}
- Superuser{#w-superuser}
- Surface web{#w-surface-web}
- Surrogate key{#w-surrogate-key}
- Switch statement{#w-case-programming}
- Symbol (programming){#w-symbol}
- Symfony{#w-symfony}
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language{#w-smil}
- Syntactic sugar{#w-syntactic-sugar}
- Syntax (programming languages){#w-syntax}
- syslog{#w-syslog}
- Tabnabbing{#w-tabnabbing}
- Tag management system{#w-tms}
- Tag soup{#w-tag-soup}
- tar (computing){#w-tar}
- Tcl{#w-tcl}
- Technical debt{#w-technical-debt}
- Technical standard{#w-technical-standard}
- Technology roadmap{#w-roadmap}
- Telnet{#w-telnet}
- Template processor{#w-template-processor}
- Ternary operation{#w-ternary-operator}
- Test-driven development{#w-tdd}
- TeX{#w-tex}
- Textile (markup language){#w-textile}
- The Open Group Architecture Framework{#w-togaf}
- Theme (computing){#w-theme}
- Third-party source{#w-third-party}
- Thread (computing){#w-thread}
- Three-click rule{#w-three-click-rule}
- Time to first byte{#w-ttfb}
- Time to live{#w-ttl}
- Time-based One-Time Password{#w-totp}
- Timed text{#w-timed-text}
- Timestamp{#w-timestamp}
- Tizen{#w-tizen}
- Tokenization (data security){#w-tokenization}
- TOML{#w-toml}
- Top-level domain{#w-tld}
- TOP500{#w-top500}
- Tor (anonymity network){#w-tor}
- Tracing (software){#w-tracing}
- Transclusion{#w-transclusion}
- Transcreation{#w-transcreation}
- Transmission Control Protocol{#w-tcp}
- Transport Layer Security{#w-tls}
- Travis CI{#w-travis-ci}
- Tree (data structure){#w-tree}
- Tree shaking{#w-tree-shaking}
- Trident (software){#w-trident}
- TrueType{#w-truetype}
- Trust on first use{#w-tofu}
- TrustRank{#w-trustrank}
- Turing completeness{#w-turing-completeness}
- Type conversion{#w-type-conversion}
- Type design{#w-type-design}
- Type system{#w-type-system}
- Typeface{#w-typeface}
- TypeScript{#w-typescript}
- TYPO3{#w-typo3}
- Typography{#w-typography}
- UDP flood attack{#w-udp-flood-attack}
- Unicode{#w-unicode}
- Unicode Consortium{#w-unicode-consortium}
- Unicode equivalence{#w-unicode-equivalence}
- Unified Modeling Language{#w-uml}
- Uniform Resource Characteristic{#w-urc}
- Uniform Resource Identifier{#w-uri}
- Uniform Resource Name{#w-urn}
- Uninitialized variable{#w-uninitialized-variable}
- Unique selling proposition{#w-usp}
- Unit testing{#w-unit-testing}
- Universal Access{#w-universal-access}
- Universal design{#w-universal-design}
- Universally unique identifier{#w-uuid}
- Uniwidth typeface{#w-uniwidth-typeface}
- Unix{#w-unix}
- Unix philosophy{#w-unix-philosophy}
- URL{#w-url}
- URL redirection{#w-redirect}
- Usability{#w-usability}
- Usability inspection{#w-usability-inspection}
- Usability testing{#w-usability-testing}
- Use case{#w-case-engineering}
- Usenet{#w-usenet}
- User (computing){#w-user}
- User agent{#w-ua}
- User Datagram Protocol{#w-udp}
- User experience{#w-ux}
- User interface{#w-ui}
- User interface markup language{#w-uiml}
- User story{#w-user-story}
- User-centered design{#w-ucd}
- Userscript{#w-userscript}
- UTF-8{#w-utf-8}
- UTF-16{#w-utf-16}
- UTF-32{#w-utf-32}
- UTM parameters{#w-utm}
- Validator{#w-validator}
- Value (computer science){#w-value}
- Value-driven design{#w-vdd}
- Variable (computer science){#w-variable}
- Variable fonts{#w-variable-font}
- Vector graphics{#w-vector-image}
- Velocity (software development){#w-velocity}
- Verification and validation{#w-verification}
- Version control{#w-version-control}
- vi{#w-vi}
- Viewport{#w-viewport}
- Vim (text editor){#w-vim}
- Virtual inheritance{#w-virtual-inheritance}
- Virtual LAN{#w-vlan}
- Virtual machine{#w-virtual-machine}
- Virtual private cloud{#w-vpc}
- Virtual private network{#w-vpn}
- Virtual reality{#w-vr}
- Virtualization{#w-virtualization}
- Visual Basic for Applications{#w-vba}
- Visual impairment{#w-visual-impairment}
- Visual Studio Code{#w-vs-code}
- Voice over IP{#w-voip}
- Voice phishing{#w-vishing}
- VoiceOver{#w-voiceover}
- VoiceXML{#w-voicexml}
- Vue.js{#w-vuejs}
- W3C Geolocation API{#w-geolocation-api}
- WAR (file format){#w-war}
- Waterfall model{#w-waterfall}
- Web 2.0{#w-web-20}
- Web Accessibility Initiative{#w-wai}
- Web analytics{#w-web-analytics}
- Web application{#w-web-app}
- Web application firewall{#w-waf}
- Web beacon{#w-web-beacon}
- Web browser{#w-browser}
- Web colors{#w-web-colors}
- Web Components{#w-web-component}
- Web content{#w-web-content}
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines{#w-wcag}
- Web crawler{#w-crawler}
- Web design{#w-web-design}
- Web development{#w-web-development}
- Web development tools{#w-developer-tools}
- Web feed{#w-feed}
- Web framework{#w-web-framework}
- Web IDL{#w-web-idl}
- Web indexing{#w-web-indexing}
- Web navigation{#w-navigation}
- Web Open Font Format{#w-woff}
- Web page{#w-web-page}
- Web performance{#w-performance}
- Web platform{#w-web-platform}
- Web portal{#w-portal}
- Web resource{#w-web-resource}
- Web service{#w-web-service}
- Web standards{#w-web-standard}
- Web Standards Project{#w-wasp}
- Web storage{#w-web-storage}
- Web syndication{#w-syndication}
- Web template system{#w-template-system}
- Web tracking{#w-web-tracking}
- Web typography{#w-web-typography}
- Web worker{#w-web-worker}
- WebAssembly{#w-wasm}
- WebAuthn{#w-webauthn}
- WebDAV{#w-webdav}
- WebGL{#w-webgl}
- WebKit{#w-webkit}
- WebM{#w-webm}
- Webmaster{#w-webmaster}
- Webmention{#w-webmention}
- WebP{#w-webp}
- Webpack{#w-webpack}
- Website{#w-website}
- Website wireframe{#w-wireframe}
- WebSocket{#w-websocket}
- WebVTT{#w-webvtt}
- Well-formed document{#w-well-formedness}
- Wget{#w-wget}
- WHATWG{#w-whatwg}
- White-box testing{#w-white-box-testing}
- Whitelisting{#w-whitelist}
- Whitespace character{#w-whitespace}
- WHOIS{#w-whois}
- Wide area network{#w-wan}
- Widows and orphans{#w-widows-orphans}
- Wiki{#w-wiki}
- Window-Eyes{#w-window-eyes}
- Windows Aero{#w-windows-aero}
- Wireless Application Protocol{#w-wap}
- Wireless Markup Language{#w-wml}
- Wix.com{#w-wix}
- WordPress{#w-wordpress}
- Workaround{#w-workaround}
- World Wide Web{#w-www}
- World Wide Web Consortium{#w-w3c}
- WorldWideWeb{#w-worldwideweb}
- Wrapper function{#w-wrapper-function}
- Write once, run anywhere{#w-wora}
- WYSIWYG{#w-wysiwyg}
- X.509{#w-x509}
- x-height{#w-x-height}
- XForms{#w-xforms}
- XHP{#w-xhp}
- XHTML{#w-xhtml}
- XLink{#w-xlink}
- XML{#w-xml}
- XML Schema (W3C){#w-xsd}
- XML-RPC{#w-xml-rpc}
- XMLHttpRequest{#w-xmlhttprequest}
- XPath{#w-xpath}
- XPointer{#w-xpointer}
- XQuery{#w-xquery}
- XSL{#w-xsl}
- XUL{#w-xul}
- Yahoo! Query Language{#w-yql}
- YAML{#w-yaml}
- Yandex Browser{#w-yandex-browser}
- Year 2000 problem{#w-y2k}
- You aren’t gonna need it{#w-yagni}
- YUI Library{#w-yui}
- Z shell{#w-zsh}
- Zero-based numbering{#w-zero-based-indexing}
- Zero-configuration networking{#w-zeroconf}
- Zip (file format){#w-zip}
- Zombie cookie{#w-zombie-cookie}
- Zone file{#w-zone-file}
The original works, which have been released under a CC BY–SA 3.0 license, have been shortened and edited.
This book uses material from the following articles by Mozilla contributors:
- About MDN Web Docs{#m-mdn}
- Abstraction{#m-abstraction}
- Accept-CH{#m-accept-ch}
- ALPN{#m-alpn}
- Application Context{#m-application-context}
- Arrow function expressions{#m-arrow-function}
- Blob{#m-blob}
- Block{#m-block}
- Bounding Box{#m-bounding-box}
- Browsing context{#m-browsing-context}
- Buffer{#m-buffer}
- Call stack{#m-call-stack}
- Canvas{#m-canvas}
- Channel Messaging API{#m-channel-messaging}
- Client hints{#m-client-hints}
- Code splitting{#m-code-splitting}
- Continuous Media{#m-continuous-media}
- Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP){#m-corp}
- Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy{#m-coep}
- CSS Logical Properties and Values{#m-logical-properties}
- CSS Object Model (CSSOM){#m-cssom}
- CSS preprocessor{#m-css-preprocessor}
- CSS Scroll Snap{#m-scroll-snap}
- CSS selectors{#m-selector}
- Custom properties: CSS variables{#m-custom-property}
- Destructuring assignment{#m-destructuring}
- Document directive{#m-document-directive}
- DOM onevent handlers{#m-event-handler}
- Domain sharding{#m-domain-sharding}
- Dynamic typing{#m-dynamic-typing}
- Effective connection type{#m-ect}
- Empty element{#m-void-element}
- Exception{#m-exception}
- Falsy{#m-falsy}
- Fetch API{#m-fetch-api}
- First contentful paint{#m-fcp}
- First CPU idle{#m-first-cpu-idle}
- First input delay{#m-fid}
- First Meaningful Paint{#m-fmp}
- First paint{#m-first-paint}
- First-class Function{#m-first-class-function}
- Flex{#m-flex}
- Flexbox{#m-flexbox}
- font-display{#m-font-display-timeline}
- Function{#m-function}
- function{#m-generator-function}
- Global object{#m-global-object}
- Global scope{#m-global-scope}
- Global variable{#m-global-variable}
- Graceful degradation{#m-graceful-degradation}
- Grid{#m-grid}
- Grid Tracks{#m-grid-track}
- Hoisting{#m-hoisting}
- Houdini{#m-houdini}
- HTTP request methods{#m-http-method}
- IIFE{#m-iife}
- Inheritance and the prototype chain{#m-prototype}
- Intersection Observer API{#m-intersection-observer}
- Intrinsic Size{#m-intrinsic-size}
- Jank{#m-jank}
- Local scope{#m-local-scope}
- Long Tasks API{#m-long-task}
- Main thread{#m-main-thread}
- Mobile First{#m-mobile-first}
- Null{#m-null}
- Number{#m-number}
- Origin{#m-origin}
- Page load time{#m-load-time}
- Page prediction{#m-page-prediction}
- prerender{#m-prerendering}
- Promise{#m-promise}
- Pseudo-class{#m-pseudo-class}
- Pseudo-element{#m-pseudo-element}
- Pseudocode{#m-pseudocode}
- Quirks Mode and Standards Mode{#m-quirks-mode-strict-mode}
- ReferenceError{#m-reference-error}
- Reflow{#m-reflow}
- Replaced element{#m-replaced-element}
- Request header{#m-request-header}
- Response header{#m-response-header}
- Responsive design{#m-breakpoint}
- REST{#m-rest}
- Routers{#m-router}
- Scrollport{#m-scrollport}
- Secure contexts{#m-secure-context}
- Shadow tree{#m-shadow-tree}
- SharedWorker{#m-shared-worker}
- Shorthand properties{#m-shorthand}
- Snap positions{#m-snap-position}
- Speed index{#m-speed-index}
- Spread syntax{#m-spread}
- Strict mode{#m-strict-mode}
- Synchronous{#m-synchronous}
- The stacking context{#m-stacking-context}
- this{#m-this}
- Time to interactive{#m-tti}
- try…catch{#m-try-catch}
- undefined{#m-undefined}
- User-Agent{#m-ua-string}
- Using custom elements{#m-custom-element}
- Vendor Prefix{#m-vendor-prefix}
- Visual formatting model{#m-visual-formatting-model}
- Web fonts{#m-web-font}
- XSLT{#m-xslt}
- yield{#m-yield}
The original works, which have been licensed under CC BY–SA 2.5, have been edited.