Present: Zane Dax, Joyce Robbins, Kevin O'Brien, Heather Turner, Michael Lawrence, Ella Kaye (last 20 minutes)
Joyce willing to do package workshop again
Maybe put list up of tutorials we are willing to offer and ask organizations to get in touch, e.g. R-Ladies groups, could be wider - e.g. coding clubs in school (might need to adapt material), etc.
HT could post Africa Whatsapp group
Joyce has some connections in Nigeria she can follow up. KOB suggests may be better to follow up with people in small countries, e.g. Botswana
Zane can follow up with local uni.
Zane is willing to help with this
Example R-Ladies Remote workshop: (find links to slides)?
R Girls:
PyData NYC and PyData Global (Kevin)
- PyData NYC was last week. Had idea to run R track, but not enough R submissions. Maybe next year.
- PyData Global in December (online). Will be 1-2 days R track. Prototype to build on in future.
- Interest from NUMFocus to collaborate more on R, e.g. including in their events.
Was it deliberate decision to set up LinkedIn group vs LinkedIn page?
No - Ella didn't know about the difference!
A page is easier to share. Can have both.
Starting a book club on Queer Data - will have 2 cohorts (Europe + America)
- 33 people currently registered across the two cohorts
Membership continues to increase, with help from push at useR! and posit::conf.
- Ella will be giving lighting talk at NHS-R conference
Now on bluesky:
Video from posit::conf(2024):
alt text project for R Journal
- Led by Di Cook, working Jonathan Godfrey and HT.
- Have written guide to alt text, written some examples, created Shiny app to assist authors adding alt text.
- Also looking at using AI to create alt text, small cost to run all images from past articles through this. Would be interesting project to improve. Needs disclaimer if AI without review. For now planning to use as first draft for review.
- Work in progress:, also has link to GitHub repo with more work in progress
useR! survey and infoboard
R Dev Days
Forwards Blog
- Post on R Dev Guide by Heather and Saranjeet
Social media
- Bluesky bridging account:, user page:[email protected]
Plans for 2025
- Blog
- Forwards Meetings?
- Forwards Admin?