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Redesign and update disp.
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zoziha committed Nov 9, 2021


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1 parent 38edc33 commit 4bae170
Showing 4 changed files with 593 additions and 477 deletions.
114 changes: 55 additions & 59 deletions doc/specs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ program demo_savetxt
end program demo_savetxt

## `disp` - display your data
## `disp` - display the value of the vairable

### Status

@@ -144,49 +144,45 @@ Impure subroutine.

### Description

Outputs a `logical/integer/real/complex/character/string_type` scalar or `logical/integer/real/complex` and rank-1/rank-2 array to the screen or a file `unit`.

#### More details

call disp( A(i, j, 2, :, 1:10) [, header, unit, brief] ) !! `i, j, ...` can be determined by `do` loop.

For `complex` type, the output format is `*(A25, 1X)`;
For other types, the output format is `*(A12, 1X)`.

To prevent users from accidentally passing large-length arrays to `disp`, causing unnecessary io blockage:
1. If the `brief` argument is not specified, `disp` will print **the brief array content with a length of `10*50` by default**.
2. Specify `brief=.true.`, `disp` will print **the brief array content with a length of `5*5`**;
3. Specify `brief=.false.`, `disp` will print **`all` the contents of the array**.
Outputs a `logical/integer/real/complex/character/string_type` scalar,
or `logical/integer/real/complex/string_type` and rank-1/rank-2 array to the screen or a file `unit`.

### Syntax

`call [[stdlib_io(module):disp(interface)]]([x, header, unit, brief])`
`call [[stdlib_io(module):disp(interface)]]( [x, header, unit, brief, format, width, sep] )`

### Arguments

`x`: Shall be a `logical/integer/real/complex/string_type` scalar or `logical/integer/real/complex` and rank-1/rank-2 array.
- `x`: Shall be a `logical/integer/real/complex/character(len=*)/string_type` scalar or `logical/integer/real/complex/string_type` and rank-1/rank-2 array.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.

`header`: Shall be a `character(len=*)` scalar.
- `header`: Shall be a `character(len=*)` scalar.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.

`unit`: Shall be an `integer` scalar linked to an IO stream.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.
- `unit`: Shall be an `integer` scalar, linked to an IO stream.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.<br>
The default value is `output_unit` from `iso_fortran_env` module.

`brief`: Shall be a `logical` scalar.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.
Controls an abridged version of the `x` object is printed.
- `brief`: Shall be a `logical` scalar, controls an abridged version of the `x` array to be outputed.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.<br>
The default value is `.false.`

### Output
- `format`: Shall be a `character(len=*)` scalar.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.<br>
The default value is `g0.4`.

- `width`: Shall be an `integer` scalar, controls the outputed maximum width (`>=80`).
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.<br>
The default value is `80`.

The result is to print `header` and `x` on the screen (or another output `unit/file`) in this order.
If `x` is a rank-1/rank-2 `array` type, the dimension length information of the `array` will also be outputted.
- `sep`: Shall be a `character(len=*)` scalar, separator.
This argument is `intent(in)` and `optional`.<br>
The default value is "&ensp;&ensp;", two spaces.

If `disp` is not passed any arguments, a blank line is printed.
### Output

If the `x` is present and of `real/complex` type, the data will retain four significant decimal places, like `(g0.4)`.
The result is to print `header` and `x` on the screen (or another output `unit/file`) in this order.<br>
If `disp` is not passed any arguments, a blank line will be printed.

### Example

@@ -195,66 +191,66 @@ program test_io_disp
use stdlib_io, only: disp
real(8) :: r(2, 3)
real :: r(2, 3)
complex :: c(2, 3), c_3d(2, 100, 20)
integer :: i(2, 3)
logical :: l(10, 10)
r = 1.; c = 1.; c_3d = 2.; i = 1; l = .true.
r(1, 1) = -1.e-11
r(1, 2) = -1.e10
c(2, 2) = (-1.e10,-1.e10)
c_3d(1,3,1) = (1000, 0.001)
c_3d(1,3,2) = (1.e4, 100.)
call disp('string', header='disp(string):')
call disp('It is a note.')
call disp()
call disp(r, header='disp(r):')
call disp(r(1,:), header='disp(r(1,:))')
call disp(r(1,:), header='disp(r(1,:))', format="f6.2")
call disp(c, header='disp(c):')
call disp(i, header='disp(i):')
call disp(i, header='disp(i):', sep=",")
call disp(l, header='disp(l):', brief=.true.)
call disp(c_3d(:,:,3), header='disp(c_3d(:,:,3)):', brief=.true.)
call disp(c_3d(:,3,1:10), header='disp(c_3d(:,3,1:10)):', width=100)
call disp(c_3d(2,:,:), header='disp(c_3d(2,:,:)):', brief=.true.)
end program test_io_disp
It is a note.
It is a note.
[matrix size: 2×3]
-0.1000E-10 -0.1000E+11 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000
[vector size: 3]
-0.1000E-10 -0.1000E+11 1.000
1.00 1.00 1.00
[matrix size: 2×3]
(1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000)
(1.000,0.000) (-0.1000E+11,-0.1000E+11) (1.000,0.000)
(1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000)
(1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000) (1.000,0.000)
[matrix size: 2×3]
1 1 1
1 1 1
1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,
[matrix size: 10×10]
T T T ... T
T T T ... T
T T T ... T
: : : : :
T T T ... T
T T T .. T
T T T .. T
T T T .. T
: : : : :
T T T .. T
[matrix size: 2×100]
(2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) ... (2.000,0.000)
(2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) ... (2.000,0.000)
[matrix size: 2×10]
(1000.,0.1000E-2) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) &
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[matrix size: 100×20]
(2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) ... (2.000,0.000)
(2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) ... (2.000,0.000)
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: : : : :
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: : : : :
(2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) (2.000,0.000) .. (2.000,0.000)
45 changes: 22 additions & 23 deletions src/stdlib_io.fypp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,32 +34,31 @@ module stdlib_io
!> Display a scalar, vector or matrix.
!> ([Specification](../page/specs/stdlib_io.html#disp-display-your-data))
#! Displays a scalar or array value nicely
interface disp
#:set DISP_RANKS = range(0, 3)
#:for k1, t1 in DISP_KINDS_TYPES
#:for rank in DISP_RANKS
module subroutine disp_${rank}$_${t1[0]}$${k1}$(x, header, unit, brief)
${t1}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(rank)}$
module subroutine disp_char(x, header, unit, brief, format, width, sep)
character(*), intent(in), optional :: x
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: header
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: brief
end subroutine disp_${rank}$_${t1[0]}$${k1}$
module subroutine disp_character(x, header, unit, brief)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: x
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: brief
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format
integer, intent(in), optional :: width
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep
end subroutine disp_char
#:for r1 in range(0, 3)
#:for k1, t1 in ALL_KINDS_TYPES
module subroutine disp_${r1}$_${t1[0]}$${k1}$(x, header, unit, brief, format, width, sep)
${t1}$, intent(in) :: x${ranksuffix(r1)}$
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: header
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: brief
end subroutine disp_character
module subroutine disp_string_type(x, header, unit, brief)
type(string_type), intent(in) :: x
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: header
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: brief
end subroutine disp_string_type
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: brief
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: format
integer, intent(in), optional :: width
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: sep
end subroutine disp_${r1}$_${t1[0]}$${k1}$
end interface disp

interface loadtxt

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