Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but, return {
cmd = "FzfLua",
keys = {
{ "<leader>pf", vim.cmd.FzfLua("files"), desc = "Search for file" },
} but this does (no error and lazy loaded) ...
{ "<leader>pf", vim.cmd.FzfLua, desc = "Search for file" },
... Wrapping the first one inside a function does work too EDIT: I guess the first one is evaluated and the second one is just the function's address but is there a way to avoid wrapping everything inside a function? keys = {
{ "<leader>p<esc>", "<nop>" },
{ "<leader>pD", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("lsp_workspace_diagnostics") end, desc = "Search for workspace diagnostics" },
{ "<leader>pd", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("lsp_document_diagnostics") end, desc = "Search file diagnostics" },
{ "<leader>pf", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("files") end, desc = "Search for file" },
{ "<leader>pg", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("live_grep_glob") end, desc = "Search for string" },
{ "<leader>ph", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("help_tags") end, desc = "Search for help documentation" },
{ "<leader>pH", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("highlights") end, desc = "Search for highlight groups" },
{ "<leader>pk", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("keymaps") end, desc = "Search for keymaps" },
{ "<leader>pp", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("resume") end, desc = "Resume last FzfLua search" },
{ "<leader>pr", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("lsp_references") end, desc = "Search for symbol references" },
{ "<leader>ps", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("lsp_document_symbols") end, desc = "Search for file symbols" },
{ "<leader>pS", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("lsp_workspace_symbols") end, desc = "Search for workspace symbols" },
{ "<leader>pb", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("buffers") end, desc = "Search for buffers" },
{ "<leader>pq", function() vim.cmd.FzfLua("oldfiles") end, desc = "Search recently opened files" },
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Oct 29, 2024
Replies: 1 comment
Nevermind didn't realize this was just how setting keymaps in general works... |
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Nevermind didn't realize this was just how setting keymaps in general works...