All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- BuildConstructionPlan: always create valid construction plan (55376f8)
- constructionPlan: changed exceptions to warnings (e6c4542)
- constructionPlan: do not require non-empty areas for dynamicSubmodules + refactor names (af34a92)
- defaultLoader: corrected naming for registerModule hook, added correct exception tests for warn (254b860)
- defaultLoader: corrected use to be use function for the helper function (d1f2a8c)
- defaults: missing argument 4 areaHtml (cf855a0)
- render: changed exceptions to warnings (c7230c8)
- Render: Error messages (697aca6)
- renderer: throw exception when template not found (e940ff5)
- wpStarter: register renamed to correct: registerModule (8c329e0)
- buildConstructionPlan: added initModuleConfig filter (09717f9)
- buildConstructionPlan: added modifyModuleData filters (369ba9b)
- buildConstructionPlan: added parentData overwrite (c3e5a46)
- ComponentManager: added isRegistered (47a1c35)
- ComponentManager: pass name as second parameter for component-specific registerComponent actio (b7def8d)
- composer: add composer installers and type wordpress plugin (406fb71)
- composer: add composer package info (b7f0707)
- composer: autoload flynt-core-plugin.php (c9ff920)
- constructionPlan: added default path for config + adjusted tests, refactored getTemplateDirect (5da250d)
- constructionPlan: added filter hook for fromConfigFile loading, added additional checks for co (100b5bc)
- constructionPlan: added load from config file (json) (a08b028)
- constructionPlan: apply WPStarter/dynamicSubmodules filter (1368641)
- constructionPlan: nested dynamic submodules (c30fa87)
- ConstructionPlan: added first tests and basic functionality for single module config (1995b79)
- defaultLoader: moved default functionality for config file loading and rendering to its own cl (51f9ff8)
- defaults: added getModulesDirectory method for default modules path (37af61d)
- helpers: add extractNestedDataFromArray helper function (021dbe7)
- helpers: extract data helper now also works with objects (74d575a)
- helpers: extractData - added ability to use array further down the param line (966cd77)
- moduleManager: added ModuleManager Class, refactored WPStarter Class into global namespaced fu (23ba863)
- render: added correct params to renderModule filters and refactored class + tests (4b07a64)
- render: use null as default arg in renderModule filter (3e80add)
- renderer: add basic render functionality for single and nested modules (b8003f7)
- renderer: added renderModule hook (d071f48)
- renderer: added single module render hook (f1edd70)
- wpStarter: added get_template_directory to modulesPath filter and renamed defaultModulesPath t (c37bb88)
- wpStarter: added missing getModuleFilePath method (be73b5d)
- wpStarter: added registerModule actions (741a667)
- wpStarter: added registerModule functionality + shortcut methods for public API (98fa7be)
- wpStarter: added registerModules (bec7863)
- wpStarter: registerModule optional argument for path (d234e28)