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The out_http Output plugin writes records via HTTP/HTTPS.

This plugin is introduced since fluentd v1.7.0.

It is included in Fluentd's core.

Example Configuration

<match pattern>
  @type http

  open_timeout 2

    @type json
    flush_interval 10s

Please see the Configuration File article for the basic structure and syntax of the configuration file.

For <buffer>, refer to Buffer Section Configuration.



The value must be http.


type default version
string required 1.7.0

The endpoint for HTTP request. If you want to use HTTPS, use https prefix.

# Use HTTP

# Use HTTPS. You can set additional HTTPS parameters like tls_xxx

The endpoint parameter supports placeholders, so you can embed time, tag and record fields in the endpoint. Placeholders also require the buffer section in order to work. Here is an example:

<buffer tag,key>
  # buffer parameters

See Buffer Section Configurations for more details.


type default available values version
enum post post/put 1.7.0

The method for HTTP request.


type default version
string optional 1.7.0

The proxy for HTTP request.


type default version
string nil 1.7.0

Content-Type for HTTP request. out_http automatically set Content-Type for built-in formatters when this parameter is not specified.

Here is a table:

  • json with json_array false: application/x-ndjson
  • json with json_array true: application/json
  • csv: text/csv
  • tsv, ltsv: text/tab-separated-values
  • msgpack: application/x-msgpack
  • out_file, single_value, stdout, hash: text/plain


type default version
bool false 1.10.4

Using the array format of JSON. This parameter is used and valid only for json format. When json_array as true, Content-Type should be application/json and be able to use JSON data for the HTTP request body.

  • json_array true
  {"key":"value", ...},
  {"key":"value", ...},
  • json_array false
{"key":"value", ...}
{"key":"value", ...}


type default available values version
enum text text/gzip 1.17.1

The option to compress HTTP request body.

<format> Directive

The format of the payload. The default @type is json.

Here is single_value example:

  @type single_value

See formatter article for more detail.


type default version
hash nil 1.7.0

Additional headers for HTTP request.

headers {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}


type default version
hash nil 1.12.1

Additional placeholder based headers for HTTP request. If you want to use tag or record field, use this parameter instead of headers.

headers_from_placeholders {"x-foo-bar":"${$}","x-tag":"app-${tag}"}
<buffer tag,$>
  # buffer parameters...


type default version
integer nil 1.7.0

The connection open timeout in seconds.

See also Ruby document.


type default version
integer nil 1.7.0

The read timeout in seconds.

See also Ruby document.


type default version
integer nil 1.7.0

The TLS timeout in seconds.


type default version
bool false 1.17.0

Try to reuse connections. This will improve performance.


type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The CA certificate path for TLS.


type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The client certificate path for TLS.


type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The client private key path for TLS.


type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The client private key passphrase for TLS.


type default available values version
enum peer peer/none 1.7.0

The verify mode of TLS.


type default available values version
enum TLSv1_2 TLSv1_2/TLSv1_1 1.7.0

The default version of TLS.


type default version
string ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2 1.7.0

The cipher suites configuration of TLS.


type default version
bool true 1.7.0

Raise UnrecoverableError when the response code is not SUCCESS, 1xx/3xx/4xx/5xx. If false, out_http logs error message instead of raising UnrecoverableError.

See also Handling Unrecoverable Errors.


type default version
array of int [503] 1.7.0

The list of retryable response codes. If the response code is included in this list, out_http retries the buffer flush.

<auth> Section

Specifies HTTP authentication.


type default available values version
enum basic basic/aws_sigv4 basic:1.7.0 / aws_sigv4:1.17.0

The method for HTTP authentication.

Parameters for method basic

  method basic
  username fluentd
  password hello
type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The username for basic authentication.

type default version
string nil 1.7.0

The password for basic authentication.

Parameters for method aws_sigv4

Parameters for AWS Signature Version 4.

  method aws_sigv4
  aws_service osis
  aws_region us-east-1
  aws_role_arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole
type default version
string nil 1.17.0

The AWS service to authenticate against.

This parameter is required when you specify aws_sigv4 for method.

type default version
string nil 1.17.0

The AWS region to use when authenticating.

This parameter is required when you specify aws_sigv4 for method.

type default version
string nil 1.17.0

The AWS role ARN to assume when authenticating.

This parameter is optional when you specify aws_sigv4 for method. If you provide it, Fluentd will assume that AWS role and send requests signing from that role. Otherwise, Fluentd will use the credentials found by the credential provider chain as defined in the AWS documentation.

Common Output / Buffer parameters

For common output / buffer parameters, please check the following articles:

The Payload Content

out_http's request body depends on <format> configuration. For example, the default setting generates newline delimited JSON like this:

# \n is added by `add_newline true` parameter in <format>

With @type single_value:

log line1\n
log line2\n
log line3\n
log line4\n


400 Bad request between out_http and in_http

When getting the following error:

#0 got unrecoverable error in primary and no secondary error_class=Fluent::UnrecoverableError error="400 Bad Request 400 Bad Request\n'json' or 'msgpack' parameter is required\n"
#0 bad chunk is moved to /tmp/fluent/backup/worker0/object_3ff8a73edae8/5a71a08ca19b1b343c8dce1b74c9a963.log

Users should specify json format with json_array as true for out_http configuration:

<match **>
  @type http
  endpoint http://some.your.http.endpoint:9811/your-awesome-path
    @type json
  json_array true
    flush_interval 2s

And receiver in_http configuration should be:

  @type http
  port 9811
    @type json

Or specify msgpack format:

<match **>
  @type http
  endpoint http://some.your.http.endpoint:9882/your-awesome-path
    @type msgpack
    flush_interval 2s

And, receiver in_http configuration should be:

  @type http
  port 9882
    @type msgpack
    @type json

But, we recommend to use in/out forward plugin to communicate with two Fluentd instances due to at-most-once and at-least-once semantics for rigidity.

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open article- source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.