Instructions 🛠 preparation 🍱 create folder in root of project called assets add your assets to the assets folder cd into generator run poetry install adapt the, and files to your needs change generator = 'ethflower_generator.generator:stop_mint' to generator = 'ethflower_generator.generator:assemble_svgs' make sure you use the right constants at the top of run poetry run generator profit? 💫 helpers 💪 decrease size of pngs in batch for name in *.png do sips -Z 200 "$name" -o "_thumbnail_${name}" done rename in batch for name in * ✔ do mv "$name" "_thumbnail_${name}" done remove prefix in batch for file in *;do mv $file ${file#BG_} done swap prefix and suffix in batch for file in WHITE_*;do ✔ name=${file#WHITE_} echo mv $file ${name%.png}_WHITE.png done uploading 💾 you cant upload the entire collection at once, split it in half and upload each half